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Family & Relationships - 12 December 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I was asked a question about resturaunts, i mean i am in culinary arts, but this question i did not know so i put ??? Thanxs 4 the 2 pts! And i got reported! I am so tired of this! It is getting me mad! I wanna do something about this! But what???

2006-12-12 14:03:49 · 4 answers · asked by pimp132 2 in Singles & Dating

So I've been dating this guy off and on for about 3 years. Just recently he notified me that he has a 6 month old daughter. And that he got the girl pregnant on one of our "off" periods. The girl is fine with caring for the child and he wants to be with me over her. But is he worth it for me? Should I just forgive and forget even though he has a daughter?

2006-12-12 14:01:36 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

For example.....he went through a period where he quit smoking a few times, and went back.

2 months: Only ate Organic food
2 weeks: Only ate vegan food
For a few weeks: he will only drink beer
Next few weeks: only drinks wine
Started cooking dinner, then always ordered take out
Plays sports......then stops....... etc

What does this say about him? Or is this normal? To go through different phases all the time? I mean, sure we all go through phases at times, but he seems to go through them a lot. And when he gets into something he goes real extreme, then it dies down. ?

2006-12-12 14:00:27 · 9 answers · asked by confusedbrowngirl 2 in Singles & Dating

It's almost pointless to date under age 16... unless you're just looking to learn for mature relationships you will have later in life. Apparently, studies show that people aren't ready to have a real mature relationship until age 16. I believe this to be true. I am 17 years old and I notice that when I date 14 or 15 year olds they always seem to be scared of committing in a relationship. Then when I date 16 and 17 year olds the relationship always seems to last longer and is also a lot more mature. In some cases people are lucky and the commit before age 16, but I believe 16 is the magic age. I know I already asked something like this, but I believe I would ask this time in a different way. Do you agree with what I am saying? Why? Do you have your own opinion? Why do you believe what you believe?

2006-12-12 14:00:21 · 12 answers · asked by Mr. Untouchable 2 in Singles & Dating

Do men that are willing the cheat on their wives make good prospects for a future with "the other woman"? Is any thought given to the wife and children that are being hurt? How does one live with themselves when they knowingly try to break up a marriage?

2006-12-12 14:00:09 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Why is it my guy friends who think i'm hot, want to have sex with me?? My friend heard them and their friends talking about who'd they'd like to sleep with and my friends listed me.
Why do guys always want to be more than friends or friends with benefits instead of just friends with a girl??
Why am I on the top of their list?? I am just a petite gymnast, not some supermodel.

Is this normal for guys to do??
I have a b/f but every guy I know is thinking about being more than friends with me. WHY??

Why is it they only talk about who they think is hot and want to have sex with, when they are with friends, but then when I am alone with any1 of them, they are "normal" and civilized??

2006-12-12 13:59:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok, I asked her out 3 weeks ago and she said yes. Everything was fine till her ex BF found out (she went out with him for a yr till he cheated on her) and all of a sudden he starts telling her how he wants her back. So, a week or so ago she told me that she still has feelings for him, but she likes me too and she honestly is SOO confused. I told her its her decision, not mine because i want to be with her and she knows that. My cuz has been in the same situation as my GF and told me that in her case she broke up with her new BF and they just stayed friends. Until she was ready and realised that she didnt want her ex anymore and just wanted to be with her new BF. I dont know whats going to happen...any advice or experiences? I just want a long and stable relationship wit her and im hoping she decides that shes willing to commit. In her words "like i dont even know what im goin through rite now,i cant make it out exactly,i duno wtf im feeling".."i dunno wtf i want"..sigh.what a situation

2006-12-12 13:59:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I told one of my co-workers that her husband had been cheating on her.. (I know this 4 a fact!)...I KNOW NOW THAT I SHOULD HAVE JUST KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT!...but anyways now i feel akward working there...half of her family works at the same place i do...and I see them giving me weird looks...I was NOT trying to break this family up yet i feel that that is what she thinks...I feel horrible...and I seriously feel like quiting because of this...Im in an akward situation...instead of helping i made thinkgs owrse for myself! HELP!

2006-12-12 13:58:26 · 14 answers · asked by Licha 1 in Friends

i used to know this girl who i really liked, and i mean REALLY. one day i asked her out and she said yes.then one day before a school dance she dumped me and went out with some other guy.then after that i listened to some new music, met some new people, and went out with some new girls. we always e-mailed because if her new boy-freind saw her talking to me, he would freak out. then, a few months later, the school year ended. she never e-mailed me since. do u think she hates me? i need to know!

2006-12-12 13:57:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


What flavor do you like?
Orange: Read: Psalm 12:5
Mint: Read: Proverbs 1:1
Other: Read: The whole Bible

2006-12-12 13:57:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I need a christmas present for my boyfriend, he's your average teenage guy, his nick name is spiderman, he likes video games and other guy stuff, any ideas I need help!!!

2006-12-12 13:56:44 · 7 answers · asked by McAbby 2 in Singles & Dating

And did it work out?

2006-12-12 13:56:09 · 4 answers · asked by Oompa Loompa 2 in Singles & Dating

We have to give it up to you guys all the time, but when the tables are turned and you're not in the mood we still burn. Why should we give all the time and never get it in return? We make ourselves do what you want when we are stressed, overtired, disrespected and lied to, overworked and underpaid with no help from you, you look gross with your beer belly and chicken legs and bad breath and bad manners....is there any down side to being a guy?? (Chauvinists, keep your opinions to yourself and any insults are going to go unnoticed because any nice guys out there will have enough sense in their heads to know this question is obviously not for them)

2006-12-12 13:56:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2006-12-12 13:55:46 · 20 answers · asked by Deepak B 1 in Singles & Dating

Even if you are no longer with your significant other what was so special about this date that you will always have fond memories about it?

2006-12-12 13:55:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i know that t has to be off (well, duh, the wedding ring is closest to the heart) but i don't know if there's a specific way to wear it during the ceremony or not. thanks! ^-^

2006-12-12 13:54:16 · 19 answers · asked by Duelen 4 in Weddings

My boyfriend decided to stop talking to some girl I've never met because she was hitting on him. I was kinda glad because it upset me but I never really talked to him about it, because I didn't want to be the possessive girlfriend that wouldn't let him be friends with girls. He had told her not to talk to him anymore, and now I kinda feel bad for her, but I don't think I should. Should I?

2006-12-12 13:54:07 · 12 answers · asked by obsessivlyinsecure 1 in Singles & Dating

This summer me and my friend Dan (Who knew I used to love him)got really close and he asked me to the movies with him. I thought nothing of it but I realized afterwards what it meant. My cousin Mac and His fiance Cate didn't want me to go with Dan so I went with my cousin, his friend and Dan.During the movie Dan sat down on the first seat so I would have to sit beside him and only him (He told me this after and it was to "bug my cousin") and then during the movie my head went on his shoulder unintentionally. Anyway I went to Dan recently to ask for guy help and Dan told me to tell the guy that I like him by asking him to the movies. But now I want to bring Dan to the movies because I'm going with Mac and Cate but I don't want him to think its a date cuz its not I just haven't seen him in 2months and I miss him. Thanks for the help!

2006-12-12 13:53:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my man just kinda proposed to me on saturday, he gave me a beautiful diamond. he told me to take the ring out of the box and told me it was mine. i asked him, what does the ring symbolize and he laughed, i told him are you proposing, asking me to marry u, he laughed, i took the beautiful ring with pride and put it on my finger, since then he hasn't said anything, but compared my ring with his diamond ring. we have been together for 5 yrs and living together for 5 months.. he is a pakistani man. would that be the problem why he couldn't propose. thanks,

2006-12-12 13:53:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Ok im so jealous over my husband ex girl friend from 12 years ago he never see's, talks or hears about her ok we now live in the house he lived in when they were dating and i always say little stuff like did you do it here or something like that. She was his first so thats maybe why i'm so jealous. she is never minchened until i say something, but his sister's hubands dad raised her so they prombley but he say's they don't keep in touch so i wont let him go over there with the chance's of her calling or being talked about.
I DON'T WANT TO BE THIS WAY how can i stop excpely with our house?

2006-12-12 13:52:46 · 10 answers · asked by babylove 1 in Marriage & Divorce

What is the difference between in love and just loving someone? thxs

2006-12-12 13:52:42 · 3 answers · asked by Daisy 1 in Singles & Dating

Ok im so jealous over my husband ex girl friend from 12 years ago he never see's, talks or hears about her ok we now live in the house he lived in when they were dating and i always say little stuff like did you do it here or something like that. She was his first so thats maybe why i'm so jealous. she is never minchened until i say something, but his sister's hubands dad raised her so they prombley but he say's they don't keep in touch so i wont let him go over there with the chance's of her calling or being talked about.
I DON'T WANT TO BE THIS WAY how can i stop excpely with our house?

2006-12-12 13:52:26 · 6 answers · asked by babylove 1 in Marriage & Divorce

my friend is kinda fat and he puts him down so much and hes too much of a puxxy to ask any1 out because hes too shy and thinks he will never have a chance in hell and is so damm un self confident what should he do?

2006-12-12 13:52:11 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Her mother is a medusa, snakes included. If I marry her how can I be sure she wont turm into her ugly a** mother?

2006-12-12 13:51:47 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Are you board out of your mind?????
i am , and i know ill get reported and deducted points but pleez e-mail me at tfk_chantelle@yahoo.ca i just want to chat about faith, friends, anything

2006-12-12 13:51:45 · 10 answers · asked by butterfly girl 3 in Friends

I broke up with my boyfriend because I thought I liked some other guy. Now I really miss my boyfriend and I really want him back. He knows that I liked the other kid and he likes someone else now. I pratically threw myself at him and he still doesn't want me back. How do i get him back??

I also never see him cause we go to different high schools and he doesnt like talking on the phone so we only text. And I havent texted him in over two days cause I feel like a loser being the one to have to start a conversation with him.

2006-12-12 13:51:14 · 7 answers · asked by walrus 2 in Singles & Dating

this is my opionion but i think a girl can get a boyfriend way eaiser then a boy getting a girlfriend why is that?

2006-12-12 13:50:49 · 24 answers · asked by nick 1 in Singles & Dating

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