Ok I have a question or actually I have an issue that I need advise on. To start out I have been in my first lesbian relationship going on 6 years in January. Last year 2005, in April she left me. She stated the reasoning for this was because she didn’t feel loved and I didn’t show enough affection, she was overwhelmed with school there were multiple reasons given. I am guilty of the affection part. The same day she left she ended up sleeping with her friend of 2 years. To be honest I had suspected that there were feeling involved for a while but dismissed when I tried to address the issue and was told different. She was away for 3 weeks and I was told that she wanted to work things out with me. She moved back into our house however the phone calls, secret meeting with her friend and emails continued for 5 month. When I found in September I left for 2 days then ended up returning to her after all of the “I’m sorry’s” were said. I knew she was sorry and realized what she was doing was wrong. It has been a struggle ever since especially with trust. I don’t trust her when she is out of my sight (I know this is bad) I don’t trust her with her other friend either because I know that the friendship line in the past has been broken. This has put a huge strain on our relationship. Just recently (14months from that time) I found an email (in her email address) that indicated that that flirting might be taking place between her and her other friend. When I brought it up, once again was told that I was making stuff up in my head so again dismissed it. A couple of days later when I tried to get into her email the password had been changed. Now granted I shouldn’t be snooping, and never have until everything happened last year, but we have always had each other’s passwords to our emails addresses. And on occasion check each others emails. This again was another issue to who was hiding what and why was the password changed. In my eyes it indicated that she didn’t want me to see the emails between the 2 and that she might be hiding there talks. Am I just crazy? I have never ever been like this. But the past year I have just been so paranoid that everything is going to fall apart again and I don’t want to get caught off guard like last time. But in the same token I am not giving things a chance……
This past weekend we went out and she drank quite a bit and no matter where we were or what we were doing she was always looking at this same friend. This bothered me but I left it alone. I didn’t want to ruin a good time. The next day I brought it up and yup crazy again……and I only see what I want to see I was told. Now she is telling me that she doesn’t think that things are going to work and I don’t pay attention to her and show affection enough…dais a vu or what? Please help… any advice would be helpful.
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Marriage & Divorce