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Family & Relationships - 24 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

This married man that i had been dating with for like two years now finally got a divorce just to be with me, and me and him both love each other. Finally he had proposed to me, now we are getting ready to get married. My mom knew him when he was married, but she didnt liked da fact that i was with a married man, which was right, but he told me something was wrong with his ex-wife, he;s not happy with her, he even told me that he's kids was the reason why he was with her for ten years now, and finally divorced her to be with me. Now the problem is that my parents dont agree with me, they said that i shouldnt marry him because he might end up doing da same thing to me, i dont see dat happening because me and him are sooooo crazy over each other and we both love each other soooooooo much, so now two more days before the wedding and im still not sure if i should marry him or not, or just still date, or wat because my parents dont agree of him. Whos side should i take and what should I do?

2006-11-24 17:11:52 · 9 answers · asked by simplegurl 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-24 17:11:49 · 9 answers · asked by emilyshhn 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

In High School I asked a guy and he told me no. Last night (I'm out of high school) this guy I know said sure. So if we don't see eachother ofter. It felt like we were being set up. Our friends were making out the whole time. Do you think if we are somewhat friends he would have said yes. Or if he likes me he would have said Yes?
Thanks everyone

2006-11-24 17:10:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'll keep this as short as possible: We meet, hit it off real big. Things go great for a few months. She starts to go distant. Hot and cold for a while. We talk. She says she is always like this. OK, I have heard the, "It's not you, it's me" thing, you know what I assume. But things stay hot and cold. We start getting closer, she starts to push away. Up and down, like a yo yo. I start to push a little, figured it's only a matter of time that the "truth" comes out. We keep talking, she keeps saying the same thing though. I let up some, but the back and forth drives me nuts, just totally plays on every insecurity I ever had, and I back off some, push some. WTF? Finally occurs to me that she really meant what she said, something big and bad in her past. But now I've pushed her further away (not gone, but on a "break"). If I explained this to you, what would you say? I mean, what should I have thought? I have to look out for me, and who hasn't heard that line before?

2006-11-24 17:10:19 · 3 answers · asked by randyken 6 in Singles & Dating

answers from guys

2006-11-24 17:09:47 · 4 answers · asked by .._JaZzY FizZle_.. 1 in Singles & Dating

There is a special ed teacher I work very closely with in my classroom. He's 30, very good looking and soooo nice, I really have a lot of respect for him. We have been friends for a long time and work really well together. Recently I've heard someone asking about his sexuality, whether he was gay or not. The person who is asking is my 48 yr old instructional coach whose who ha is on fire if you know what I mean. I know she was asking becuz she's wondering why he's not taking her up on her flirtations (give me a break!) He's such a respectable guy and it's really hurt me to hear people talking about him that way becuz I know he's very hetero and I know he'd be hurt if he knew. I don't know what to do cuz I've become very protective of him and I'm afraid it may get back to him. What do I do?

2006-11-24 17:09:12 · 11 answers · asked by ooolala 2 in Friends


Okay so i met this guy named Brian and we were talking for awhile. Well i like him but he wont go out with me until we have sex because he wants a girl whose going to do it with him. He continuely says he misses me and whenever he says we are gunna stop talking he comes back and says hes sorry. Says that he misses me and he just wants to see me. Well then i met a guy named Corey and yea, coreys so great too. The only problem with corey is EVERYTIME we text eachother he asks ?'s like next time we hang out if he can see my cat lol or use his finger and yea...i like him but idk who to choose and i dont want to hurt anyone in the process.

2006-11-24 17:08:47 · 8 answers · asked by Hrscrzy4 3 in Singles & Dating

My dad's been ill from cancer for a while. Now he got worse and doctors say that it can be tomorrow, a week later, or a month later at most. I'm in the middle of my semester here swamped by tons of works to do. Should I go back home right now to be with him even though it's quite clear that there's nothing I can do and that I'm going to mess up with most of my classes? Or should I wait? I'm from korea so if I go now, that's going to be it. And I'm a grad student - I really can't afford a failed-semester.......
Even with these practical questiosn in my mind I think I already know the answer - I just want some assuring words that I'm doing the right thing
thanks for reading this. Writing it makes me feel a bit better. happy thanksgiving..

2006-11-24 17:08:17 · 25 answers · asked by DoubleHobbit 1 in Family

I have two situations:

My friend's mom passed away recently from cancer. How should i act around her? I know avoiding her is wrong, but I feel nervous about hurting her feelings when I talk to her.

I have some friends of mine that cut their wrists. Personally, I think it's horribly disgusting for them to do so, but hey...it's their choice, not mine. What should I do/say around them?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

2006-11-24 17:07:31 · 5 answers · asked by Bewitched by Moonlight 1 in Friends

i been dating this guy for over a month, i just found out he just recently divorced. And yes, i like him very much, but he have an unusual personality, sometimes he were so sweet and nice, and sometimes he just dont cared. He told me that he usually tell a girl upfront that hes not looking for a serious relationships at all, he normally dated a girl him a week or so, like going out the 2 to 4 times, that the max. And he did that to me once too, but somehow he changed his minds, and called me back and we on the dated again. He said, I seems like to-willing put an affort in this relationships, and he said, i did win his heart. And he asked me a weird question that, ( what i wanted in relationship?) I tried to avoid his question, cuz everybody should no what people wants in relationship rite, certain you can and cant do rite? I feel like he only wants me when he cant have me, or when he feeling down,dont know. he said to me, he dont trust girl, but he actually trusted me,

2006-11-24 17:06:46 · 6 answers · asked by KaLiSLeEpLeSs 1 in Singles & Dating

there is a girl i realy like i kno her from online i never met her she lives 40 min on the rain from me i wanna go there but havnt got the money no one will help me even if i ask and i dont kno if the girl likes me wht should i do?

2006-11-24 17:05:29 · 9 answers · asked by kjmaruyamaat 1 in Singles & Dating

I mean, phsically, I know you can, it's possible. But legally can one be raped by a husband? Because a friend of mine had this happen to her, and the police said there was nothing her could do because he was her husband? Does this make any sense? What can i do to help her, if anything?

2006-11-24 17:04:43 · 37 answers · asked by Marie 3 in Marriage & Divorce

i want her back bad. i really like her except no she doesn't like me as much because of this incident and her friend is crazy about me. I dunno what to do in this situation. Im scared that if i ask my ex out, she will say no.

2006-11-24 17:04:42 · 6 answers · asked by big e 2 in Singles & Dating

i love someone 6 years older than me. please dont judge me or call me a sicko. maybe it's puppy love.

2006-11-24 17:01:44 · 30 answers · asked by that redheaded chick 2 in Singles & Dating

like if a guy was 18... what type of guy do u prefer

2006-11-24 17:00:45 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

the family refer to you as Aunt/uncle,Are you legally still the Aunt or Uncle to his/her side of the family.The reason Im asking this is my newphew came down and my new hubby said Im not his Aunt legally any more,but I do not feel this way.I have been his Aunt for 20yrs.Why should I stop just because of a divorce.

2006-11-24 17:00:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

OK. My boyfirend and i have been together for more than a year. I love him to death. BUt I'm getting the feeling that he dont find me attractive anymore. The reason why is because sex. We barley have sex. The other day I was on my period and he didnt know so I ended up giving him oral sex and then when he knew i was off my period ive asked him for 3 days now if we could have sex and I always get the same answer..."i'm tired" or "i wanna go to bed I have work in the morning" Thats understanable though. Bu tif he can wake up at 2 am and be horny and me give him oral sex then there should be no problem him pleasureing me at 12am. He pushing me away. I love him but I wanna be closer to him and love on him but he just dont seem to be interested...what should I do?

2006-11-24 17:00:14 · 14 answers · asked by Cha Chi 1 in Singles & Dating

I have this so called friend that I've known for a long time.
She's a good person and everything but she was not there for me when I was going through a very difficult time. She disappeared and didn't contact me until more than a year later.
In the past, she was a supportive friend but sometimes was rude to me and acted like she didn't want to be around me.
Now she's super nice, calls all the time and wants to do things together (basically acting like we are best friends). She is depressed, has low self esteem and her best friend moved away. I've helped her a lot since she contacted me. I want to cut her loose but I don't have lots of close friends either. Any suggestions?

2006-11-24 16:59:39 · 5 answers · asked by lilsuzie888 1 in Friends

Cuz I don't have really any friends.

Just so you know....
I'm 20 y/o straight guy, Junior in College, and I'm very very shy in front of people.

2006-11-24 16:59:03 · 7 answers · asked by Wocka wocka 6 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-24 16:59:03 · 15 answers · asked by cge1222 1 in Singles & Dating

My best friend got taken away from her family. Her stepdad is crazy and my friend is home schooled. Her step dad did NOT WANT HER TO BE HOMESCHOOLED!!! Her dad also HATES HER OLDER BROTHER. So he called Difus. He told them that Her brother was sexually mallesting her younger sister. He thought that all they would do was take her brother to jail and they wouldn't let her be home schooled anymore. His plan back fired and they took the her and her little sister to foster care. Her mom used to have a mental problem but by the grace of God, she was healed. But the court held that against her. They treated her mom like she was crazy and her step dad like he was a god. Now she is back in the WORST SCHOOL IN THE STATE and even if she gets to go back home, she's not gonna be home schooled. Her mom said that when and if she gets her back, they were gonna move to another state!!! I'll probably never get to see her again. Please help me deal with this situation and also please pray for her.

2006-11-24 16:58:22 · 5 answers · asked by baldjacket 1 in Friends

2006-11-24 16:57:53 · 18 answers · asked by heyyy123456789 2 in Friends

Say the girl is living in an urban area in India - but not a metropolis. She is estranged from her family and circumstances made her move in with a man who got her pregnant. He has no intention of marrying her. What must she do?

2006-11-24 16:57:34 · 8 answers · asked by Aanchal G 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I've been seeing my best friend's ex-girlfriend for a while now, and I think our relationship may be going towards another level. The part that I'm confused about is not the fact that she's my best friend's ex, because he cheated on her with the girl he's with right now, and he's okay with me seeing her, not that it matters. It's that I can't seem to figure out how to go to the next step, since she's pretty shy, and so am I. I've been on a few dates with her, they all went really well, but I just don't know whether she still considers me as the good friend I've always been, or something more. I sense that it may be something more, but I still don't want to go screw everything up by telling her that I have feelings for her, if she doesn't have any for me. What to do?

2006-11-24 16:56:30 · 4 answers · asked by Paul K 1 in Singles & Dating

My wife has not said I love you in over a year. After breaking my heart, hers was broken over a internet love affair. She says she is sorry and is trying to make our marriage work, but we don't talk & she will not say I love you to me. It also not in her eyes the way it use to be. With out those 3 little words, i don't think we will make it. I still need to know why the was willing to throw a good thirty year marriage away for somebody on the net. If her heart was broken as bad as mine than she is probably still hurting like me.What should I do?

2006-11-24 16:56:17 · 12 answers · asked by Rodney 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Okay, so I dated this one guy and he wanted me just for sex, so we broke up & he didnt get any. Now I am seeing someone else, he's not my boyfriend & they don't know each other, but anyways, he also just wants me for sex & tells me how sexy I am however he refuses to kiss me. Honestly I feel like giving up on love because I feel unworthy. I need some advice on how to allow a guy to love me for me and not lust after my curvy hourglass figure. My nose isn't big or anything, I look fine, it's just that I can't seem to get a guy to love me, besides for my body.

2006-11-24 16:55:49 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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