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Family & Relationships - 23 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

what can i do to get his attention?please tell me i need help!

2006-11-23 15:09:05 · 8 answers · asked by becka!! 2 in Friends

we are friends i sit across from her is science and homeroom

im 11

what are the signs that she likes me if she does

2006-11-23 15:08:03 · 14 answers · asked by Crazed_Wrestler 2 in Singles & Dating

i need help on finding out if this girl likes me. She likes to poke me in the tummy, take my water bottle to play keep away, and things like that. im 17 and in the 12th grade and she is 14 and in the 9th grade. She likes to talk to me but I am not shure if she lies me.She is not the average girl, she has a lot of energy likes to play around and loves to hang out with people. The only problem i have found so far is that when I told her that I asked this girl out and she rejected me I then asked her what would she have said if I asked her out, and she said that she isnt into guys that she learned from her moms mistakes.

2006-11-23 15:07:39 · 7 answers · asked by Chaos_angel0 4 in Friends

How do i know if my crush likes me? He told my friend that he wants to talk to me but he hasn't said anything to me at all. Should I talk to him first or wait until he talks to me????

2006-11-23 15:07:25 · 9 answers · asked by Camille 1 in Singles & Dating

She was outside on our picnic bench and i woke up hearing it actually... I was so upset to see that it was two black men and a white guy all with her at the same time filling every hole!!! We were together for 5 years!!!! How could this happen.. We had a child and I thought it was so great... Can this ever work out or should I move on she said she only loves me and never again will she do this...

2006-11-23 15:07:14 · 39 answers · asked by WanttobeaGiAgain 1 in Marriage & Divorce


Who do you think is the most beautiful woman (celebrity) on tv? I'm not LESBIAN!! I HATE my brother's girlfreind. She thinks she is the most beautiful girl in the world. SHE SAID THAT!!! I'm trying to prove to her that is not true. HEEELLPP!!!

Don't answer with advice like "You shouldn't do that" or "This is how to handle your problem"

2006-11-23 15:06:32 · 3 answers · asked by Sali 3 in Singles & Dating

Hi everyone,
I'm at a loss of words right now and i need to find something to tell my friend that all this time, I've loved her and that i would so, very much like to be the person she can trust in and believe that everything is gonna be alright.
she has had a rough time with past boyfriends and shes got the bigges heart in the world and she deserves someone who'll love her for her..you know what i mean? well, please email me anything that might be "Those JUST RIGHT words"...whether it be song lyrics, or something that just shows how much i really care for her.

All help appreciated. Thanx

2006-11-23 15:06:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Friends or more?
Friends or more?
I need some help...
Im 14 just incase this info is needed, anyways this guy I met at camp liked me and wanted to go out with me,its been a few months since camp was over I never said goodbye.Ive been talking to him on the IM and now weve been calling each other everyday for like 2 days now and not just once a day several and we talk for like an hour each time.Sometimes its like we have nothing to say,he talks very slowly, I really dont know if thats the way he is or hes bored,Ive sent him pictures and he says Im really Hot and if we lived close together hed ask me out in a second(exact words).
Do you think he likes me?

Additional Details

He wants to call me little after I wake up even though its 5 in the morning


2006-11-23 15:06:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

im 26 and sex has never been a big thing with me ever, before we got hitched he knew this as he was friends with my then bf...anyways, that relationship ended and then WE started going out, he knew i had an ultra low sex drive then, but he claims we did it all the time and I know we didnt!
Now he makes me feel bad or calls me a selfish ***** all the time because I dont have a sex drive...I dont even care to find out why...what should I do?
We have done things in the past to appease his sexual appetite, wrong things...anyways, we have kids and I have even thought about ending this but he is being a dick about that end of things...i dont know what to do, im only 26.

2006-11-23 15:05:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am wanting to give my Mate a good love song that is sad but romantic too. Live the song Lips of an angel by Hinder. I want another song like that but not that song. Can any one Help me?

2006-11-23 15:04:48 · 12 answers · asked by A.C. 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

I thinnk all asian people cant drive. Either they drive 40 MPH over the speed limit or 10 mph under. And dont even get me started on all those stuffed animals in the backseat window. How can i get past this bias????

2006-11-23 15:04:06 · 34 answers · asked by biggybig77 1 in Singles & Dating

Just wondering if anyone in the same boat has experienced any type of discrimination either large or small, or been stared at by people in a not so polite way? If so, what was your response? Thanks all.

2006-11-23 15:03:47 · 7 answers · asked by Your #1 fan 6 in Other - Family & Relationships

there's this guy and he REALLY likes me.
and i mean alot.
hes already asked me out,
but i barely knew him and said we should become friends first.
now were pretty good friends,
and every time i get a message from him,
im scared he'll ask me again.
but the thing is,
i like him back.
but i'm afraid of having a relationship again..
i just hate having my heart broken.
he's a great guy though.
but i dont want to lose him.
and if we went out i know i eventually would.
nothing lasts forever..
what should i do ?

2006-11-23 15:01:07 · 8 answers · asked by rachellllll. 1 in Singles & Dating

how long does a wife put up with no sex from her husband? We have been married for 11 years and it started about five years ago. It is not a medical problem, he has been to the dr. I am lucky to have sex with my husband once every three months. It has been really hard for me to deal with this because I have a strong sex drive. he is not seeing anyone else. please help me decide what I should do! I am in my thirties.

2006-11-23 15:00:12 · 19 answers · asked by giamc 1 in Marriage & Divorce

understand what im sayin?

2006-11-23 14:59:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

If a friends with benefits you started to like, and knew for 2 month, disrespects you over the phone, and after 2 years later, they show up to your door and apologies and begs for your forgiveness, ( With the most sincerest eyes ever.) would you forgive them in due time and want to talk to them later on in life if you see them again?

I would answer myself but I'm not a cynical thinker ^.~

2006-11-23 14:59:15 · 7 answers · asked by tika ukie 2 in Friends

I'm Bipolar and have never had trouble meeting women (as I am a very outgoing person) but when it gets to the point of finding out more about each other and I try to be honest and say that I'm Bi-polar, well what can I say. Things usually go south from there. I'm not a depressive type personality more manic (NOT CRAZY OR VIOLENT) I'm just an active person. Very creative and plenty of energy all the time. I know I tend to wear people out, they get tired and I'm still full of energy but thats just me! The reason I ask is I feel its best to make it known up front as I do take medication for it rather than lie and let it be found out!

2006-11-23 14:58:55 · 8 answers · asked by timdrew 1 in Singles & Dating

ive been w/ ma man 4 months and we dont see eachother cuz of da distance and yea we dont care cuz we love eachother alot but he comes over here once in a while and yea we talk all da time but i think its working out and iu asked him if it wasworking out and he said yea and he saids he loves me alot i love him alot too u think its working out??

2006-11-23 14:58:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-11-23 14:58:23 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm only 5'5". No girl has ever wanted to date me. Even the short girls are looking for a tall guy. I put my ad in online personals and no one wants to date me. All the women are looking for guys who are at least 5'10". Please tell me what to do. The only girls who seem to like me are Asian girls but unfortunately I'm not attracted to them. It sucks.

2006-11-23 14:55:11 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Been with this guy for about two months, never had the whole "are we boyfriend/girlfriend" conversation......we hang out all the time, do everything a couple would do, but how do I know if he considers me his girlfriend or not???? Without just flat out asking of course, I know I could do that!!!!!!! But if he doesnt want a SERIOUS thing, then me asking that could scare him off!!!!!!! totally confused.....HELP HELP

2006-11-23 14:54:19 · 21 answers · asked by Miss MotoX 2 in Singles & Dating

I am not dating them. It's just platonic outings and the guys understood that. But my girlfriends labelled me as a flirt. I mean, what's wrong? it's just a normal outing!

2006-11-23 14:54:09 · 13 answers · asked by Yoo Hoo! 2 in Singles & Dating

I mean....they're really nice and kool but I just havent found the friend for me. Dont get me wrong...I'm not a loser and I have tons of friends that I like...but I cant really explain it because my emotions are all tangled.

I mean....I need a friend that's just like me and I can really talk to and profound too. I guess the reason why I don't like the kids in my classes are because they're all into the "kool" stuff and incrowd. I observed them and they just want to be popular. Is it okay to avoid them if they're not my type of friends?

Ok...that sounded really judgemental and so wrong lol ^_^..grr, I' cant explain it. I jsut want to ahve a friend like me and not into saying ghetto stuff like "dont hate", "fine", "dang" and all that ghetto stuff....I know not all kids at my school are like that but I practially know everyone at school and they just seem....so alike.

But is it okay to avoid them if they're not my type of friends? If this sounds lame or judgemental...

2006-11-23 14:53:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

For a older teen looks have a lot to do with a guy. com'n be honest. at least a little

2006-11-23 14:53:19 · 14 answers · asked by John H 2 in Singles & Dating

Me and this guy are really good friends and i finally asked for his number and he gave it to me. ever since then hes been actin a lil different like opening doors and sittin beside me alot....What are some signs that he likes me so i know if he does or not

2006-11-23 14:53:05 · 12 answers · asked by Lyndz 1 in Singles & Dating

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