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Family & Relationships - 26 October 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

ok i would normally say it doesn't ...i mean its all in how they work it right ...well recently i have had achange of heart...i think it does. i was with this guy and hes rather ... well lets say he well off. and honestly its not like he did anything different...then im use to...he was just so much better?!?!?! is it just me or does it matter and we (women) just say it doesn't to make men feel better?!?!?

2006-10-26 18:14:19 · 17 answers · asked by Snow 1 in Singles & Dating

Why does he do this and whyat does it mean????
my ex broke up with me 8months ago and still trys to contact me when i tell him i dont want contact....why does he do this? does he still have feelings for me and is there a chance that we coud get back together?

i cant have contact with him if he wants it over and i have told him that but he still trys to contact me and says he wants to know if im ok

what does this mean???
he left me and even if i say dont contact me he turns yp a few weeks later just when i start to fell over him

2006-10-26 18:14:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

im a 30 year ols man. I cant seem to get in the mood with my wife. She is so hot and always ready to make love but i just cant get horney does anyone know about any products that will really get me in the mood fast. I m afraid I might loose her if I can't find something quick.

2006-10-26 18:14:06 · 16 answers · asked by jsn_chapa 1 in Marriage & Divorce

well my best friend yasmin is always with me right?anyways when my husband and me kiss or play with our newborn she gets mad at him and dosen't talk to him.and sometimes when our newborns aslepp in her crib and me yassmin and my husband are watching t.v. yassmin waves her butt and him and rubs his legs.i try to kick her out and shes threating me and is hurting my family relationship and she says if i call the police she'll kill my newborn.and she says if i try to kick her out of my life she would beat my baby and me and marry my husband.what should i do?and is she sudiecing my husband?or are the having an affair?

2006-10-26 18:13:52 · 8 answers · asked by ElEgAnTFiShIe 1 in Friends

i mean how he must talk face to face?

2006-10-26 18:13:33 · 9 answers · asked by pintu 1 in Singles & Dating

is it your partner!, a perfect looking celebrity!!!, anyone u know, someone u love/ loved, a crush, someone else?? and explain why if u can. : )

2006-10-26 18:12:29 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Let's see what you got!

2006-10-26 18:10:50 · 12 answers · asked by soul_shattering 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-10-26 18:10:07 · 19 answers · asked by Crazy Love 1 in Singles & Dating

Ever see a friend spanked at home or paddled at school? Did you feel uncomfortable? In thrid grade, my teacher was 200 years old and a big time paddler. If you did anything wrong you got a strike....3 strikes it was out to the hall for 3 swats. My one friend got busted for not doing homework 3 times. The whole class could hear the pops of the paddling and her crying. I felt bad for her.

2006-10-26 18:10:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I have noticed so many women who's husbands left them and their children to be with another women? Why? I can understand divorcing your wife if she cheated, but if she never did and is a good person in general, why leave?

2006-10-26 18:09:34 · 15 answers · asked by faith 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I've found tons of "step family" oriented messages boards, but I'm looking for a message board for custodial mothers to discuss issues regarding their ex-husbands, his new wife, and also how to deal with a new husband, step father, for their own children.

Anybody know of a good one?

2006-10-26 18:08:43 · 2 answers · asked by MommyWommy 2 in Marriage & Divorce

A guy that said he likes me said his 15 then I said his to young for me even though he looks around the same age of me 18-19 he has alot of facial hair then changes to 18 and goes yeah that what me and my cousins say when we meet girls we say where 15 does that make sense

2006-10-26 18:05:33 · 22 answers · asked by Ashanti 3 in Singles & Dating

I heard about a guy who is in love with a married woman with a son. It started as just a friendly relationship but later it turned more serious. The woman is now submerged in the guy. they already had sex several times.

For the physival relation, the guy primarily refused, but the woman forced that "nothing should be obstacle to love."

Interestingly, she now plans to forget about her husband and children for the guy.

Is this adultery or love?

2006-10-26 18:04:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

why is that whether u are a boy or an adult...married or in a relationship...whatnot...
why is that u guys always get attracted porn or any sexual content unlike women?
i want to understand this in a mans point of view
please...serious answers please...

2006-10-26 18:04:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-10-26 18:03:52 · 9 answers · asked by blablablabla 2 in Friends

I know why a woman would leave a man, usually due to feeling unfullfilled and lonely, but why would a man divorce his wife?
I have always wondered this, I can't help but think, wow, after sharing so much of personal history and secret personal things that could be almost embarrising if someone knew, why leave?

2006-10-26 18:03:09 · 16 answers · asked by faith 2 in Marriage & Divorce

How woud you react if someone you've been seeing for 6 months on and off asked you if you would want to do some stuff with him on webcam so that he could also get to see some stuff on webcam from people? He said that's if the occasion arises but I think since he asked me, that he did have a offer.

2006-10-26 18:02:54 · 17 answers · asked by hearts99992000 5 in Singles & Dating

What are the details of that "spanking you'll never forget". Once I punched my brother in the face and gave him a bad bloody nose. Before I knew it, I was over my mother's lap getting my bare behind spanked good. That spanking went on and on.

2006-10-26 18:02:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I had to ask....

And answers this...

WHY are most men so silent during sex? Is it an ego thing?


2006-10-26 18:00:41 · 15 answers · asked by eurazianbeauty 2 in Singles & Dating

how to sex with wife?

2006-10-26 18:00:36 · 13 answers · asked by param 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My wife told me she was leaving me 6 weeks ago. She is still living in the house and says she can not afford to leave yet. She conciders us seperated. We have a 3 year old. I am trying to save the marriage. I am going to a marriage therapist. She refuses to go. She has told me she is heavly leaning twoard devorce. I think we could have a great marriage again if we work at it together.

Is it wrong of her to stay at the house if she told me she is leaving? She has family in the area that she could go to. I don't want us to seperate or divorce. I do not understand why she will not try therapy. Her family even supports us trying therapy.

2006-10-26 18:00:20 · 13 answers · asked by Left Alone 1 in Marriage & Divorce

So , she would have to live with one for a time of the year, and with the other , another time. Is it possible?

2006-10-26 18:00:14 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Lately it has been hell with my relationship. He stays out til 4-5am 3-4x's a week lately. According to him all of his buddies miss him and he's just hanging out. He's like the#1 barber in our city and he does literally have thousands of friends, I have witnessed SOME of the times where they have asked him to go out. He takes care of my two sons which arent his, as if they were his own and he has a daughter which I love and she loves me to death, he pays his portion of the bills and makes up for my half lots of times when I dont have it, and wiil do anything I ask. I love him with all my heart but to me it seems like he's putting my wishes on the backburner so he can hang out or be with another woman he always has his phone on vibrate, to me that means you dont want me to hear who is calling.He says he really enjoys hanging out and will not stop doing so for me. I did not ask him to stop i just said stop coming in so late. is that so much 2 ask 4 or am i being a *****. HELP ME!!!!

2006-10-26 17:58:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I asked a friend out just because I was tired of the dating scene and wanted to have fun being me, although I think now, it's not as entirely platonic as when I first asked him on my part. Should I pursue him or leave it be?

2006-10-26 17:58:39 · 13 answers · asked by iambic_chatterbox 4 in Singles & Dating

Would you consider dating someone that was 20 or 30 years older than you....explain why or why not

2006-10-26 17:58:30 · 24 answers · asked by Amy N 4 in Singles & Dating

Say you're in a long term relationship and so far you have the higher sallary. One day your girlfriend comes home and says that she got a job that she applyed for doing the same job as you in the same building and making the same amount of money.

How would you feel?

2006-10-26 17:58:22 · 9 answers · asked by ciaotutti1027 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-10-26 17:58:15 · 15 answers · asked by lildeezy37 1 in Singles & Dating

My friend, a guy, and I have been spending time exclusively with each other for the past three years. We go to basketball games, the movies, and shoot pool. Our times together aren't really "dates" I guess, we just enjoy each other's company. We always have great conversations on the phone and get along wonderfully. He doesn't go out with or date anyone else. I told him a year ago my feelings for him, but he said he didn't have those same feelings. This is fine, but he hasn't dated others only me. I love being his friend and the times we share, but am I crazy to think he's not interested at all? Help!!

2006-10-26 17:56:58 · 8 answers · asked by Dianna S 2 in Singles & Dating

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