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Family & Relationships - 27 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

there is this boy at skool and hes nice and all and nice to talk to and stuff and he likes me right well he gets picked on a lot ok and i feel bad 4 him. well he asked me out and i said no but he got like really upset and i feel bad that i broke his heart, well any ways idk what to say i scared if i go out with him i will get picked on and also i just dont know what to do can anyone help me?

2006-09-27 11:27:37 · 10 answers · asked by mercedes s 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Well I have basically known one of my best friends for over 2 years. And we have gotten along so much that we are like sisters. But she is the type that is snobby and stuck up. And lots of people don't like her all to much. And I'm the type who gets along with everyone and has lots of friends. So my friends were talking about her behind her back. And its really hard to keep up with my best friend and my other friends. Since they don't get along very good. So I'm quite confused on what I should do about this problem. Should I just give up one of my best friends, or just continue to try to balance everything out. Or is there some other solution to this.

2006-09-27 11:27:26 · 13 answers · asked by Sammy 2 in Friends

This online dating stuff...I've tried talking with women online, but they never actually want to date or simply hang out. How do I let them know that I'm not some creep looking for a score? Really, all I want are new friends to hang out with. I've tried people on myspace.com but with no luck. You can check out my page it's www.myspace.com/rayz_place. Let me know if I come off in a negative way.

2006-09-27 11:27:06 · 8 answers · asked by Ray 1 in Singles & Dating

Ever since I was little I wanted to know my real dad but I can't find him.Here is what i know: He went to Cass High School with my mother and graduated in 1989 or 1990.He played drums and tennis I think.His full name is Marcus Lewis Freeman probably goes by Mark.He lived in Cartersville and might still.My moms old name was becky scott so if that name rings a bell then you should know him.He probably has dark hair and eyes and is tall.If you know where I can reach my dad please help.His daughter wants to know where she came from.

2006-09-27 11:26:59 · 3 answers · asked by Jordan H 1 in Family

i hv been through some tough relationships and one of my hardest was when i had a big group of friends and i went out with one of the guys in it after we broke up the whole group split and i lost alot of really good friends i could not stand it cuz all of us us to go to the movies etc. and now we don't even tlk anymore well i am in the same situation but with a different group and this time it is more people and i am scared that might happen to me again and i really hated that i am not sure if i should just go out wit him if he ask me out wit he told my friend he was going to ask me out or just not flirt and stay friends plz help me this is really importan!!!

2006-09-27 11:26:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

hey this kid in my math class is always looking at me.and he asked me wut sports i do.i said dance.and he said "only dance?"and i said "yup!"and i said "wut bout u?"and he said "football"and sumthin else i forgot.and then he always wants to use my pencil even wen he has a pencil.and i said to him today "dont u have a pencil?"and he said "yea.i like ur pencil better!"and i said "ohhh cool"do u think he likes me??i really like him!do u think he does?????please help!

2006-09-27 11:26:15 · 22 answers · asked by babygirl 1 in Singles & Dating

this girl at my school keeps on spreading dirty nasty rumors about me...the funny part is i don't even know her never sat down to have a conversation with this girl at all, so why is she doing this?...she is going around school telling guys to not talk to me because i'm a $lut...i've had 2 girls and 1 guy walk up to me to tell me this on 3 different occasions...now i'm about sick of this. i was so mad yesturday i couldn't even concentrait on my work...she is making up lies on me and i'm tired of it...could someone please tell me the best way to confront this girl...cause i do not want this to come to blows...so could you please give me some advice on how to handle this situation

2006-09-27 11:26:15 · 16 answers · asked by keliyah_songz 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

looks or anything? whats attractive to you to wanna talk to them?

2006-09-27 11:26:03 · 9 answers · asked by teresachiqita_25 1 in Singles & Dating

I know there's a few of them, but I'm looking for some serious input and responses.

If my husband and were to divorce, can he legally keep me in the same city if I get custody of the kids?

If we declare bankruptsy now, and we end up divorces what happens?

I know I would be rewarded some of his retirement, is that cash money I would get or does it have to go into another retirement account?

2006-09-27 11:25:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am a 33 year old father, and just started using Yahoo answers. So far I have been contacted via Yahoo message board twice by people wanting to talk. I have a practice of asking people I don't know, their age. Both contacts were minors, in which I ended the conversations---politely. With all the hype of child predators this concerns me. I have been more diligent on observing my child when they are on the computer. Being a single father this is tough but keeping up to date on what your children do is not only a job but an obligation.

2006-09-27 11:25:31 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

He stares at me soumtimes and we are in 1 class together and his locker is close to mine does he like me

2006-09-27 11:25:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok heres the scoop, my best friend likes the same boy that I like, but she doesn't know that I like him. She always hangs around with me when he's around, and it makes me sad because I like him, and I want alone time with him. I'm not sure if he likes me or not, his friend says he wants to take me to this party, but he's too shy to ask. I'm not sure what to do. I want to be more than friends with him, but I'm not sure how to get his attention. Anybody have any advice? If so you can IM me or answer:) THANKS

2006-09-27 11:25:11 · 4 answers · asked by dollerstorelover 2 in Singles & Dating

i always get realy turned on when a girl looks at my penis. its like the longer she looks at it the harder i get. it turns me on to know that that a girl is checking out what ive got. is this normal?
also dont think that i could turn into a flasher cause im not

2006-09-27 11:24:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

This boy i like didn't notice me til a while ago and he going to say he could get me if he wan't to me cause i'm a skank and started laughing. Was it better when he didn't notice me?

2006-09-27 11:24:56 · 2 answers · asked by Lady E 2 in Friends

Look for more info or more lies? When asked indirectly, the denail remained. This is an otherwise good, solid marriage.

2006-09-27 11:24:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I really wanna ask out the guy that I like and I am super nervous that he will say no.. what should I do to overcome being nervous..?

2006-09-27 11:24:20 · 3 answers · asked by Wonko 2 in Singles & Dating

man, I feel so badly for not kncoking, how can I make it up to her?

2006-09-27 11:24:16 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Just for the women, is it just me or does the majority of guys on this site fall helplessly for the sexual innuendo's in some questions asked?.......get some back bone guys, seems like anything gives you a rise so to speak.

2006-09-27 11:23:39 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have a crush at work with a female coworker. I have a feeling that she may be interested but I can never get her alone to talk to her. Whenever I'm around her I get nervous and tongue-tied. How can I approach her and let her know I'm interested in her?

2006-09-27 11:23:32 · 3 answers · asked by T.J 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-09-27 11:22:26 · 12 answers · asked by Dr shiznet 2 in Singles & Dating

After 9 years of an apparent happy marriage I came home and found my husband in front of the computer, he was surprised by my early arrival from work. I asked what was wrong he got kind of defensive, I found out later he was on this hard core porn websites, and this literally broke my heart. The primary reason I married him was because he didn't seem like the other men I met, but yet for me this is a form cheating and I am filing for divorce, I am not ugly at all, have a body that can compete with models and I seemed to satisfy him enough, and yet this terrible surprise wakened me up to a totally stranger man, I am totally heart broken and know for sure I cannot trust him anymore..

2006-09-27 11:22:23 · 24 answers · asked by silver wings 4 in Marriage & Divorce

she really loves me but I dont feel the same way and I want to be nice about it

2006-09-27 11:22:15 · 10 answers · asked by gia 2 in Singles & Dating

Some general topics of conversation for a girl and a guy. ~20 years old, known each other for ~3 years. Trying to start a relationship.

2006-09-27 11:21:33 · 3 answers · asked by michellinie 2 in Singles & Dating

My mother went to her homeland last week for the first time in 26 years since she was diagnosed with a mental illness. She has made a dramatic recovery since then which has taken years of patience, and she has never wanted to go back to her homeland because of bad memories. I spoke to her today (from abroad) and she sounded agitated and her speech was slured just as it was when she had her mental illness. I am supposed to pick my mother and father from the airport on Sunday morning and have a party to go to on Saturday night. Asked the girlfriend if we could leave just a little earlier from the party (i'd rather not go all together - as i'm concerned for my mothers safe return) and an argument brewed. She was more concerned for the party and "looking silly leaving earlier than everyone else". I can't believe that at a time like this she wont cut me any slack. What are your thoughts on this matter? Am I wrong to react like this? - I am genuinely worried about my mum.

2006-09-27 11:21:23 · 12 answers · asked by Charlie Brigante 4 in Family

What do guys look for in a girl? be honest! even if it's something like bigboobs. lol
If a girl is unattractive but has a great personality would u be intrested?

2006-09-27 11:20:05 · 24 answers · asked by CherryCherry 5 in Singles & Dating

My ex-wife has remarried to a Navy guy. She is attempting to move to Mississippi with him without my permission. Can she do so without a judges ruling? If so, specifically what statute says that and where can I fing it written?

2006-09-27 11:20:00 · 7 answers · asked by mmsvt66 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My husband will be 39 next week..and i don't know if he is going through a midlife crisis.., he left us (our kids and I) and is living with another woman who is 26 years old..wlll this ever end?

2006-09-27 11:19:33 · 9 answers · asked by So Fly 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i got three kids by a man i been wit since 1998 and we're not married sex is great but not like i want it or when we live together i love him i work cook clean i do everything for him but work for him and cant do what i want or go where i want please help me im a sex addict and been wit one of the guys for seven months what to do

2006-09-27 11:19:18 · 16 answers · asked by jersey gurl 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Tell me what you think off me?

2006-09-27 11:19:01 · 13 answers · asked by John 1 in Singles & Dating

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