You shouldnt care what people say, its your life do whatever you want. If you really like this boy back, then by all means go out with him. Do whatever makes you happy, regardless of what other people say. They can talk all they want.
2006-09-27 11:30:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Always say what you have to say with kindness. Their response is not your problem. All that means is, you cannot control how people feel. Don't be manipulated by him being upset. If he tells you that YOU made him feel a certain way. Tell him that you are sorry that he feels that way, and that you are also sorry that he THINKs that you have the power to control how HE feels. We all have to deal with things in this life. That's why decisions are so important. When you make a decision, stick with it and don't let OTHER PEOPLE control you by their emotions or their emotional outburst. You are learning a life-long lesson about standing firm for what you believe. Even if it is just about going out with this boy, be nice but hold firm to your "No."
2006-09-27 18:50:59
answer #2
answered by jesusisthe1foryou 2
These situations are dicey. My best advice is to stand firm. If it see that your feelings hurt him. Make him understand that it's not him personally but the fact you aren't attracted to him. If you this with lots of compliments it won't be nearly as bad. As far a breaking a young boys heart. It's something that sucks and well you can't do much for that besides the fact of understanding. It would be wrong to to go out with the boy out of pure sympathy. In these situations you must stick with what's not only right for you but what is also right universally.
2006-09-27 18:36:20
answer #3
answered by Will Gotham 2
basically if you like the kid back then just say yes, don't worry about what anybody else thinks. However if you don't like the kid, then don'rt go out with him because of pity. Just tell him you just never really thought of him as anything more than a friend.
2006-09-27 18:31:38
answer #4
answered by Kev32189 3
Listen, you shouldn't worry about what other people think about you or your action. As long as you are doing what you want to do and you are happy. Screw everyone else. So i say go out with that guy.
2006-09-27 18:32:07
answer #5
answered by carebear0404882005 2
Tell him you need someone who doesn't let others pick on him. Be honest, he needs to get a spine and be a man or he will spend his whole life as a coward.
2006-09-27 18:30:14
answer #6
answered by Pantherempress 7
I would go with him regardless what other people think. He will probably remember you when he is much older and remember what you did for him you would make his day if you go with him. Your being just like everyone else if you dont go and stick up for him
2006-09-27 18:34:05
answer #7
answered by sparkles 1
You won't get picked on. I feel really bad for him. WHY does he get picked on? Doesn't he have a mouth?
2006-09-27 18:30:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Umm well just tell him u guys can go out as FRIENDS only or something.....maybe after all u will end up liking him or something.....u never know....
2006-09-27 18:29:56
answer #9
answered by daia750 2
just tell them
2006-09-27 18:28:48
answer #10
answered by why us 3