knock her the f out! good one, bring back the laughs
2006-09-27 22:28:17
answer #1
answered by Frank R 1
Are you kidding? Your wife and the neighbor? Is this an ex-wife? Make what up to her? Who was in the wrong? I would have knocked alright, like knocking someones block off! But if it was your ex-wife, that is a different story! But I still would not make it up to her in any way! By the way, how could you walk in on them, when the door was locked??????
2006-09-27 11:31:31
answer #2
answered by Gerry 7
You state "the door was locked at my house and I walked in."
Pretty tricky stuff you are capable of---wish I could walk through locked doors!
As far as your wife goes.....let her have another romp in the sack with the neighbor guy! It will make up for interrupting things the first time; and that should help make things better.
2006-09-27 11:29:22
answer #3
answered by ? 4
If I understand this right, you walked into your home and caught your wife doing the neighbor, and you feel bad about not knocking? You should not have to knock at home anyway. Make it up to her by sleeping with the neighbors wife.
2006-09-27 11:27:50
answer #4
answered by laedeb 3
You should feel bad for not knocking(that ***** out). That's B.S man. you shouldn't have to make anything up to her. After all, you caught YOUR WIFE screwin the neighbor in YOUR HOUSE. What kinda **** is that. here's some advice. Take you shoe, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it right up her ***. Best of luck. Dave
2006-09-27 11:37:48
answer #5
answered by dave w 1
I really don't think you should have to knock on the door of your own house in order to get in, you probably pay the mortgage. Kick the b*tch out, and don't let her take a thing. Infidelity goes over VERY well in court these days. Don't be sorry, be glad you caught it now rather than 2-10 years from now. Kick her out.
2006-09-27 11:27:37
answer #6
answered by Mandy B 2
How did you manage to walk through that locked door? And can I have your wifes phone number?
2006-09-27 11:34:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Send a bill to your neighbor for services rendered. Give her 10%. She will be happy you directed her towards her true life calling.
2006-09-27 11:32:34
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Honey, I can't stand it anymore, you look like a gender confused peacock going through a mid life crisis...gotta do something about that pic.
2006-09-27 11:54:44
answer #9
answered by sasha 4
You are seriously an idiot. When was the day your mom taught you to knock at your own house. How dumb.
2006-09-27 11:37:33
answer #10
answered by nicksriders 3