FLASH BACK:1 yr ago c was in my clas n sec,i had crush on hr but in front of me som1 propsd hr ,i never got a chance 2 tell her my feelins n morovr i didnt mak a gf jst 4 dat gal.
(let me clarify u dat m handsm n i was quite populr there many gals were crazy bout me) aftr dat both of us went on seprt roads, meanwhile i hrd dat c broke up wid dat guy .
PRESENT:v both r in diff colleges,yday i saw her profile on orkut wid hr snap c was lukin even more btful,all of a sudn i got psychd up n maild her hi n wats up n ......,c rpld me dat c didnt rcognd me(which is impossible) somehow i told her bout me which c alredy knew.Aftrdat v chatd 4 1 hr.in d last msg i askd her if i can catch up wid her sometime n sent her a romantic poem,but c didnt rpld!!!!........ is there ne1 who guide me thru dis n tell me wats goin on in her mind??????
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Singles & Dating