I asked how long it takes to get the half of my ex's 401k, and several people jumped to the conclusion that I don't deserve it. I'd like to set them straight: after 17 years of marriage, during which I always worked, putting my income into a common account to pay bills, he left me for a younger woman. He didn't have the guts to be honest, I didn't find out until afterwards. He kept the house, and all the appliances, I took only what furniture I needed for a small apt. I didn't even bring up the safe, to which I wasn't given the combination, I didn't receive or ask for alimony, and I am positive he began planning, & hiding assets long before he announced his desire for a divorce. Now I am on my own, with no health insurance, no retirement funds, and working even harder, just to stay afloat, while he is out on the town with his girlfriend. If this is how a bloodsucking golddiger lives, it's not all it's cracked up to be!
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Marriage & Divorce