because the opposite sex are bored with the good ones...
2006-09-27 11:59:43
answer #1
answered by yourqueenofall 3
I think this is one of the situations some old philosopher cited when he/she said, "Opposites attract." Also, I think we all have a bit of wannabe bad or misbehavior that was contained by our parents as we grew up and now that we are adults we are intrigued with how the other half lives. Initially it all seems - and is - exciting, but as the weeks and months go by we realize that this isn't us and we start pulling back and that angers the "bad" man/woman who thought they had a good time man/woman but, instead, they have partnered with the mother/father. In order for such a union to endure, the good person has to sell out and become the bad person she/he initially presented themselves as capable of becoming. So, it is a lose/lose situation for the "good" person who went searching for adventure and found the fast lane. These are also the relationships in which Mr. Bad introduces Ms. Good to d-r-u-g-s. The ending can be very tragic. Worse, a child can be brought into the scenario and have to grow up in or at least experience early on the violence and/or neglect that such unions most often feature.
In the movies these relationships are always depicted as exciting but if we stick around for the ending, tragedy ensues. Even Hollywood can't turn the good/bad scenario into a happy ending.
2006-09-27 18:49:41
answer #2
answered by ALWAYS GOTTA KNOW 5
Because the world has become a place where nothing makes sense. I have been asking myself the same question for a while and I have come up with this: there really aren't as many good me out there anymore and the good women are drawn to someone that is totally wrong. We as females want such basic things and feel we are insecure because all of the good men find the most shallow women because of looks. Men don't seem to appreciate the few good women left out there. You can not find a man anywhere decent either. A bar is not the place to meet to many women.
2006-09-27 18:43:40
answer #3
answered by Melisa H 2
Simple, think about all the good men you have ever met.
they were kind, thoughtful, respectful and generous etc. You were good friends were you not? You could talk with him and he understood you.
Now, Did you date him or marry him? No of course not.
you wouldnt want to ruin a friendship by dating or sleeping with him would you? (He was your "GAY" friend) So he went out and found someone else.
Some women just think they want friends, Men want, Well, you know what us men want.
So we settle for the bad women because they give us what we want. (excitement, danger and yes, i'll say it S E X) even though they put us through heck. (i'd like to use another word here, but that would be inappropriate)
Many women take the bad men because they are exciting, unpredictable and mysterious.
It's Sad really that Humans don't find respect and generosity exciting.
2006-09-27 18:49:33
answer #4
answered by smkwtrjck 4
It starts with what attracts us.Sometimes we seek people that are totally the opposite of us because they have certain traits we do not have ,such as being strong-willed and pairing with some-one more easy-going.Interestingly enough, what may seem to make one person a bad mate to one person, someone else may see that as a good quality, obviously some do.
2006-09-27 18:51:07
answer #5
answered by tranquil 1
It is not always easy to judge another person from the outside looking in. Maybe what may seem like a good woman or man or bad woman or man from your view is very different from the person's view that they are involved in.
Case in point, I have a friend that was married to another of my friends and they constantly fought and she was pretty horrible to him but one day he looks at me and says "you don't see her when it is just me and don't see how she is the only one that can hold me and tell me everything is going to all right and I BELIEVE it." To him she was not bad...even though to the rest of us she so was.
2006-09-27 18:43:00
answer #6
answered by Airlantiss 2
Sometimes people think that if the person holds the bad-boy image or the bad-girl image that they are going to be more honest and realistic. Of course, this is definately incorrect, but people fall for these types often because of this fallacy.
2006-09-27 18:43:43
answer #7
answered by trufate_05 2
sounds like your stereotyping....not all good men are with bad women, and not all good women are with bad men.
2006-09-27 18:40:08
answer #8
answered by Sunseaandair 4
Because we are all lonely and the first thing that shows there face we are trying to build something with them. We live in the RIGHT NOW world and the time of waiting has passed us all up. No one wants to get to learn a new personna they just want to be with someone. We are all guilty of it. We need to SLOW IT DOWN
2006-09-27 18:42:25
answer #9
answered by mshoward1204 2
good men are with bad women b/c the men are so mesmerized with the girls good looks, they dont notice the girls bad attitude. good girls are with bad guys b/c bad boys are hot lol
2006-09-27 18:41:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Opposites Attract!!!
By The Way...I am very glad that the above stereotype doesn't include my relationship...I'm a GREAT woman with a GREAT man!
Best wishes!
2006-09-27 18:39:36
answer #11
answered by poetic princess 5