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Family & Relationships - 2 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2006-09-02 02:23:00 · 7 answers · asked by california gurlie poo 3 in Singles & Dating

hi, i am a working girl,, so am fiancially independent, but apart from this usual independency,,,i like to be emotional independent too. Not that i don't love people around me,,but i hate to have sticks. i don't like sympathy, i hate when somebody tries to be very intimate, just coz i am a girl.
People feel i am too egoist,,,but i know, that i am not, It's just that i have a sense of self respect and i love that.
is it bad?

2006-09-02 02:22:36 · 12 answers · asked by Ritu S 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I am tring to locate my cousin. She use to live in Lake Havasu, AZ and would 25 or 26. Her name is Adrienne Watkins. If anyone knows her or how to get a hold of her that would be great. I have tried everywhere else with no luck. I hope this works.

2006-09-02 02:21:52 · 3 answers · asked by A P 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

just curious about if it is a common thing to marry your first love like your first girlfriend or boyfriend or is it quite a rare thing?

2006-09-02 02:20:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i think its mingin!!

2006-09-02 02:19:09 · 24 answers · asked by Paige E 1 in Singles & Dating

Just as disicipline, I feel like maybe if we live in an old fashion type of marriage (such as the 40's and 50's) we'll thrive and be much happier. My husband has always been Head of our Household and he has used other forms of discipline (such as corner time, and writing lines) but never spanking. He has reserved spanking for such things as, lying, endangering myself (speeding), disrespect, foul mouthing and other more unacceptable behavior. I know a lot of women DO NOT agree with this but I care to hear opinions from some men, woman, and women who live this lifestyle. There will be NO other kind of spanking, just punishment type, no erotica, maintainance, or playful. I have not received any yet but am curious as to how this has worked for anyone else and the feelings that they got. Thank you all.

2006-09-02 02:18:48 · 29 answers · asked by tuesday 2 in Marriage & Divorce

am i hott or not???...my myspace is myspace.com/kyledabomb

2006-09-02 02:14:09 · 8 answers · asked by kyle m 2 in Singles & Dating

My husband and I have been married for 3 yrs together for 8 years and for about the last year, we don't seem to share anything, he likes to hunt and fish, and I would much rather play with or 3 children ages 14(mine),12(his), & 4(ours).When we stay home he stays busy outside until dark and I watch TV with the kids. If we go out together we don't laugh or touch, we only talk with other people around us, and I always seem to end up wondering why we didn't just stay home. Our sex life is non existant, (like once or twice a year) and I am really not interested.I have tryed to talk with him but he doesn't see a problem, other then the sex. He wants it all the time but I am just board, I want to feel like he loves me for other reasons then sex alone and it's just not there.
I somehow feel like we have become room mates with kids. Is this normal? Or am I expecting too much?
If some one can help me to understand how to get out of this rut I would be forever greatful.

2006-09-02 02:13:31 · 13 answers · asked by kleffmanbrenda 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-09-02 02:12:09 · 35 answers · asked by sarah b 1 in Family

2006-09-02 02:11:33 · 9 answers · asked by treacle27 1 in Friends

Situation: Whenever I talk to the phone with my friend, we always have a funny conversation filled with jokes. He often thinks he's sort of like on a different level than me because whenever I reject something like an offer, he would say something like"ok, now your like that..so thats how it is huh?". Its like he always wants everything HIS way. When ever I say goodbye, he would again say that something "ok, now your like that..so thats how it is huh?" again, he thinks it has to be HIS way. What should I do? Whenever I see him he often says"whats with you?", yet, were still friends. Should we keep being friends? I think he doesn't have one thats why he always bugs me :P The only things I hate is his characteristics. It's like I want to keep being his friend, and not be.

2006-09-02 02:10:58 · 17 answers · asked by Lonez 2 in Friends

2006-09-02 02:10:56 · 22 answers · asked by Ritu S 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

And and ladies who are smokers, did you smoke just before you went down the isle?

2006-09-02 02:10:55 · 12 answers · asked by marlboro_100s_man 2 in Weddings

i saw him earlier 2night & he went 2 his friends house he tells me on msn that he had a pill, (i dont kno what it is either) & whether im mad at him i didnt answer that,, should i be mad at him?

2006-09-02 02:10:16 · 10 answers · asked by jd 2 in Singles & Dating


Am i fat??
I am 5 ' 4.
I am 13 years old.
I weight 150.
I am size 13 in juniors.
I want to know the truth.
I want to know cause nobody has
even ask me out yet and i want a boyfriend. Also in like 7 months i gonna be going to my 8th grade prom. and i wanna go wit a boy. So am i Fat??

2006-09-02 02:06:49 · 26 answers · asked by sweethearts70586 2 in Friends

hi there~

well, i'm a 28 yrs old asian guy (let's say m from east asia) who has a gorgeous looking indian gf. we've been dating for about 4 years and we very much enjoy our sex life. (at least i do) the problem is she has never gotten there. -_- she said it feels great when we do, and there were times we felt that she got almost lost but she's not fully satisfied for sure.

i kinda think it's because i don't last long enough. the thing is i can last long when i control the pace; slowing down, stopping or pulling it our for a sec. but she said she's totally turned off everytime i slow down or stop. she wants me to keep moving as fast as i can without stoping! i was wondering...is it really possible for a guy to move like hell for a long time without stoping? should i start working out or something? -_-

2006-09-02 02:04:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

he parks other car on the road so does my son,its a narrow road and cars get scratched all the time,this scrapped car just sitting in drive for years no tax and mot, what right do I have as joint owners of house?I have asked him thousands of times to get rid of it, he said he would then does nothing at all.

2006-09-02 02:04:08 · 12 answers · asked by cheyenne 4 in Family

Whenever the song "I don't feel Like Dancing" is played any where. He starts signing along and dancing....

2006-09-02 02:03:55 · 6 answers · asked by Miss LaStrange 5 in Family

2006-09-02 02:03:25 · 1 answers · asked by sahilrastogi84 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-09-02 02:02:20 · 7 answers · asked by MICHAEL G 2 in Friends

ihave lived in my current property 10 years,and we just got new snotty neighbours with no sense of humour they are of coloured origin,and they dont find it funny when i send indian food to there house or burn crosses on there front lawn,where as there sense of humour gone,the wife came out the other day completly covered apart from her eyes and i thought it would be funny to post a letter,why have they reported me please help im not racist i just dont like my neighbours as they dont find me funny,i even offered to let them lightnthe cross but they saidsomethin in foreign that resembled the words cooking fat.

2006-09-02 02:02:08 · 12 answers · asked by verons_girl 3 in Family

what makes a man after 15 years of marrage start looking at other women.i was small when we got married and now i,m a little big.but the same person.he said that he just wanted to see if he still it with other women.more less to see if they would still look at him.but why should that matter if we,re married.he,ll even go in to adult chat rooms and cams looking at women.but i dont do that stuff to him.have i dont something wrong.i,ve never cheated.has my weight made me ugly.please some tell what to do.

2006-09-02 02:01:57 · 17 answers · asked by bigmomma s 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-09-02 02:00:34 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

If u had to choose between ur ex who has a girlfriend but still wants u and u r totally in love with or a mate who u think is cute and sweet but u don't think u can imagine yourself with cuz u have feelins for ur ex, who would u choose?

2006-09-02 01:59:24 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

that i like him? he is a close friend and hates these types of conversations. how do i let him know without being mushy? should i risk losing the friendship?

2006-09-02 01:58:37 · 11 answers · asked by yiana 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-09-02 01:58:33 · 22 answers · asked by Ritu S 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Yest i had gone out with my friends and my boyfriend. He kept tellin me the entire journey tat he wants to spend time with me alone nd not with my friends. He wanted to be romantic. After a while i got very pissed saying nothin can be done now.He said he doesnt want to go out with me anymore. I started cryin terribly nd he didnt even bother consoling me. He juz kept saying he wants to break up. We got back home and he called up in the night to apologise. I didnt accept it as i was hurt. He got very wild and got scared that he was gonna lose me . So he started abusing me and my family in his anger. He abused a lot and then started crying. His words very were rude. What do i do now? how do i ever respect him again? I love him but i am confused. Please help

2006-09-02 01:58:24 · 12 answers · asked by dolly 1 in Singles & Dating

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