My question is how and what should I say to my mom to tell her I'm moving out. But please read details before you answer.
I am 17 years old, I have a boyfriend whom my mother is not too fond of, she dosn't hate him, but she thinks he may be abusive (he's not) and that he is unreliable and immatture (he can be.) I am moving in with him a.s.a.p. My mom lives about 30min away from my boyfriend. I already stay with him often, usually for a week or 2 sometimes longer. (I take online high school and college level courses if your wondering how this is possible.) She is the one who drives me back and forth. I have just gotten hired for a job right down the street from my boyfriends apt. so I can walk to and from work. The reason why I am moving is mainly because I have reasons to fear for my moms, mine, and my pets safety at the house she lives in. This is because her boyfriend murdered 2 of our pets and has been physically abusive to her multiple times and once to me.
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