why is lifw so hard to go through, i never asked anythign from God,even if i had, its nothing more then my father's safety and his happiness is that very much to ask?i admit i had give alot of problem to my father since i cant walk and all, i admit i was useless and i made him angry, i know he would be much happier without me,i killed my mother too, he laways said if i wasnt bron my mother wouldnt have died, but why is my father tested this way, what wrong did he do, he is in a coma, i dont knwo what to do, i should have stopped him form going to work that day, i should have, but y are we humans tested this way when other friends from this site, told me in a few of my questions that He would protect us and if we have faith He would help,i dont understand why..why my ftaher is given such problem, why..i want him to be safe, they say praying would help i prayed, but why?
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