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Family & Relationships - 7 August 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2006-08-07 16:59:09 · 29 answers · asked by justcallmepussy2002 1 in Friends

She caused problems on my jobs for the last 5 years. I had a hard time even getting a new one with out references. So it is hard to trust ladies now.

2006-08-07 16:58:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok, i just started dating this awesome guy, we meet through a friend on the phone. So we met two days after..he kissed me, awesome...but its been about half a week later and we havn't been able to get to together. I can't tell my parents about him, cause well i just can't but i want to be with him so bad..what do i do. and he will be starting school soon, so i really couldn't see him that much. anyway i really like him and i want him to totally feel the same about me.

2006-08-07 16:57:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm not getting married now. My boyfriend wants to get married in two years. I am not at all comfortable with displays of affection. So even thought it's a long time away I'm trying to talk him out of marriage. Being married is not so much what bothers me, but the actual wedding. I don't want to go through with it. I wish I could just sign something and be married. He says that I don't want a future with him and that I don't want to get married because he's not special enough to me. That's not true at all. He wants me to walk down an isle and talk about love and have all this attention focused on me. I can't even handle the thought of that. I don't know if I will ever be comfortable with getting married, but I don't want to break up with him. I've told him I'm not ready to get married and he's it's still two years away. I'm thinking about this way too much. I'm hope over time I will mature and not see a wedding day as something I should dread. I am open to any suggestions on what to do

2006-08-07 16:57:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

just want to gain friends. .

2006-08-07 16:56:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I met this guy who I think is sweet. It's odd because I usually like bad boy rebel types who waste away their lives. This guy however, has only dated one girl, is a virgin, and is only interested in work, school, and sports. He goes to the same university as me...(Read about him in the second thread I made.)

Thing is, he's not interested in dating or girls for that matter. We made out and did stuff while drunk, and he called me "very, very cute" and "beautiful"while buzzed (but not drunk haha) and we spoke for a few hours. I spent the night at his place just talking and holding each other. He asked for my number a couple days ago but hasn't called yet. But I'm leaving for a couple weeks.

So how do you go about being good friends with this guy? I'd love to get to know him better, but he's not the bad boy type I usually fall for, so I have no idea what to do. (What I usually do is insult them sarcastically all the time and somehow guys like that....I don't think that will work here.)

2006-08-07 16:56:07 · 13 answers · asked by TinTin 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm feeling kinda homsick tonight and a bit board and just want to talk to someone a bit.

2006-08-07 16:55:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ladies? Men do you watch porn behind your wifes back, why? I'm asking because my husband does it and it really upsets me. Especially because I am pregnant and we cant have sex and it makes me feel unwanted.

2006-08-07 16:53:34 · 13 answers · asked by A. Grigs 3 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-08-07 16:53:30 · 10 answers · asked by desperate needing answers 1 in Friends

2006-08-07 16:53:26 · 2 answers · asked by iseeyou 2 in Singles & Dating

this morning my fiance found more downloaded adult movies on our computer after i promised her over and over again i wouldnt do it. she says it makes her feel that i dont find her attractive enough, and now she is really upset that she is fat and ugly but she's 7 months pregnant is it the hormones making her upset? she hung up on me today and she wont talk to me. have i really done something wrong? or is it jus me. if so what can i do to make her happy?

2006-08-07 16:52:42 · 22 answers · asked by nadsie 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-08-07 16:52:40 · 4 answers · asked by meandmyskate 2 in Singles & Dating

one night when me and my boyfriend where laying on his bed listening to his music on his laptop and he happen to come to a song that him and his ex listen to all the time. (his first girlfriend) I guess you can say it was “THERE” song. Well he told me that he made a promise to her that he would never dance to that song with another girl. He told me that he would never be friends with his ex girl friends...but he’s friends with “her” Yes I’m a little jealous. He told me that he never could see himself getting married when he was with his ex-girls, he said I was different, that he wanted to get married to me and I want to get married to him....Even though I had only had 1 boyfriend in my whole life besides him and only had sex with one guy (him) and I’m 17 years old. I love him so much but I hate that fact that he’s still friends with Nicole his friend.....his EX, first love. I pisses me off. [sigh] do I have the right to be jealous? Is it bad that I feel this way?

2006-08-07 16:52:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships


2006-08-07 16:51:16 · 28 answers · asked by abyshan4u 1 in Singles & Dating

My best friend helped me meet her
I leave for college soon
She knows how I feel

2006-08-07 16:50:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

She's 5 years older than I am and when I was in high school and still a virgin, she took three of my boyfriends. She also came on to two others. I actually walked in on one of my boyfriends while he was with her but they were sleeping and didn't know I was there. He was supposed to pick me up from school and didn't show up so I caught a cab home and walked into her bedroom to borrow something from her and there they were half dressed and sleeping. I didn't wake them, just got what I was looking for and went to work. Another boyfriend dated her for about 6 years after he left me and the third called me and told me he'd slept with her. I wasn't hurt over any of these guys cause I was too young to be in love but my sister hurt me tremendously. She tried to come on to another boyfriend and he called and told me immediately after it happened. I ended up marrying that guy and we have been married for 2 years now but I can't get over what my sister has done. Should I tell her that I know?

2006-08-07 16:49:04 · 18 answers · asked by SmartyPants 5 in Family

im a single 26 yearold female im looking for a long term relationship with a guy

2006-08-07 16:48:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I used to be very pretty, very thin, and always wore clothes that were very tasteful but still very stylish, and had a pretty good salary. Now, I've gained weight (from a medication increasing my appetite), it takes away from my looks, and i dress very plain (T and jeans). I am also unemployed because I used to get these panic attacks. So, how do I get this great, cute guy? I guess we are all superficial to some extent.

2006-08-07 16:47:30 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my husband has cheated on me before, I thought things could get better but here latley we have been fighting alot and he has been staying out later , and tonight when he came home he went straight to the shower and after he got out he took his dirty clothes to the bedroom with him,and went to sleep, and yesterday I found out he gave some girl a ride on the harley , I am getting a gut feeling again, should I get out of it or what?

2006-08-07 16:46:05 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2006-08-07 16:45:05 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

friend had sex with married man- now he doesnt talk to her anymore. whats the deal?

2006-08-07 16:43:01 · 24 answers · asked by superduperdummy 1 in Singles & Dating

is disco romantic enough

2006-08-07 16:41:25 · 9 answers · asked by king cobra 3 in Singles & Dating

Does anyone know anything about autisam. Please help if you can.

2006-08-07 16:40:26 · 12 answers · asked by grizz_mike 1 in Family

She was one of my best friend's friends when I met her

2006-08-07 16:39:31 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

he dont listen,hangs out,states that he is not going to go to school
and disrespcts everyone in household for literally no reason.my
family spoiled him since little.now he is out of control and is a gang member

2006-08-07 16:39:09 · 37 answers · asked by BRANDIN B 1 in Family

my sister always picks on me and hits me when shes bored. she's 19 and i'm 13 and she justs gets on my nerve's. how do i get her to stop bulling me??

2006-08-07 16:38:38 · 28 answers · asked by Charnelle W 3 in Family

2006-08-07 16:38:33 · 12 answers · asked by ? 3 in Singles & Dating

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