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Family & Relationships - 8 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

she started to flirt with me alot lately

2006-07-08 16:33:35 · 9 answers · asked by pirate77 1 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 1/2 years and the first 2 yrs were really hard, but for the last 6 months things have been going really good. He has 2 kids from 2 different woman, he ask me to marry him and I said yes. Were due to get married in September and I'm getting cold feet. My friends say the obvious choice is to leave, but I'm in love with him, and he's been good to me. It's just life looks like it's going to be really hard with him. I feel like something different can be easier, but he loves me and it's gonna hurt him.

So the real question is should I be selfish and hurt him, or should I stay. Should he's feeling be a factor or just mine. I'm 20 yrs old and I just don't want to regret nothing ten years from now. He tells me I'm gonna leave him, because he's not good enough for me, I don't know, love is too much to wrap my head around, please some one help me! I need GOOD MATURE ADVICE!( no dumb comments)

2006-07-08 16:33:27 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

A friend told me that my bf had kissed and felt up her and 2 other girls and he admitted to it. I have forgiven him and I still love him. He admitts what he did was wrong and he really is sorry. I believe him but I am just afraid that he will do it again. It has been less than a week since I found out and our relationship is stronger than ever but can he really change and be truely faithfull to me?

2006-07-08 16:32:46 · 32 answers · asked by Sassy 2 in Singles & Dating


I am having marital issues. My husband is passive and does not communicate very well. He doesn't clean, do the banking, or much of anything but work. I do stay at home, and do the chores, but I am becoming anal about everything because he cannot even pick up his own underwear.
We have only been married for 3 years, but he adopted my daughter and she loves him dearly. I do love him, but the more I think on it, I am not in love with him anymore. They small issue's are creating a big one with me, and I cannot seem to get through to him how much his attitude is stressing me out. My family and friends tell me to boot him, but I cannot, and I said I love him, I would like to work on our marriage, but have pretty much thrown up my arms and am in misery every day. Serious advice would help. Thanks

2006-07-08 16:32:30 · 9 answers · asked by jackie48083 3 in Marriage & Divorce

What are some good ways to personalize your wedding? I'm not talking about your names written on the ribbon, or adding a monogram to the napkins or something like that. But adding things to the ceremony and reception that really reflect who the bride and groom are. For example, my fiance and I are HUGE fans of the Ramones. Our first dance is going to start off as Louis Armstongs "Wonderful World" and its going to fade into the Joey Ramone version. Things like that. Or, at a wedding you went too, what was done to make it memorable? Something funny, cute, romantic. Just an FYI, we are having a winter wonderland wedding. Thanks!!

2006-07-08 16:32:25 · 8 answers · asked by The Girl Next Door 2 in Weddings

I went to Korea for vacations and I contacted a friend.
She was nice at the time I contacted her and everything was just great.
When suddenly...
She didn't answer my calls and neither my text messages.
I sent her an email
And her response was
"I'm sorry to ask you this, but could you stop contacting me"
What was my error? My mistake that made her angry?
The only thing that makes me wonder is ciggs.
Though I never intented to smoke infront of her or even met her at the large crowded streets of Seoul, I did smoke and she doesn't like smokers. That's all. How could she even find me on the streets; my cellphone back there did not have GPS system on it.
Like WTF??
I did not even meet her this trip and all of a sudden I'm the bastard.
What was my mistake?

2006-07-08 16:32:07 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

not something stupid like baby

2006-07-08 16:30:58 · 40 answers · asked by Jessica 1 in Family

Everyone has something that they regret. What would you change from your past and how do you think it would make your life better now?

2006-07-08 16:29:19 · 12 answers · asked by michelle h 1 in Family

My mom was 18 when she had , she told me he didn't even signed the birth paper .Now about 18 yrs later he called me, well he called my mom and said he wanted to talk to me.I forgot to mention that he migrated to another country and got married.I also supposedly have a 21 yr old sister (which I met before).Well he called and told my mom that it had been two weeks since he took my sis where he is at , and he wanted to talk to me.It as been one month now and I have not heard a thing from this man , can some one tell me what you think is up ?I had his number saved and when I call he is never there , what do you think I must do?This is very important to me because I don't know what its like to have a father only stepdads which is not easy to live with.Serious answers please.THANK YOU

2006-07-08 16:27:52 · 13 answers · asked by Jachica 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-07-08 16:27:14 · 14 answers · asked by maniac 4 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-08 16:26:31 · 14 answers · asked by mary 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I am a college student struggling in math. I want to pass my class but I haven't seen my out of town boyfriend in a few days and want to spend time with him. I want him to know that he is my top priority, but I can't fail this exam. What do I do?

2006-07-08 16:25:32 · 13 answers · asked by cocoaluvva 1 in Singles & Dating

My older brother is annoying, picks on me, and beats me up a lot (like twince a day). I am 10 and he is 16.

2006-07-08 16:24:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I am just wondering because a boy my age told me he loved me and I am not sure if I am ready to be in love yet.Is that because I am not matture enough or is it because I am not comfortable with being in love?So which sex mattures faster?P.S. This was a couple of months ago.

2006-07-08 16:23:37 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-07-08 16:23:25 · 20 answers · asked by jlassier90 2 in Singles & Dating

my best friend and me used to do everythin together. we used to get hi and drunk together all da time. we did everything together. i was her diary andd sh was mine.but last year she moved to florida. and we talked on the phone alot. when we talked everythin waas fine. we would laugh together and just talk about everythin. then she came back out here to n.y and she changed completely. she doesnt enjoy doin the things i do and i dont enjoy doin the things she does. its like where two different ppl. we both know dat we changed alot. but we r so different now. i think she wants to take controle over me somtimes. like when im smokin she gets real mad. cuz she quit. we used to be together 24/7. now i dont even see her. i want her to know how i feel and i want things to be the same. but wat should i do?

2006-07-08 16:23:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

as i said, my motto is be prepared, so i m stickin to it. tell me how i do it, plz and whoever gives me the longest, most elaborate detailed answer, and a litle honest part of what i should do, sogive me a little advice, and there ya go, thats an easy 12 points 4 u! (2 for answering, and 10 for the best answer) and whatever the fuOk u say, dont gimmie the "your too young" cr@p or that "dont go past kissing" $hit, lol i m not a frikken perv like u think i m, lol. i m just a 12 year old who needs some answers, so ANSWER THE QUESTION!! LOL!


2006-07-08 16:21:46 · 5 answers · asked by beatleslover650 2 in Singles & Dating

My mother was an alcoholic and my father was an adulterer. They've recently run out of money and are looking to the children to bail them out . My childhood was horrendous and the emotional scars run deep. should I help out my parents or let them fend for themselves?

2006-07-08 16:20:54 · 16 answers · asked by nicowna 2 in Family

I have always been made fun of because many of the girls I have liked are looked down on by other people because they are the "ugly" people. I think that it doesn't matter, as long as you like them it doesn't make a difference about appearances, right?

2006-07-08 16:20:04 · 17 answers · asked by generalgrievous16 2 in Singles & Dating

Well I'm in Florida right now for vacation. I thought it would be only me my dad and my little sister, but when I got there (to orlando), there was a women and she was pregnant. I didn't know who she was but when I got home to my dads apartment and entered their room I noticed that their was pictures of them kissing and posing, etc. Caroline (my little sis) and I are always uncomfortable thinking about THEM. I don't know what to do, my parents are still married and he's cheating on my mom. My dad insisted my mom not come and said we were going to BOND. What should I do?

2006-07-08 16:18:35 · 11 answers · asked by Leslie 3 in Family

sometime i pretend like im gonna answer my husband's phone and he ask why it's not like i really want to answer it i just want to see what his reactions would be.

2006-07-08 16:18:30 · 18 answers · asked by keedie b 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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