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Family & Relationships - 1 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I'm staying with my dad for the summer, and I told him that I wanted someone to hangout with. So I"m hanging out with one of my old friends and we went to the movies and he brought along two of his friends. One of his friends really caught my attention, my guy friend I"m going to call him Terry and his friend Ray went to the consession stand at the movies. So that left me and his other friend Jay in the theater alone, so he started talking to me. I talked to him back, and suprisingly I wasn't nervouse when I talked to him. Well, my friend Terry said that Jay was going to get his tonsalls removed. So I called and checked up on him, long story short he has been texting me for a week now, Terry says that he really likes me. Every time that Jay texts me he either calls me Babe,Baby, or Sweetie. I'm not use to guys just saying flat out that they like me so I don't know what to think. He kept on asking me if I think that we have a good chance of hooking up and I told him that we did but.

2006-07-01 04:33:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I mean .. is it fair to say I'm cool but if a woman had as many partners as I why is she considered a s l u t?

2006-07-01 04:33:52 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Do people think the whole thing is strange? How long after your divorce were you able to get back to friendship? Are there children involved?

2006-07-01 04:31:40 · 12 answers · asked by Crooks Gap 5 in Marriage & Divorce

I was raped when i was 16 now 20 and still need advice on how to forget.

2006-07-01 04:31:34 · 18 answers · asked by Unknown_2536 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I am 13 and she is 12. If I tell her she may freak out and tell her dad who is a pastor and i'll be dead. help.

2006-07-01 04:30:32 · 11 answers · asked by c1 3 in Singles & Dating

We're in Middle School.
We have been going out 4 about a month & a week. We've seen each other only 3 times cuz of his beyond overprotective mom & our busy vacation scheduel. I am going 2 c him on my birthday (In 12 days....it's my golden b-day) I dunno if I should kiss him or not. We've both never kissed anybody. This would be the 1st kiss 4 both of us. I REALLY ♥ him so i don't wanna scare him away......
Should I just risk it?!
Please help me.

2006-07-01 04:30:20 · 19 answers · asked by ♥Lovliness♥ 2 in Singles & Dating

Ok theres this guy that i like but the one thing is i can't find a way to tell him wat should i do

2006-07-01 04:28:47 · 21 answers · asked by mz_big_booty06 2 in Singles & Dating

Whether you are in the midst of wedding planning now, or were happily wedded years ago, what tips, ideas or advice can you share with other brides? What do you wish you had done differently, or what are you glad you did? What unique, personal touches did you include in your own wedding? Do you have any cool ideas on: party favors, wedding party gifts, bridesmaids attire, invitations/programs, child attendants, showers/bachelor(ette) parties, the ceremony/vows/etc, wedding cake, photography/videography, the honeymoon? (These are just 'prompts' to spark your memory - you don't have to answer them all!!) I am finishing my wedding planner/workbook and would like to include tips from real-life brides. Your input and ideas would be a huge help!!

2006-07-01 04:28:22 · 20 answers · asked by Michele @ Bridal University 1 in Weddings

Am a chinese guy with a white girl as gf. why are everyone looking at us when we are walking on the street? Im feel so stressed!!(oh! i live in Taiwan)

2006-07-01 04:27:27 · 17 answers · asked by Asian-Taiwanese 2 in Singles & Dating

do you think i'm wrong for hanging out with my ex boyfriends that i don't even like any more and telling my boyfriend that i was with them .he use to call me everyday all day now he call like like one time a day what do you think

2006-07-01 04:27:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I had a friend that always talked about me behind my back. One day I caught her. I heard her say that she did not like me. She said she never said anything. This been going on over 2 years. She gives my buisness out to everyone.Then she and another one of my friends were talking about me. She always follow after her. Then they made a plan where our whole group of friends would where a white shirt witha pink or blue skirt. They did not want me to know so that the next day I would not fit in with them. Only the people who made that plan wore the colors. At the end they were the ones who did not fit in. What should I do so that next time they would respect me and not talk behind my back?

2006-07-01 04:25:22 · 37 answers · asked by sassygirl5993 2 in Friends

My wife of 20yrs. has always used sex to get what ever she wanted , even to take control of the house ,the kids, & finances
I love love love sex & she knows it, I need it ta breathe. She also knows for a fact I would never cheat on her.
How can I get back control and most of all my PANTs!!!

2006-07-01 04:24:47 · 4 answers · asked by ? 3 in Marriage & Divorce

pls read my previous questions n u'll know wat im refering to... i really cant get to sit down talk it out w him at all after the last failed attempt! I dun wanna lose this marriage but with this attitude of his, how to go on? HELP!

2006-07-01 04:24:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

There's this guy at work who I think has been flirting with me. He asked me when I delivered a check to someone that he shares an office with "how do I get such personal service?" (he was new so he had to pick up his check.) The eye contact has been intense between us and he always tries to stretch out our conversations as far as possible. He even helps me with issues with my home computer and he remembered that I had a Gateway yesterday when it's been about three weeks since I told him that and I haven't said anything about it since. The other day my friend told him I was having computer problems (she was just trying to play matchmaker) and when he came in he put his hand on top of mine on the mouse and didn't move it (in other words, it had to be somewhat conscious because if I put my hand on top of someone's accidentally, I'd move my hand when I realized it.) But the other day, when my friend decided to ask him if he likes me he told her "any other time but I'm spoken for." ????

2006-07-01 04:24:17 · 7 answers · asked by Rebecca G 2 in Singles & Dating

I just want to forget my situation...and try to move on but just when started to..I get this blocked number and it got me thinking it was him...but maybe it wasn't...

2006-07-01 04:23:49 · 14 answers · asked by iam2youngforyou 1 in Singles & Dating

Where I work I get to meet a lot of business owners and lawerys. Which my husband hates!!! I got offered an answome job on Friday and the first thing my husband asked was if was a man that offered the job. Who cares if it was a man. Obviosly he thought I was intellegent enough to offer the job. Damn my husband know that my GPA is a 3.5. Why does my husband think I got offered this job for my looks and not my brain. What should I do?

2006-07-01 04:19:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2006-07-01 04:19:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

a week ago my gf calls up out of no where and says she needs some space. But i asked her what was wrong and she said she had some family issues and a few things she had to sort out in her life, i asked her if she still loved me and she said she did and she said we could still talk, and not to worrie she is not running off on me with another guy. Every other bf she has had has cheated on her, she tells me and i have secretly talked to her friends and they all say that she says im the best guy she has ever met and i might be the one. But she said that we r seperated for a month and if i can give her a month than she will have a solid answer as to what will become of us, is this a breakup or does she just need time to sort things out in her life or what

2006-07-01 04:17:36 · 8 answers · asked by armorefelix 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-07-01 04:14:29 · 19 answers · asked by terrilouise73 1 in Weddings

i work 10 to 12 hours of iron work 5 to 6 days a week my wife is a hair stylist who stands behind a shair all day in air condition... i am hot sweaty and ready for a shower, meal and bed by the time i get home... how do i keep my wife satisfied with out so much sex... thanks

2006-07-01 04:12:38 · 16 answers · asked by weldersteve29 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend treats me wonderful. The reason why my family mostly does not like him is because when I go vist my bf I have to catch a cab. My bf has a farm so he trys to get as much stuff done before the sun goes down. So me being the nice person I am takes a cab over there so he can still work.I've tried talking to my family and ask them whats wrong with my bf and what did he every do and they just say they don't like that he doesn't come get me when he knows you don't have a car . I can never get a straight answer really.

2006-07-01 04:12:14 · 3 answers · asked by shygirl_funny 1 in Singles & Dating

I hate his guts but i dont want to make it seem like that. hes ok at times but hes annoying and his b-days today. what shoud i get him?

2006-07-01 04:11:57 · 16 answers · asked by boyfriend41minute 1 in Family

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