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Environment - June 2006

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Alternative Fuel Vehicles · Conservation · Global Warming · Green Living · Other - Environment

There is ALWAYS a way, if only we take time to really think about these issues, to solve the environmental problems before us.

Please ignore this question if it does not apply to you. I apologize for being overly harsh to those who it does apply to.

Are you willing to take the time to stop, quietly think about a problem, and share the great thoughts with us that you have come up with instead of giving glib responses? Many people, as I do, truly value your thoughts, no matter your age, and the time it takes to think of them and respond.

2006-06-30 04:24:47 · 15 answers · asked by rodneycrater 3

Why?, Or Why not?

2006-06-30 04:10:43 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many of his books do you think will be sold because he was soliciting his view here?

2006-06-30 04:07:52 · 31 answers · asked by HEATHER 4

electronic waste, e-garbage etc

2006-06-30 04:01:55 · 9 answers · asked by adarsh p 1

For instance, the following link mentions photosynthetic solar panels: http://solar.rain-barrel.net/solar-energy/

Are their other ways to use natural methods to help us become more integral with our environment? How could we make these affordable?

2006-06-30 03:53:18 · 4 answers · asked by rodneycrater 3

There is a lot of work to be done to help solve the environmental problems we face.

What NEW methods, motivations, incentives and organizational efforts can we develop and utilize to help people convert to more energy efficient devices ( including but not limited to manufacturers equipment, autos, and personal home devices)?

2006-06-30 03:38:56 · 247 answers · asked by rodneycrater 3

For instance, take the motor vehicle as an example. We use gas to derive energy to turn the wheels. The wheels expend some of their energy as heat produced by friction with the road. Is there some way to recapture the heat produced by the tire and reconvert it to energy that can be used again by the vehicle to propel itself. How about the heat form the motor? The EMI emissions from the electronics?

Don't stop at just a motor vehicle. How can we recapture energy created by the various methods it takes to produce various consumables and reuse that energy perpetually instead of releasing it into the environment?

The true ideal would be to have items that can be initially powered by a starting power source and then have them recapture maximum expended energy and feed it back into the system being used ( or fed into other systems for reuse).

Can you think of ways to do this? What would they be?

2006-06-30 03:24:27 · 2 answers · asked by rodneycrater 3

Has there been any break throughs in Solar panels? And if not what is taking so long to make this a viable source of energy for humans!

2006-06-30 03:21:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

It would be in the same vain of creating artificial fabrics only this time the fabric created would be to mimick the one created by nature. it is not enough that we stop what causes the damage but to try and repair what God in his infinte wisdom knew we needed.

2006-06-30 03:19:00 · 18 answers · asked by Sexy diva 2

....to fuel the planes he is flying all across the country promoting his film? Is it possible that Rogaine, applied to his face, would result in a rapid enough growth rate to reverse his personal contribution to the problem? Or is the energy used to produce the food & clean water to sustain his life in excess of the energy produced by his facial hair such that it is always going to be a net energy loss?

2006-06-30 03:08:22 · 13 answers · asked by 321contact 2

If you look at the increased temperatures caused by Global Warming you will see that they coincide with an increase in Republican office holders and a decrease in Democrat office holders. Just a few years ago there was a Democrat in the White House and they had control of Congress as well. Then the temperatures started rising. Now the Republicans are in power. My theory is that the two trends are directly related. I think there are two possible reasons for this connection.
1. The hotter it gets the less people want to get out of their airconditioned government subsidised housing and go vote especially in warmer areas like the deep south and southern California. This would be true of Florida in particular.
2. The hotter it gets the more Al Gore talks about global warming and the more bored all the voters get.
What do you think?

2006-06-30 02:57:01 · 9 answers · asked by YahooGuru2u 6

please explain with images if possible

2006-06-30 01:00:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-30 00:27:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-06-30 00:16:57 · 5 answers · asked by SHUMUGANATHAN B 1

2006-06-30 00:14:02 · 10 answers · asked by pammy 1

I'm interested in installing myself but have no knowledge of solar panels.Can the excess be sold back to the national grid and how does that work?. What is the average cost?. Where is the best place to get all the equipment from?. Does anyone sell kits for individuals with everything needed included.? What can be run off an average size panel. What is the best size panel to start with?.

2006-06-29 20:07:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

used as analytical tools in ecology

2006-06-29 18:52:12 · 3 answers · asked by suresh 1

note: food for frogs or lizards are not aceptable answers

2006-06-29 18:21:19 · 29 answers · asked by redjazzz 1

Just looking at Al Gore's question above --- not sure how to answer it -- just wondering do you think global warming is real? I'm undecided at this point --- Thanks

2006-06-29 18:18:40 · 40 answers · asked by confused 6

2006-06-29 18:05:12 · 7 answers · asked by the_great_one 1

Human beings prefer to live a warmer environment than a colder one. Cold temperature affects economy, agriculture and biodiversity. Ice age is characterized by famines, pandemics and social distrurbance. The rise of carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere favors the growth of vegetation and improves the yields of agriculture thus, starvation is avoided if food distribution is properly done especially to developing nations.

2006-06-29 18:01:20 · 24 answers · asked by Vitex 1

2006-06-29 17:45:40 · 12 answers · asked by munna 1

Where do all fish in a pond come from?
I have seen dry ponds getting filled with rainwater and then fish.
How is it possible when there are no drains going into it?
I don't think their eggs stay alive for that long.

2006-06-29 17:16:21 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I understand the concept of supply and demand, but we're paying oil companies for what? It's not like they're going out and doing everything they can to find more oil. Technically, if there's nothing left, shouldn't gas prices go down? Does this not prove that oil companies are stealing our money?

What are your thoughts. What types of renewable energy are you keen on?

2006-06-29 16:59:34 · 19 answers · asked by Davey 5

2006-06-29 16:23:02 · 7 answers · asked by Judelite 2

How serious do you think this problem is and what should we do to get the word out?

2006-06-29 16:13:33 · 7486 answers · asked by Al Gore 1

This world seems doomed, kinda, don't you think? Is it as H.G.Wells once said, "...the universe or nothing?"

2006-06-29 15:47:34 · 10 answers · asked by UCSteve 5

We all know plastic is really bad for our environment. I'll try to use less plastic. But I really want to make a big change in my house. Now I have quite a dilemma. If I remove my plastic items and replace them with some that are made from wood, I'll have a problem too. Because the wood comes from the trees and each time we have less and less green areas zaround the world, and etc.
So let's think about metal. Sounds like a better idea, untill you find out that most of the companies that work with metal have a high level of pollution.
So, what can I acutally do?

2006-06-29 14:31:43 · 153 answers · asked by medusa morada 3