Today, having a college education is virtually required in order to obtain a good paying, high quality job. Why is it that the average American high school graduate, who has spent a majority of his/her life (approximately 14 years) in a classroom, has to go through another 2, 4, 6, possibly 8 years of crap in order to get a respectable occupation? More than half of the subjects students learn in high school and college will never relate to their future occupancy.
Upon enlistment in the United States Armed Forces, or at least in the USN and the USCG, recruiters evaluate new recruits to see (1) where they stand academically and (2) what fields they may be interested in. The military is not obsessed with college educations. They just want to know that the recruit has a general knowledge of certain subjects. The military then takes full responsibility for teaching the recruit(s) how to do their job. Why can’t more of the civilian world operate this way?
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