I am a third year biomedical graduate student and my life is not so great right now. My "mentor" and I are not seeing eye to eye on anything.
He does not know basic scientific procedures. He pitched a fit because I did not know which band was my protein of interest on a coomassie stained western blot (another PI informed him that was not possible).
He keeps throwing more research at me (although my committee told him my project was too large).
He told me 2 weeks ago I should work 7 days a week (I am only required to work 40 hours a week - I work 50-65 as is).
He think I don't do enough experiments - I am currently taking classes, writing a paper, writing aims, working on a presentation, a poster, doing experiments, and trying to prep for my next committee meeting. I average 2-3 exper per week and each takes about 5 days
I get yelled at for being scatterbrained but i can't catch my breathe ever
I am bipolar, on two mood stabilizers and in very bad shape. plz help.
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