About a week ago, my mom bought me an HDTV for my birthday. I had a digital cable box, but it was standard because my old TV was not HD. Anyways, the cable company told me to call this number in order to activate it. That is what I had to do with my old box. This box for some reason activated by itself, and a light comes on labeled bypass. Then, I noticed that all the preium channels came up. On my old box, a confirmation screen came up saying it would charge $15 a month. So I have all these channels, and on my online cable bill, It is like I never had acsess to them. They obviously gave me a company box they were not suppost to give out, or one screwd up box. Should I tell them? Or keep my mouth shut? One of my friends from school's dad works for the cable company. I will 100% bring it up to him because he wont give a crap. P.S its Time Warner Cable
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