ok i am now currnetly on my grandpas computer at his house, i live in rougemont and have just yesterday reset my computer to factory shipped condition, ok, youre with me now, ok so i have a linksys G wireless adapter that is on when i plug it into my computer and i cant get internet becasue i lost the setup cd, people have said go to the linksys website but how can i when i cant get on the internet at my computer. the answers about using a blank disc to download the files onto the disk were good but i dont know how to do that. But anyways i just need to know a good answer so i can get back on the web. and the windows wireless configuration tool doesnt do **** so dont say use that, ive never used it but im sure it qouldnt work. but just give me a solid answer and just tell me how i can get the intenet back on my computer, i really need it badly
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