Hello, just today I happened to read about Torrent on Yahoo! Answers and I decided to install it, and I like it a lot. I will be using it to downloading "hard to find" media (old songs, movies etc..). I installed Azureus and Java, and I also read about this web site, Minerva... I was able to understand that this whole Torrent concept rotates around file sharing.
My question is, by having installed Torrent, did I automatically connect my computer to a chain of computers and did I give the authorization to other Torrent users to be able to download the material on my computer? As media, word documets etc... ? Will they be able to download my documents, passwords etc...? Is yes, is there a way to be able to just download and not UPload?
In addition, what are the other safety risks I am going through using this program? Thank you.
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