1) Two general points to remember for recovering from skids are: keep your eyes pointed in the direction you want to go and you will automatically steer there, and…………….
do not brake.
pull the clutch
none of the above
2) Which is not a step to perform if your gas pedal gets stuck?
Apply the brakes before shifting into neutral
Shift into neutral
Apply the brakes after shifting into neutral.
Try to drive the car safely off the road after having applied the brakes and turn off the ignition when you no longer need to change direction.
3) If you can not see clearly 100 ft in both directions when approaching an uncontrolled intersection, what should your rate of speed be?
No more than 30mph
No more than 25 mph
No more than 20 mph
No more than 15 mph
4) It is advised to use the ___ rule, which allows enough space between your vehicle and other vehicles in traffic?
2 second
3 second
6 second
7 second
5) If a vehicle is approaching you head on when you are in the proper lane, what should you not do?
Slow down.
Pull to the right.
Sound your horn.
Pull to the left oncoming lane to avoid the car
6) When must you have proof of financial responsibility?
Every time you drive.
Only when involved in an accident
When carrying passengers
Financial responsibility is optional
7) If your tire were to blow out while driving:
Hold the steering wheel tightly and steer straight ahead.
Slow down gradually. Take your foot off the gas pedal slowly but don't apply the brakes. And slow to a stop off the road.
Apply the brakes when the car is almost stopped.
All of the above
None of the above
8) If there are oncoming cars to the left of you and a child on a bike to the right, what is the correct action to take?
Give the child a lot of room to your side, which may mean moving closer to the oncoming vehicles.
Give the oncoming cars a lot of room to your side, which may mean moving closer to the child on the bike
Enter into the bicycle lane in order to avoid being in between the oncoming cars and the child.
Increase your rate of speed so you can pass between both quickly.
9) What are the consequences of not stopping if you are involved in an accident?
Your license will be suspended for six months.
A fine of up to $5,000 and a minimum of one year jail time.
A fine of up to $10,000 and a minimum of one year jail time.
There are no consequences so long as there are no injuries.
10) What can happen if you dump or abandon an animal by the roadside?
You can receive a fine of up to $1,000, or be confined in a county jail for up to six months, or both.
There are no consequences so long you have a permit to do so.
You can receive a fine of up to $500, or be confined in a county jail for up to three months, or both.
None of the above
11 answers
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