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Cars & Transportation - 17 November 2006

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husband thinking of getting one for 17 daughter ,(1994) model, but will she be safe in it? can't find any info on used car crash tests for vauxhalls

2006-11-17 04:22:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Safety

I have a 98 prelude.. It idles fine but when the car warms up and you drive for about 10-20 min then when you stop at a stop light for more then a min. the motor wll almost shut off but then go back to normal right away.. this only happens when i stop for more then one min. and it only happens once every stop that's more then a min.

2006-11-17 04:19:58 · 2 answers · asked by Mr. Blonde 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I pulled the distributor on my 97 4.3ltr gmc and like a dope forgot to mark it. Now I am trying to reset the timing but it's not going well. I set the motor at TDC#1 and the timing marks line up perfect. I used a screw driver to turn the oil pump then dropped the distributor back in so that the rotor is lined up with the arrow. Now it starts, but runs rough. I put a timing light on it and it looks like its about 20 degrees advanced. Since the distributor is not adjustable I don't know what to do next. I have repeated this process a few times to insure everything is where it belongs, but it all apears to be right. What should I do?

2006-11-17 04:19:54 · 2 answers · asked by cablehand 1 in Chevrolet

car died while driving. No warning or anything. checked fuel pump. am getting fuel to injectors. I am not getting spark at plugs or out of the distributor. I replaced distributor and got the same results. I was told by mechanics that they suspect the crankshaft position sensor. How do I confirm this before changing? Has anyone had any similar experience.

2006-11-17 04:12:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

It says on the warranty that they're made to last a lifetime, but that they should be replaced after 8 years (which is why I did it). How come I had to replace it after 8 years, but won't need to do it again after another 8 years (or 80,000 miles)?

2006-11-17 04:09:58 · 5 answers · asked by Nels W 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

I bought a 85 mini ram van (cargo version of the caravan). someone has changed the motor in it at some point and missed hooking up the temp sensor, fuel pump hoses where on backwards, and the o2 sensor.

I have all of them fixed except for the o2 sensor there is just a little piece of wire hanging off of it (black) and i have no idea where it is suposed to be hooked up at. there is a gray wire running down to the vicinity of the o2 sensor but i am not sure if it is the right one or not.

The van runs great but when it warms up it has difficulty staying running.

any help i can get getting with this will be greatly appreciated.


2006-11-17 04:02:58 · 1 answers · asked by shadow765 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

Also, my manual is all written in spanish, is there a way i can get a english version?
I live in Spain, but i can't seem to find a email address for yamaha customer care.

Thanks for any help.

2006-11-17 03:57:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Motorcycles

When are you considered lost while driving, for instance if the Limo driver says he does not see or can not find the address he is looking for, is he lost?

2006-11-17 03:57:22 · 8 answers · asked by Stillplayinggames 2 in Commuting

2006-11-17 03:56:22 · 1 answers · asked by baby devil 1 in Buying & Selling

My car got broken into in front of my house and stole all my stereo equipment. I called my insurance and the insurance adjuster came over and saw my car was broken into and keyed around the car. When he saw the car was keyed he questioned me and said, it doesnt say that on here on the report. My mother called it in since its on her insurance plan and said "the car was vandlised and they stole all the stereo equipment, she diddnt specifily say it was keyed. So the insurance guy said they will investigate? So i go to see the police report and it really only talks about the forced entry and what was stolen, nothing about the car being keyed. So at this point i dont know what to do? i dont want to get screwed? what should i do

2006-11-17 03:46:08 · 4 answers · asked by Michael 1 in Insurance & Registration

2006-11-17 03:39:28 · 4 answers · asked by BAMA G 1 in Chevrolet

Over the summer the ac in my car quit working. I thought it was just a leak and that I needed to charge it. Fall was around the corner and I was low on cash so I put it off. Now that it is getting cold I tried using my heater and it doesn't work either. The fans seem to be working. I'm scared because anytime my car breaks it is something expensive. If I could get some advice I would feel better. At least I would have a clue before going to the mecanic

Thanks in advance.

2006-11-17 03:37:05 · 9 answers · asked by d☻min☺ 5 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have 130, 000 miles on my car. I need to change the rear hubs on the back wheels which is probably going to cost me around 400-500 dollars. This needs to be done...because evertime i accelerate beyond 50 m/hr...there is a loud noise coming from the back of the car...extremely loud...like the car is going to explode. This is bad for the engine...or so the firestone ppl say..

what do you think?

2006-11-17 03:33:32 · 10 answers · asked by chicaintx 2 in Honda

My car is currently financed under my mothers name and I would like to trade it in!! I currently drive a 05 Dodge Neon and I have about 18000 miles. I am paying $414/mth and would like to trade it in for a older car (02-04) that is a better car for about the same amount. I figure that if I am to pay so much for a car then it should be worth the money. Is this possible and what do I need to do?

2006-11-17 03:26:47 · 2 answers · asked by sweetchic117 2 in Buying & Selling

i have been driving for oh i guess 20 years and was wondering about the proper way to do this....you are at an intersection making a left turn....the oncoming car is also making a left turn...do you cross in front of that car turning simultaneously or do you cross behind the car?....i always thought you were supposed to do it behind the car because a signal is only what they intend to do not what they are going to do...so if you cross in front and they dont turn you are at fault if they hit you...am i correct?

2006-11-17 03:23:04 · 10 answers · asked by cookiesmom 7 in Safety


2006-11-17 03:08:37 · 8 answers · asked by Fishboy 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I have a 1995 Ford Windstar 3.8L latly the transmission has been slipping a jerking into first gear? I check the fluid it doesn;t look burnt but didn't have the car running to check level. Anyone else have similar problem or know what it is. There is no burning smell or anthing except the jerking into first and slipping. Oh yeah almost 150K miles

2006-11-17 03:05:56 · 1 answers · asked by Jody 6 in Maintenance & Repairs

White smoke came out my exhaust, there is no heat blowing and I believe antifreeze fogged the windows, but I can not make it more than three minutes without overheating my engine!!! Help

2006-11-17 03:05:43 · 5 answers · asked by Blah 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

Which car would you prefer? I really want a 300zx since it's more in my price range.

2006-11-17 03:02:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Nissan

i just bought it about 5 moths ago and i can't make payments on it is it possible to return it, and is yes how would i go from there? I'm already late on my payment as it is would i get penalized? oh and if i owe any thing would my payment be the same or would i be able to work a payment plan with them ?

2006-11-17 02:57:20 · 11 answers · asked by scadandi 1 in Buying & Selling

the website for the DMV sample test??? I cant find it!!!

2006-11-17 02:56:57 · 3 answers · asked by Lizzeth 3 in Other - Cars & Transportation

i need to register my car in another state but i don't have the title. how do i get another title?

2006-11-17 02:54:21 · 3 answers · asked by anothermelody2 2 in Insurance & Registration

2006-11-17 02:53:41 · 2 answers · asked by Steve H 1 in Toyota

I own a 1995 Mercedes E320, the heater Blower failed, and there is very little heat coming through the portholes.

2006-11-17 02:52:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mercedes-Benz

A lady is selling this car and I want to buy it but I am not sure. What would cause this. I am thinking a vaccum line but It could also just need a transmission. Help

2006-11-17 02:49:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

in die cast metal scale 1/6

2006-11-17 02:45:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Motorcycles

I mean, the thing which is the equivalent of a ship's figure head, like a decoration in the middle front of the bonnet. A jaguar car has a little silver jaguar sticking out of it.
Many thanks indeed.

2006-11-17 02:44:12 · 13 answers · asked by Firebrandy 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

Can you help me? I need to know how much they used to be. What kind of cars they were (example: station wagons)? What they did (example: transport people, travel, hold luggage)?I need a couple sites too. I looked around, but I couldn't find anything.

2006-11-17 02:41:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Buying & Selling


2006-11-17 02:39:26 · 2 answers · asked by Justdoingmyjob 1 in Honda

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