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Small Business - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Small Business

Hi. I'm looking for a good idea of small business I can do in the school. I'd start in my class first and then I would like to develop it into a big business. Generally, I can start a comic rental business since my friends in the class love to read comic and I've done a polling to know what's the most favorite comic. The problem is, we may not bring any comic to school, it's the rules. So, I thought I can start by sell something small to be cheaper than the school cooperation. But my mom said it wouldn't be popular. So, any ideas?

2007-10-31 22:33:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

You get a two week free trial after receiving the software. You create your website in which you create links for google advertising. You earn 85 cents for every hit. A monthly service fee of $29.95 is charged to you by credit or debit card if you agree.

2007-10-31 18:15:30 · 5 answers · asked by curious customer 1

i have owned this restaurant for 5 years and i got divorced 3 years ago and have since filed my tax returns by myself and all the paper work is in my name.....however the ex still works there 4 hours a day and claims half my earnings. is there any legal advice i can get in order to get her out??????

2007-10-31 17:44:20 · 6 answers · asked by sarbizo@sbcglobal.net 1

Do you think this would be a sucess or no, pro's and con's please??

Building a website, where people can sell lyrics they have written (copyrighted of course) - one time fee of 19.99, can post as many lyrics as you want (My team will do the advertising and so forth) - you can price your lyrics at whatever price you want - people can buy them... good idea or no?...

2007-10-31 17:41:19 · 6 answers · asked by singing_angel_of_the_night 3

How do I do it? Anyone any good ideas? Thanks to all who bother to reply.

2007-10-31 17:15:23 · 4 answers · asked by Del Boy 1

2007-10-31 15:48:54 · 2 answers · asked by frank l 2

Please help me find a local bag maker who can make good quality bags, I'm from the province and I don't know any. People said many are located in MArikina or Rizal province. Please help! A contact number would be very helpful.

Thank you!!

2007-10-31 14:53:47 · 1 answers · asked by FicKle` P 1

I think it is a great idea for what I am doing but I dont know how to go about it. Can I just print up and sell these shirts with the zip code on it or do I need some kind of permission? I dont want any lawyers calling. Thanks

2007-10-31 10:23:38 · 7 answers · asked by jim p 1

I'm about to open a food delivery business here in San Antonio, Texas! A market that has been truely underserved in this regard. For a nominal delivery fee of $5.00, and a minimum order of $20.00, I'll deliver hot, fresh food from over 10 different restaurants in 45-60 minutes straight to your front door! The name of my business is DELIVER EATS and we'll be opening up in early November, 2007. You'll be able to order over the phone, or online at www.delivereatsonline.com ! No more pizza, just because they're the only ones that'll deliver! Now you can have your choice of over 10 different types of cuisine including Bar-B-Que, Seafood, Mexican, Thai, Indian, and Italian, just to name a few. I'll be serving the North, NW, and Downtown Areas of town to start with. Residential and Corporate business is welcome, Lunch and Dinner available Mon-Sat, Closed on Sunday. My question is this. Who here will use my service? What can I do to improve the concept? What have I forgotten? Thank You!

2007-10-31 09:53:40 · 3 answers · asked by Deliver E 1

I'm really interested in hearing people's experiences -- what were your challenges? Do you have any advice (for either etsy or paypal use)? I read 'PayPal for Dummies' online, but would love to hear other people's experiences before I jump in. Thanks so much.

2007-10-31 08:45:00 · 2 answers · asked by v*art 1

does anyone know what type of equipment I would need to print my own bumper stickers at home? I'd like to start small and then eventually produce larger quantities

2007-10-31 07:48:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-31 07:16:20 · 6 answers · asked by Watch it bub! 3

I am thinking of leaving my job and starting my own business. I am 27 and would like to be my own boss.

has anyone else done anything similar? what advice would you give me? Is it a good decision

2007-10-31 06:56:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have some concerns about running my own licenced daycare centre.

I want to go to college and get my Early Childhood Education diploma and then get my degree in the same field -- then I want to start a licenced daycare centre.

I love kids and I am really good with them. I also always dream about having a business. This career option appeals to me also because I want to have several kids of my own and I'll be able to take care of them in my daycare centre and feed them the way I think is best, etc.. I'm 20 years old. My parents are telling me it's a no-no because running a business is extremely hard work and I won't have time for anything else. Is this true? Do you think I'll be able to have a great daycare centre and still be able to run errands and be with my husband (and kids)?

Don't get my wrong, I am ready to work hard. I know it won't be easy.

2007-10-31 05:54:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

This had been a very busy month at work. There have been several employees out on vacations, etc...As well as a number of projects which had to be completed. As a result, some of my work wasn't submitted in as timely a fashion as normal. This apparantly has upset my manager. Who has spoken to several of my fellow employees about my performance this month, yet has said nothing to me. Really, everytime i've spoken to a fellow employee in the last week they've mentioned that manager has issues with me. What is the best way to approach this?

2007-10-31 03:50:28 · 5 answers · asked by sparkly fire 2

Ages of Children will be Newborn to 2-3 years.

2007-10-30 13:58:47 · 6 answers · asked by Heather B 1

What are the benefits that I can avail if I engage in Amway business?
Is this not a pyramiding scheme?
Can I trust the products of Amway?

2007-10-30 13:37:58 · 5 answers · asked by cute j 1

I have a home based craft business and I will be selling through my website and at craft fairs. I need to know if there is a general small business licence that covers internet sales or if a local city licence covers it. Thanks!

2007-10-30 12:15:32 · 3 answers · asked by Stephanie 1

Someone close to me had a business up and running but lacked motivation. He then went into partnership with someone who was keen to make the business go places.

The business was already established, it didn't have any premises, but had all the machinery. The new partner put no money into the business, but did bring in alot of work and together they found some premises. The same partner started slacking. All he did was sell the occassional lead that came in from the newspaper. He caused alot of animosity among the employees, and speaks to them like s&*^. The employees will all go with the original partner as it's family. But... aparently, it would cost so much money to buy the new partner out, that the other feels trapped.

I won't bore you with loads of details, but the new partner isn't pulling his weight, yet shares the profits 2 ways with the original owner. Is there a way out?

2007-10-30 11:49:04 · 2 answers · asked by Jane S 3

Not E-Mail but regular snail mail.

2007-10-30 10:33:33 · 6 answers · asked by rammuniz@sbcglobal.net 2

Just want to know your experiences, good and bad, with both equipment and companies. Which terminals are good? I'd love to have wireless/check processing but for now I'm going to have to start with a very basic dial-up one. Thanks in advance.

2007-10-30 08:23:20 · 4 answers · asked by Rossonero NorCal SFECU 7

i want to open a small web store. and what should i start with? i know i need to create websites, traffic, etc, but where should i start with?? i do have geocities web site myself (non-profit), i really like it, but is it good for small business too??

2007-10-30 07:04:02 · 4 answers · asked by (0_0) 1

Does anybody know of any legitimate work at home jobs? I have a job now but it's an on call job that can be full time later with great pay. This is the problem there's not enough money now for bills and I have extra time between work. I've tried a few and sent money but they were all a joke and now I aprehensive about trying others.

2007-10-30 05:54:28 · 13 answers · asked by Phyllis C 1

The company I'm working for monitors what your doing every single second and makes everyone feel uncomfortable. Do they have the right to do that?

2007-10-30 05:19:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

If anyone has ever worked for National liberty please tell me everythning u can about the company especially the pay. I know its all commmision but exactly is it a good company to get into. I work for a small telemarketing company making 14 dollars the hour. Im 18 years old just got out of high school dont have any plans of going to colledge. but at National LIberty they will hellp me get my inusrance license for 400 dollars i give them for training and then im on my own. The telemarketing company is pretty small only like 12 employees and its family owned. What should i do?

2007-10-30 03:56:29 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have started to make ceramics for use in the kitchen and need to call buyers and set it up so I can email them photos and details of my work. The trouble is I absolutely hate using the phone and need to know what to day without sounding dumb and amateurish, which I'm not - but you'd never know from the way I speak on the phone.
It has to be calls first, just emails won't do. Or will they? If you know anything about this area e.g if it's your job to receive calls like mine, then I would dearly love to hear from you. Thanks in advance.

2007-10-30 01:17:13 · 2 answers · asked by cobra 7

2007-10-29 18:14:25 · 5 answers · asked by justcurious 1