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Small Business - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Small Business

data entry? ebooks on e bay???? i need help----im agoraphobic, (i have big problems leaving my house, and unable to get a job outside my home..)and have limited resources. what are the best, and actual "real/legitamate" sites to visit in order to get started w/ internet "home business"???? with an income that can be sustainable, but not "millionaire overnight" claiming????? PLEASE i really do need help..........NO SCAMS PLEASE-----thanks, alita

2007-07-16 19:37:31 · 16 answers · asked by alitajamie 2

How would i go about purchasing cheap, but reliable, barcodes, barcode scanners ans software?

Ok, i have a small business with many different items. They are all labeled by hand which makes things quite disorganized. So i want to put barcodes on all my items so when some one purchase an item i can just scan it so it says what item was sold and how many.

2007-07-16 18:25:41 · 3 answers · asked by ~ L 1

I am only 12 and I need to make $125.00 before August 1st. So let's say I need that much by July 25th. Anyway, after that I will need to make $65.00 monthly so I can continue the program I am paying for. I do not want to do surveys, get paid for emails, or babysit, tutor or whatever. I f you know how I can get really amazing business doing these things, I will consider them. I will read EVERY answer posted, so do not be discouraged to answer if you see lots of answers.Remember, I need really quick money!!

Thanks in advance!

2007-07-16 17:09:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to sell my website www.HaloTages.com How much money do you think I can get fore it?

2007-07-16 16:45:06 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

95 200sx 1.6l

2007-07-16 14:32:33 · 4 answers · asked by guppysquad4 1

arrange these position
as who report to who in an small organization
please use arrows to demonstrate

purchases manager
sales manager

thanks for answering my question

2007-07-16 11:56:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am looking for a new catchy name for my web store. I will be selling books, events and holidays.
any name that you can come up with or any suggestion will very appriciated.
something easy to remember
not something everybody is using
develop intrest
Please help me with it

2007-07-16 11:50:56 · 4 answers · asked by AK 1

2007-07-16 11:50:07 · 4 answers · asked by astoriagirl1212 1

It may sound a little confusing. What i am asking is say for example a patent for a remote control exists but i wanted to create a new remote control with diferent look and styling is that legal? In a nut shell is it legal to modify and change a product but still keep its original purpose?

2007-07-16 10:53:11 · 3 answers · asked by stewcat123 1

I sell bird houses. I got a letter with 4 walmart money orders for $850.00 each. I told them I don't have that many items. They said send what items I have then give the extra cash to the shipper when he picks up the items. The money orders looks legal. The man to contact is in Nigeria. Is this a scam!

2007-07-16 10:30:21 · 4 answers · asked by Wayne P 1

I am an at home mom looking to make more money from home. I need a reliable source of income.
Please do NOT respond with links to survey, trial offer, or paid email websites, I do those already for side income and do not need anymore.
I am looking for a legit company looking to hire someone with good typing and computer skills to work at home.
I will not invest money to begin working for a company, I don't feel that's how a legit business should operate. I feel I should be the one getting paid for my time and work to a company, not the other way around.

If anyone works for a company or has any suggestions for companies hiring, please respond asap!

P.S.- just to clarify before anyone posts about it lol, yes I've tried monster and yahoo jobs with no luck. Most are scam sites wanting a lot of money upfront.

Thanks to all who respond!!!! :)

2007-07-16 09:17:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Whilst I wouldnt touch this with a Barge Pole Ive just received an e-mail asking if I would like to earn between 2000 & 8000 $. per month Money would be sent to my address by ordinary mail. In some form or other I then have to transfer it to this address in the UK who will give me 10%. This would be from "Business Addresses" in the USA & Canada. This doth sound like Money Laundering do you think

2007-07-16 04:07:02 · 5 answers · asked by Gary Crant 7

Whilst I wouldnt touch this with a Barge Pole Ive just received an e-mail asking if I would like to earn between 2000 & 8000 $. Money would be sent to my address by ordinary mail. I then have to transfer it to this address in the UK who will give me 10%. This would be from "Business Addresses" in the USA & Canada. Does this sound like Money Laundering

2007-07-16 04:03:24 · 6 answers · asked by Gary Crant 7

I am looking into setting up a small business - anything from a market stall. Are there schemes which put people in touch with each other so they can set up initiatives together?

2007-07-16 03:19:42 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I placed an item on ebay which did not sell during the time frame it was available for...a couple of days later someone emailed me to say they would like to buy the item even though the auction period had ended which i have agreed to. Can i still invoice my buyer through ebay or do i now have to do it privately as ebay have now assumed no one has bought the item and therefore has no record of the buyer etc. how do i go about doing it all securely through paypal rather than emails?

2007-07-16 01:37:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

yesterday I won and auction for a designer handbag, been after one for ages and was very excited. I paid via paypal then mailed the seller syaing how happy I was to have won and was hoping it was the genuine article etc etc. Next thing I get an email from the seller saying the item had been withdrawn as she had "discovered" that the bag was a fake. Do you think that if I hadn't mailed her in the first place, the bag would have been sent cos no questions had been asked?

2007-07-16 00:46:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I move the business to my home. We are moving to another state. But we need to sell the business before we put the House on the market.

2007-07-16 00:25:11 · 1 answers · asked by Carmen Q 1

My sister has opened an ebay shop and undercut the prices of her biggest competitor, however its been days since her listings went on and no bids, questions or watchers - her rival is selling left right & centre whats going on? she has pretty good feedback (100%) - How can she boost her business extremely cost effectively?

Thanks in advance for your help & advice - most appreciated!

(for your reference- http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Party-Charmers_W0QQsspagenameZMEQ3aFQ3aSTQQtZkm)

2007-07-15 22:13:42 · 7 answers · asked by Lizzie 2

If i own a small business, how do i know what % to charge my customers in tax, and also where do i send that money and how often? What forms are there for this?


2007-07-15 20:11:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I took a rich dad seminar and it was helpful, very helpful, but it was a total marketing venture! it taught what to look for and a few key words, but when you try to get somewhere based on what you learned, you get the run around, can anyone help me so I don't feel like I wasted $500?

2007-07-15 19:42:42 · 3 answers · asked by laura m 1

I was just wondering because I use to travel around many different cities selling insurance. I would actually target small business owners. A lot of them like to brag about how they got their own business without going to school. Does anyone know what percentage of business owners never got a degree?

2007-07-15 18:13:49 · 4 answers · asked by Aaron K 2

i have an idea for the playtex baby bottle can i sell it to them for royalties. i dont have a patent or the money to get one or the money to produce it myself just a prototype either a lump sum or small sum plus future royalties would be ok. what can i do if u know let me know. if you dont know the answer and want to b a smart *** go play with yourself

2007-07-15 15:00:23 · 2 answers · asked by pvtbautista 1

In need of a grant for a transportation small business company or a grant writer can anyone help?

2007-07-15 14:57:53 · 2 answers · asked by ? 2

i'm a 21 year old female currently going for a Associate degree.. but i really have passion for business and may want to buy a a convientent store or something.. am i too young or what can i do to accomplish my dream?

2007-07-15 14:35:36 · 6 answers · asked by shanekwah 2

2007-07-15 14:14:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-15 12:35:41 · 7 answers · asked by leticia g 1

fedest.com, questions and answers