Problem: A tennant discovers the gas utility meter has been assigned to the wrong unit and advises the Landlord/ Mgmt.Co.Nothing was done to correct this error by the landlord, and tennant contacted Gas Utility herself, explaining the problem.
Gas Utility comfirms unit 'A' was incorrectly being charged to Unit 'B'. The error was made during const.of site. 'A', who uses little gas each month, bill was going to "B" and "B" going to 'A'/// 'B', kept the windows open and the gas heater on all winter, using more gas each month. At 6 years before being noticed by the tenant, (72 months), this could add up to be a substantial amount of money, for a retired, fixed income person by refund to A, & bill to B.
Since the Mgmt. Co/Landlord, did not respond to written requests by the tennant, except "buy an elec. htr" Who is at fault/liable? Mgmt Co., for not following the policy of 'contact them for any help', and doing nothing?
or the Gas Co. who came asap&fixed it ? My Mom&I thankyou
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