We moved out 26th June this year and up until now, our landlord still hasn't returned us the money.
Thing is we sent him notice of termination of tenancy way back in June (we were on a 1-year tenancy agreement and we stayed until the 26th June when the tenancy ran out). We were good tenants, left the unfurnished flat in pristine condition and cleaner than when we moved in, and we always paid our rent on time. So we called him up at the end of July to chase up on the deposit return and he sounded real friendly on the phone and said he was truly very busy, will do it a.s.a.p. etc.
Now a month after the call and 2 months after we moved out, still no sign of the money. Is he taking the p*ss??
He is a lawyer by the way, works in an established law firm which deals with many things, including commercial property law, so we think he probably knows his way around the law and probably isn't doing anything illegal by taking so long to return the deposit. Should we wait any longer for the ££?
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Renting & Real Estate