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Business & Finance - 16 August 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

2007-08-16 10:17:14 · 4 answers · asked by emily1980 2 in Law & Legal

It seems like they would have more of a motive to finance someone a car since they'd make even more money, so are they more willing to finance to someone with not so great credit (a score of 680)?

2007-08-16 10:14:11 · 4 answers · asked by BonQuiQui 1 in Personal Finance

1) The 16th was not ratified
2) 26 U.S.C. § 1 does not ever mention tax on a person's labor.
3) The definition of Income from a 1040 booklet is Foreign source income.
http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1040gi.pdf Look at page 22.

Also if you look at what to enter on line 7, it says wages, tips, salaries.... If a joint return enter your spouses INCOME.

Well my spouse has no income because they have not Foreign source income.

As for being part of the constitution, my freedom of religion is Christianity. Jesus asked peter from who do the kings of the land collect taxes from it's own sons or foreigners?. Peter replied "From foreigners".

Can't my freedom of religion keep me also from paying INCOME taxes.

And yes, I know, I know, they'll come and get me anyway and bring me to jail etc etc. That's called extortion BTW which is illegal.

2007-08-16 10:05:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Taxes

Even though I am making payments on time with my home mortgage. Can lose my home if if my lender declares bankruptcy?

2007-08-16 09:59:54 · 6 answers · asked by Ken H 6 in Renting & Real Estate

home insurance monthly about $50. I have a car loan payment of $350. Would it be better to rent or purchase a home over the next 5 years holding period with a contract rate of 8% and assuming over the next 5 years that the rate will rise 3% annualy including utilities, maintance and taxes to also rise at the same rate. Now If i'm only going to pay interest, i came up with $87,574 this is over a 5 year period at the 8%. How far off am I ?. I for got renting would be about $1400. a month and insurance $25 plus utilities around $220. over 5yrs. to me renting would be far cheaper?

2007-08-16 09:55:51 · 4 answers · asked by nora 4 in Renting & Real Estate

So I applied at a local money tree for a $150 small loan.. and I need a co-signer.. whats that about? I have a full time job, credit is ok.. geez

2007-08-16 09:47:52 · 4 answers · asked by andrew a 1 in Personal Finance

I have 65,000 and will probably loose half of it to tax and early withdrawl penalties but at this point to many bills and unable to keep up with them

2007-08-16 09:37:26 · 9 answers · asked by Darlene D 2 in Personal Finance

I've read that either party only needs to give thirty days notice. So if the tenant handed in written notice today, would he only have to pay approximately a half of months rent in September?

2007-08-16 09:37:00 · 1 answers · asked by dullerd 2 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-08-16 09:35:54 · 7 answers · asked by adam d 1 in Insurance

from the auction? If yes, whats going to happen with my previous loan on that house?

Thank You!

2007-08-16 09:33:50 · 13 answers · asked by premo_90066 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I would like to take care of two children in my home for some extra cash. I'm not licenced, and was wondering if I have to do taxes on the cash i make and how much do I deduct a month for taxes? I'm in Vancouver, B.C. Canada.

2007-08-16 09:32:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Canada

he wants a cut of the money i try to earn for my 4 kids... already been to court got a decree against me cant afford it. why does the gov. try to put me down so often...i work look after my kids still married but the gov. is still trying to hurt me
Help me please

2007-08-16 09:26:17 · 5 answers · asked by james845257 2 in United Kingdom

I am going to finish my BA soon and thinking about pursuing law. Mainly because it is so exciting on Law and Order.
How realistic is it?
1 being completely unrealistic and
10 being right on accurate.

2007-08-16 09:20:25 · 2 answers · asked by nanizm 3 in Law & Legal

I have an old credit card debt (2001) and two different collection agency's are trying to collect on it. One put a lien on my house and the other garnished my wages Do they both have the write to collect on the same debt?

2007-08-16 09:05:24 · 4 answers · asked by lizzy2001 2 in Credit

2007-08-16 09:02:25 · 2 answers · asked by starsong2205 1 in Renting & Real Estate

They say to choose a job you love so you'll love what you do. I've yet to find that job.

I hate the corporate world, the business suits & ties, the blackberrys--everything. That's just not the type of environment I ever want to make a career working in.

I recently moved and have been searching for a decent job. Is it worth my sanity to go be a bank teller, for instance, when I know that's not where I see myself long term just for the sake of earning a paycheck?

Have you ever accepted a job offer at a place where you knew you couldn't see yourself working long-term?

2007-08-16 08:54:43 · 7 answers · asked by Judy 5 in Other - Careers & Employment

I pay for my own gas and travel expenses for work. I also had to buy tools and a GPS. What percentage of that will I get back when I file my taxes?

2007-08-16 08:39:47 · 8 answers · asked by flower child 3 in United States

Can you get a home equity loan on a mobile home and 6 acres?

2007-08-16 08:38:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

According to the Fair Credit Report is it unlawful for a creditor to remove a debt off your credit report? That's what I was told from a collection agency.

2007-08-16 08:28:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit



2007-08-16 08:22:44 · 6 answers · asked by Cali0718♓ 2 in United States

Specifically I want to know how much Neo-natologist earn but if you can give me a certain range of doctors earnings anually..I would appreciate it..thx =]

2007-08-16 08:20:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Care

That's the minimum wage in New York City before taxes. Could someone actually live on that?

2007-08-16 08:20:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I'm looking to relocate and and need a loan but I have bad credit from when I was 18 and getting credit cards so do u know where I can get a loan

2007-08-16 08:17:05 · 8 answers · asked by lovely 2 in Credit

I will try to explain this without making it complicated. I am 19 years old and have never had a job. Before anyone judges me and decides that I am lazy, I assure you that I am NOT! I have been sick since I was 15 years old and only now healthy enough to begin working. I have looked forward to working for years but I could not have handled it (physically) before. Now that I am ready, I am not sure what to do. I assume that because of my age people will expect me to have job experience, which I am worried it will affect my chances. My other thing is I am healthy enough to work but not 100%, which means I need a job that isn't stressful (physically). I also can't work with food in any way (long story). So I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for jobs that would fit my needs. Also, any advice to make me more appealing since I don't have any job experience would be great.
Remember, can't be physically stressful and nothing with food. What are your thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

2007-08-16 08:13:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

My brother died about 2 weeks ago, and a couple days ago we all began settling the death benefit and all of the paper work, and so on. He was a Marine, so that's why it was such a big amount. My brother assigned my mother to be the beneficiary if anything ever happened to him, and it did. I heard that sometimes, a check can be taxed over 40%, which is outrageous. In a few weeks, my mom will recieve the $400,000, at which she was planning on writing out a check of $397,000 ish to give to his now widdowed wife, keeping $3,000 to pay for a few extra funeral costs. By default, she was already given $100,000 simply for being his wife. When she gets her half a million, will she be losing 40% to taxes? That's a $200,000 loss, simply by taxes. That's enough to survive 7 years if your smart about it, and they cannot take that much away. She has a 2 month old baby now too. Is there a method of transfer that doesnt show up on income tax, or something? I hope you guys can help! Good luck!

2007-08-16 08:12:06 · 8 answers · asked by College guy 2 in United States

2007-08-16 08:09:19 · 5 answers · asked by latricerobinson3000 2 in Investing

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