Question : Vendor Gifted Deposit Transfer Figure?
Question Details: If buying a property for £100,000 -to include a 10% vendor gifted deposit (so borrowing 90,000), what is the transfer figure for exchange of contracts?
My solicitor says 100,000 for tax and land registry purposes
Sellers solicitors says it has to be the net figure... I understand this to be incorrect as the property is valued at 100k with the mortgage lender, and they are lending 90% loan to value, so it will go through as being sold for 100k with land registry..
the sellers solicitors seems to think this is wrong..not sure if they are just suspecting mortgage fraud due to the size of "deposit"... one of her points being her clients liability for capital gains...well to my knowledge you pay capital gains on profit, not on gross income, the 10% seller gifted deposit can be put down as an expense against the figure of 100,000
Can anyone shed any light on the matter please?
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United Kingdom