The current tax code has over 5.5 billion words, countless forms and instructions, and is too complex for the average taxpayer to comprehend. As a result, businesses and individuals face huge burdens of time and money to comply with the tax code-- in 2006, Americans spent 6.4 billion hours filling out tax forms for the government.
Switching to a flat tax would make it simple to pay taxes, saving everyone time and money. Under a flat tax, filing taxes would take mere minutes, and decreasing compliance costs would improve the economy-- all of those billions of hours we spend filing taxes could be put to productive use. Individual Flat Tax Form would have three questions.
1. Your Wages, Salary, and Pension
2. Marital Status
3. How many dependent children do you have
You could eliminate 95% of the need for the I.R.S saving billions
No more Tax brackets.
The billions we lose from Illegal Immigration would be recovered.
I wish I could go on
4 answers
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United States