Ok, I go to this new school. And last year I was in this group for something advanced that they were going to choose me from for next year. Since I moved, I didn't get invited to the advanced prgram. (If I were in my old school, I would have been invited.) I'm not in advanced math, so anyways, yesterday I went to my counsler and was talking to him about something. All of a sudden, he brings up my grades. He's like "How are your grades?" I'm like "They're good, I make the honor roll". I get 3.3 or higher. He looks at them and he's like "They're okay."
So, then today, I asked him for an application for that advanced program. He's like, "Are you in advanced math?" I'm like "No, I have her 5th period" He's like, "Only the advanced math kids got invited. I don't think you're going to make it. I'll give you an application, but you're chances are low".
What should I do? I feel sooo ostupid!!! I want to be in it, but since he told me he doesn't think I'm going to make it, I'm not sure.
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