I've been using Grecian 5, or Just for men, for about 4 yrs. All of a sudden, it seems that my scalp gets extremely irritated. It begins with irritation, then my scalp begins to ooze this yellowy substance, that is gooey. Really disgusting. Has been happening ever since. Stopped using them, as I don't want to damage my scalp anymore than its been. I have great hair (hate the grey), and never had a problem using this product before. Now, anytime I used it, it causes my scalp to itch like crazy, scabs form, and it oozes this yellowy substance. Has this happen to anyone, and if so, what solution did you come up with? Did they put in a new chemical? Another thing, that occured during this period, is that my hand has developed, what the doctors say is egzema. (hands getting dry, scaly, and crack) (AUGH!!!) Anyone that found a natural product that I could use to get the gray out, and/or found and answer to this kind of problem, IS GREATLY APPRECIATED.
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