How many days, and hours of each day, we pass thinking and feeling utterly discontent, not being able to give or feel our best, oft time ignoring what we are, and constantly trying to live as a better person a better life only in our imagination?
What could you have been doing, for instance, right now if not what you are doing?
However better alternatives you might have in your mind, are just not there. Of course, you could imagine tens of things instead: a better house, a better companion, a better place, or a pay package, but a little honesty in thinking should be sufficient to reveal that the best is what we have, and whatsoever it may be.
If we just realise that what we have now, or what we are is the best so far, once we familiarise our mind with a notion of personal best, once the doors or pr perception are open in acceptance new possibilities come through allowing us to change and to get even better then it all depends upon the measure with which we regard ourselves.
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