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2007-11-12 23:50:41 · 16 answers · asked by Third P 6 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

16 answers

i dont think reason can live without science. reason needs who what when where how, science gives that.

2007-11-13 00:05:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I believe so...I've probably got this wrong but reason can be done without science...I mean..what did ancient philosophers do without science? What about Plato? Some are empirists and others will just use words to prove their point...no?

2007-11-13 11:36:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Reason is nothing to with Science as I think.
But the Science is there to do everything with reason.

Reason can be logical or illogical but science is logical.

So yes reason can live without science.

2007-11-13 09:51:40 · answer #3 · answered by The More I learn The More I'm Uneducated 5 · 0 0

I think the question is the other way around. For science can not live without reason. And to attempt to will lead only into chaos and darkness of ancient times.

2007-11-13 13:27:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Reason can live without science. But obviously science has affected the way we reason, probably so that our reasoning is more reasonable now.

2007-11-13 09:16:46 · answer #5 · answered by T Delfino 3 · 1 0

They are the same thing.

Science is reasoning. Whenever you say "I can run across this road now without this car hitting me", your conclusion is the result of both reason and science. Science because youve worked out that the car isnt travelling fast enough to reach you on time, and reason because youve decided that your science makes sense and so the risk is minimal.

Know what I mean?

2007-11-13 08:03:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1


Reason is the source of true science which continues to evolve. Early man had to reason often to survive physically in this world, long before seeking magic and then primitive science control of nature.

Reason is the understanding technique of the sciences; reason is the proof and the sustainer of the sciences.

Some public domain selections from our Epochal Revelation:

Page-1137 "Science must always be grounded in reason, although imagination and conjecture are helpful in the extension of its borders."

Page-1139 "Reason is the act of recognizing the conclusions of consciousness with regard to the experience in and with the physical world of energy and matter."

[my added explanation below is in these square brackets]

Page-1141 "Science (knowledge) is founded on the inherent (adjutant spirit) assumption that reason is valid, that the universe can be comprehended. Philosophy (co-ordinate comprehension) is founded on the inherent (spirit of wisdom) assumption that wisdom is valid, that the material universe can be co-ordinated with the spiritual. Religion (the truth of personal spiritual experience) is founded on the inherent (Thought Adjuster) [the spirit of God within you; the future perfect You] assumption that faith is valid, that God can be known and attained."

Peace and progress,
Brother Dave, a Jesusonian Christian Truthist
http://www.PureChristians.org/ Gospel enlarging website,
proclaiming worldwide the True Religion
Come and share !

2007-11-13 12:05:19 · answer #7 · answered by ? 5 · 1 1

Of course! Now, let's see...where did i leave my coffee cup? I know i just set it down just a minute ago..and i was in the kitchen...i don't think i drank the whole thing already...i could get another cup, but if it still has coffee in it, it might make a mess if it gets spilled or knocked over...i guess i will have to re-trace my steps from this morning...(walk, walk walk)Here it is! right where i left it! Now i remember why i sat it down there in the ffirst place. But, am i sure that "science" did not play a part in me finding my cup? (what do you think?) "Peace!" :)

2007-11-13 12:00:47 · answer #8 · answered by Mr. "Diamond" 6 · 1 0

Science is a branch of reasoning...
so i guess reason can live without science

2007-11-13 07:53:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Could reason be its self not having self conscious purpose. Having the purpose concept is essential for science and doubt (a contradiction as possibility) is essential for question, but the notion for purpose as concept has yet to become existent. If reason does not exist when the concept purpose does not exist, then reason does not exist as science, but science exists as instinct, unconscious but assessing external conditions. In this condition both science and reason do not exist as we understand it in our conceptual mind, self, there is autonomy but not the self consciousness with its own concept for self.

The Will is positive, the Judgment is negative.

2007-11-13 20:50:25 · answer #10 · answered by Psyengine 7 · 0 1

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