In today's world we think much about what we have with us! A car, a house, clean credit history, everthing is revolving in and around money.
But will you get love of your mother, your wife for money? No. These have been beyond the boundaries of anything which can be 'bought'!
We have evolved but we need to know that money at the of everything is not total happiness!
2007-11-13 16:12:19
answer #1
answered by abusahabuddin 2
No money isn't EVERYTHING its just money! A means to acquire certain things.... unfortunately we live in a very shallow materialistic society where THINGS and POSSESSIONS are given more value than deeper "spiritual" values. BUT its not like that for everyone. Yes we all need some money and you would be a fool to say money means nothing. Everyone needs enough money to live and get by. But for me, its not the be all or the end all.
2007-11-13 07:40:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No,money can not buy true love. Love and emotions have value but it's not about money. Money is important in this materialistic world but money can not buy honor. Money can not buy genuine respect, that's why money is not everything
2007-11-13 07:55:18
answer #3
answered by noy 4
Money is not everything, but a mean to most, if not every-things!
Love is everything, but not a mean to all, if not every- things!
Emotion, on the other hands, has the values of everything, but only to the concerned individual and not all individuals for all the things.
All the best!/
2007-11-13 07:39:50
answer #4
answered by Ebby 6
Money is not everything. The others have value to them.
2007-11-13 08:21:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No, money isn't everything, but money can give you a lot of options in life. Just think: you can go anywhere you want, buy anything you want (or need) and you can meet all sorts of people in your travels. Being poor has never been fun, but having money has always been a blast!
2007-11-13 07:45:59
answer #6
answered by She She 3
Money makes a lot of things easier, but money isn't everything.
Imagine you had a billion dollars, but you were in an accident and paralyzed from the neck down. Now, wouldn't you be willing to give all of that money up if it meant you could have the use of your body again?
2007-11-13 07:35:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
no money is not evrything
though money is very important
for our lives
it does not give u everything
maybe it gives u happiness when u bought ur wants or luxury items
but true happiness comes
from a deeper look
with ur true friends u will find a good point of view
that ur laughters with them gives u a memory that money cant give u
yet money can do many things :D
but money is not everything :D
and money is the root of all evil :D
2007-11-13 07:39:02
answer #8
answered by -n22- 2
Money is important for your physical survival in this world. You use it to buy food, clothing, etc., but it can't fill the void you may feel inside. For example if I was offered to work on Christmas day (I'm 18 and work in this popular coffee shop) because it's really busy and they need people, and therefore they double my earnings, I will say no thanks because I'd rather spend that time with my mom and dad. Who knows if this is our last Christmas together?
2007-11-13 08:14:04
answer #9
answered by . 6
The money is not everything, but it's the way to everything. The trick is to head for the aim and not for the way of reaching it, if you understand what I mean.
2007-11-13 09:17:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous