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Arts & Humanities - 22 July 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

why dont they teach it in middle school

2007-07-22 13:15:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

The Copenhagen Interpretation almost implies the existence of a "higher power" [an ultimate Observer, the first, setting the universe into existence.]

Granted, once he's done that,--by theory--he can do nothing with his new world but observe events unfolding randomly, based solely on probability?

2007-07-22 13:14:39 · 4 answers · asked by Sunflash The Mace 1 in Philosophy

i tried to downloaded the leaked book but they have different versions. i'm confused as to which one is correct. can anyone help me?

2007-07-22 13:13:14 · 4 answers · asked by Tigoy 1 in Books & Authors

"There is a sprinkling of losers like me scattered among the happy teenagers, prunes in the oatmean of school."

2007-07-22 13:12:01 · 3 answers · asked by Laura 1 in Books & Authors

Cheney or Bush?

2007-07-22 13:09:21 · 27 answers · asked by flushles 3 in History

kk so my dream job is to become a star like thing. meaning acting. like not into L.A. or anything. like u know plays and junk like that. how do i get into it more? i'm in the dram and acting. i love all types of art. like this year i'm taking fashion, food, art and dram. and like other things u can do is probably singing, and acting of real shows and dacing. but i want to move onto something bigger. i'm going into gr 10. and i'm 15 and i loving acting and stuff thing that. how would i become something like that? i live in canada AB. and thats as far as i'm gonna go. does anyone know how i could go were i wanna go? ^^ tell me kay. thankssss.

2007-07-22 13:08:32 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

tom sawyer

2007-07-22 13:08:15 · 3 answers · asked by buffieloo 1 in Books & Authors

I very much like the Harry Potter series except for two main aspects of the books:
1) J.K. Rowling has given way too much credit to Harry. In fact, hes probably the biggest jerk Ive ever encountered in fiction. I was reading Deathly Hallows and theres a certain incident where Ron appears after abandoning Harry and subsequently saves Harry's life. For all that, Harry appraises (as if hes qualified to appraise anybody) Ron: "You've sort of made up for it tonight. Getting the *spoiler*. Finishing off the *spoiler*. Saving my life."

2) Why in every book does Rowling have to introduce a new sort of "relic" that the books central plot revolves around? Clearly that reveals the fallibility of the overall plot.

At least if ppl dont entirely agree with the second objection, the first one should be quite evident given the plethora of damning evidence ever since the fifth book.

2007-07-22 13:07:05 · 9 answers · asked by Wise Idiot 1 in Books & Authors

how much are the Cappuccino Studio Cups each?
i checked there website but it doesn't say.
plz and thanks

2007-07-22 13:03:12 · 2 answers · asked by LOVE♥ 1 in Painting

I've posted a few questions on a video on my youtube account... and for the sake of it I'm just posting them on here to see what ppl think..

ok these are:

Q1. Do you think that you won't be able to think with out a language?

Q2.. How did the moon get here?

Q3... why does why (Y) have it's place in the alphabet?

Q4... Are we color blind and everything else is a different color.

Q5 ... what started the human race?

Q6...(trick question) What substance is light?

Q7... Do you think we see aliens everyday?

Q8... how did water end up on this planet?

2007-07-22 12:56:19 · 24 answers · asked by Nat. 2 in Philosophy

"Mother is the rock, I am the ocean"

its a metaphor, i just need the explanation for it.

2007-07-22 12:52:06 · 11 answers · asked by Laura 1 in Books & Authors

A) frustration with rampant inflation and stagnant wages.
B) anger over war profiteering by unscrupulous businesses.
C) racial backlash against the Emancipation Proclamation.
D) the widespread hatred of General George McClellan.

2007-07-22 12:50:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

A) George B. McClellan B) Winfield Scott
C) Ulysses S. Grant D) Irwin McDowell

2007-07-22 12:50:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

A) He made arbitrary arrests for purely political reasons.
B) He suspended the writ of habeas corpus in critical areas and applied martial law freely.
C) He prohibited any free elections during the war.
D) He did everything in his power to preserve their rights because he was devoted to individual freedom.

2007-07-22 12:49:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

ur favorite book

2007-07-22 12:48:02 · 14 answers · asked by migzee 1 in Books & Authors

Progressivism and organized interest groups reflect the new political choices of Americans. In regards to reforming politics of the turn of the 20C, what in this list below does not belong?

Many cities demanded more efficient government. This led to clean up of local political factions; reforming politics at the grass roots level

Urban liberals advocated that state and federal governments intervene and support American citizens in time of economic need

The Federal government did not support legislation to intefere with America's right to consume alcohol or restrict immigration to the world's poor and hungry

Election ballots and politicians began to seek redress for issues important to them such as education reform

2007-07-22 12:46:06 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

Ultimately resulted in the US Congress allowing bankers and munitions makers to pull the United States into World War I

Provided FDR with virtually unlimited power to confront the Great Depression and get Americans working again

Allowed Adolph Hitler to assume control over German politics, society and the economy from 1936 which lead to rebuilding the military

Motivated Americans to ultimately put aside their isolationist political tendencies

2007-07-22 12:45:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

I am a 56 yr old recently retired elem teacher and hold a wealth of info in my head and have the ability to write, but I just don't even know how to start. I am not an illustrator at all but am extremely good at getting religious ideas down to their level and could use photos but how do you do this when picture books are mostly pics ? I have the words and ideas. I know how hard it is to sell the books, I can self publish

2007-07-22 12:40:17 · 3 answers · asked by I Love Jesus 5 in Other - Arts & Humanities


Just so you all know humour is ok

Credit for the idea for this question goto Mr Ryan.

So what annoys you?

Is it people that think they are better than you because they have a camera they will never be able to get good pixs out of but cost them a second mortgage?

Is it people who pay the doctor and builder but want to steal copyright work?

I own a hammer but wouldnt attempt to build a house, so why are we all "pros?" - you know "im a pro and i use a canix D1/d/200D EXS DRW TRL, unless im outdoors in the sun my pictures dont look to great. i spend an hour in photoshop and they still dont look as good as that guy with the old film camera who reads exposure off his hand, whats that about?" etc etc do these people convince or annoy you or do you just pity them?

Go on vent yourselfs of frustrations, be free go forth and answer

2007-07-22 12:37:42 · 5 answers · asked by Antoni 7 in Photography

Many people object to doing things that they have to do, don't need to do, or don't want to do. In societies where we are taught the "pursuit of happiness", how do you justify doing things that are not in the pursuit of happiness?

2007-07-22 12:36:14 · 18 answers · asked by guru 7 in Philosophy

Not to be on the sad side but did you lose that love, did you let it go, or did it run away.

Whether it was by a parent, beau, childhood friend, pet, or whoever impacted your life.

Please some words to describe how you felt when you were wrapped in love.

Much thanks.

Ha tenido amor grande? cuando y con quien? Era cualquiera especial?

Ha sentido amor grande? Amor de sus padres, familia, novio(a), amigos...

Y Perdio tu amor?
Si perdio to amor, como le perdio y por que?

Me gustaria todos opiniones que explicando porque perdio to amor?

Gracias a todos por sus repuestas...

Y rezo que encontra tu amor un vez mas.

2007-07-22 12:24:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Is it just me or ...after the H.P. books were starting to be filmed ...did the story lines become more cinematically friendly?....Dumbledore dies....two movies after the actor kicks it?...

2007-07-22 12:24:00 · 5 answers · asked by Michael B 4 in Books & Authors

my name is rebecca and i need a new nickname. some non related to my real name though.

2007-07-22 12:20:04 · 18 answers · asked by Rebecca C 1 in Genealogy

I think it's 'Reasoning', how about you?

2007-07-22 12:14:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Is it possible?

2007-07-22 12:13:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

2007-07-22 12:13:11 · 37 answers · asked by enki 4 in Philosophy

was Einstein a REAL genius?

what did he do in his lifetime that made him so famous? what did he accomplish?

2007-07-22 12:12:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

As we get older we begin at some point to be dimminished by age and the sometimes devistating and near fatal effects some of our experiences have on our lives. We begin almost to free fall. Physically our bodies become frail and our memories are not reliable however many people gain a greater sense of humour and become wise and accepting and not as rigid in their thinking as when they were younger. Those very experiences and accumulated years add a dimension of softness, knowledge to their characters and their personalitys that they would otherwise not possess.
In this expanding universe travelling through space and floating in unmeasured time like an infant in its amniotic fluid we are
both learning/ expanding and shrinking/ dying simutaniously? How do we explain the near impossiblity of our llives?.The diametrically opposed conumdrum life presents? How do we apply a rational to such an incredible phenomonon? Any thoughts? anyone?

2007-07-22 12:10:09 · 9 answers · asked by pat 4 in Philosophy

And I don't mean 'showing' it, but having it.

Doesn't having emotion predispose you to making irrational desisions? Like punching a wall out of 'anger', or not getting a prenuptial out of 'love', Cutting yourself out of 'sadness', things like that?

2007-07-22 12:05:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

fedest.com, questions and answers