ok here it is. I have been with my husband for 13 yrs married 8 dated 5 and to this day his mother I think really does not like me, she really likes his first wife. Just the other day she said in a room full of people (with me there) that his first wife will always be her daughter in law and my husband said nothing and when I brought it to his attn. that I did not like it he got mad and told me that I was being childish and taking what she says personal. Now just last yr we gave her a b-day dinner and she brought the ex wives mother to my house as her guest and once again when I told my husband that she should not have done that he told me I needed to get over it and stop being childish. Now she has a relationship with the ex and I dont have a problem with that but do u think she has to broadcast it in my face!!! Oh did I mention that the ex wifes pictures are all around her house and my wedding pic is under her and my husbands pic... help
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