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All categories - 25 December 2007

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My friend has a one of the old generation PSP's and he has lots of flash videos & games on it. I told him that I wanted to get a PSP and that I was thinking of geting one of the new PSP slims. He told me that on the PSP slim you can't put flash file on it. I really want to be able to put flash files on it so I don't know what to do. so is it true that you can't put flash files on the PSP slim?

2007-12-25 14:36:46 · 3 answers · asked by Dino Dino! :P 2 in PDAs & Handhelds

Amor fati is a latin phrase meaning, "Love your fate". What I would like to do is add a word that essentially means that fate is unguided, aimless, and without direction. The closest I could come is with the word, "vagus". I'm not sure if this is grammatically correct. Is there a better way to say this? "Love your unguided fate?"

2007-12-25 14:36:46 · 4 answers · asked by doogsdc 2 in Languages

Did you greet it with a howl or a wimper.

I be a howler.............

2007-12-25 14:36:45 · 6 answers · asked by tallerfella 7 in Polls & Surveys

*expecting it to be some super F*ucked up phrase*

2007-12-25 14:36:39 · 2 answers · asked by TimmiT 5 in Words & Wordplay

My fiance and I have a wonderful relationship and never have arguements. We have really close and talk like best friends. The things is, whenever we talk and I say something that bothers me or makes me sad then he feels sad as well. Then, he gets really quiet. I am the kind of person that wants to talk in those moments and when I ask him 'what's wrong' he is quiet. That makes me more hurt that he doesn't speak and then he says sorry and talks and hugs me after 30 minutes.

Do you get in these situations?

I need to learn to not say anything and let him have his time and then talk about it when he is ready.

Advice or stories greatly appreciated~


2007-12-25 14:36:37 · 9 answers · asked by HotJewels 3 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-25 14:36:32 · 3 answers · asked by Noe 2 in Polls & Surveys

My friend has an unique problem. She use to work for XYZ company on H1B. Later she moved to ABC company. But her H1b transfer from XYZ to ABC was denied for some reason . She is not sure whether XYZ company has with drawn her visa from INS or not. Is there a way to check it online, which can prove her legal presence? She checked in USCIS website, it doesnt say anything about with drawl of H1B from previous company, XYZ. If XYZ company withdraws her H1B, will it be reflected in USCIS? Please help 10 points to best answer.

2007-12-25 14:36:31 · 5 answers · asked by Piscesian 3 in Immigration

The True Founder of Christianity
The teachings of Paul, the true founder of Christianity, cannot be found anywhere in the teachings of Jesus or in those of prophets before him.

The following are some of the innovations that Paul introduced into "his" religion of Christianity.

1. The divinity of Jesus
2. The trinity
3. Atonement
4. Salvation by faith

it seems as though jesus was born and died like millions of people. maybe he was special maybe not. there were plenty of people who had special abilities in the past that wernt god. the point is chriostianity was formed after his death. it wasnt his religion it was pauls. paul just created a religion based on his acount of a man who died many eyars before him

***- credit goes to one of the members on this site with a nickname like a27z or something like that for asking some key questions

2007-12-25 14:36:26 · 20 answers · asked by pizzaboy 1 in Religion & Spirituality

since gravity(according to einstien)is a warp im space how would electromagnetism look?

2007-12-25 14:36:20 · 6 answers · asked by wik 2 in Astronomy & Space

ok my mom was watching t.v and i was in my room my dad comes out and says these weird stuff and he left but i think he will come out again and start to fight with my mom im scared im shaking right now im biting my fingernails please help me
merry christmas

2007-12-25 14:36:07 · 27 answers · asked by John sXe (Straight Edge Savior) 5 in Family

ill be honest here, i havent been looking on immigration issues for a while now, but i have heard that Oklahoma has enforced some laws that have to do with hiring "undocumented wokers"....i know that is true, but i am very curious to know if it is actually working....somewhere, i read on an answer which said that Oklahoma has already seen a decrease in "undocomented workers" (or it may have said a decrease in mexicans)..... for so long, nothing has been done about our immigration issues that i find it hard to believe such a thing could or is happening (the decrease in illegals), and i do live in an area where it is a sanctuary for "undocumented" people.

my quesition is though, is it working for Oklahoma?? how have the results been? it would be great to see a viewpoint from an Oklahoma resident.

2007-12-25 14:36:07 · 14 answers · asked by ILoveGreen ZipZapZop 4 in Immigration

Would it be construed as being obtuse
or among the minutiae to chew over
one's animal's favorite tactics?

2007-12-25 14:36:01 · 6 answers · asked by rockman 7 in Polls & Surveys

I hear this being bantered about all the time: Family Values. What are they, specifically? Is there a comprehensive list?

2007-12-25 14:36:00 · 6 answers · asked by Sarrafzedehkhoee 7 in Other - Society & Culture

2007-12-25 14:36:00 · 22 answers · asked by Tatyana L 2 in Baby Names


What are some snacks I could have right now? It doesn't have to healthy, haha I'll be completely honest, I could care less. I want something to eat, but idk what. I was looking forward to brocolli w/ dressing, but we don't have any dressing :/ What are some good snacks? :)

2007-12-25 14:35:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Food & Drink

I like dancing at rave partys and I like dancing to the song "Back that a.ss up" it's a classic.

2007-12-25 14:35:32 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-12-25 14:35:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i was playing with my son on the bed when i fell off and hurt my neck and back. i have a sliped disk and 2 rolled in my neck
what is the army going to do!!!they wont dicharge me will they!!!the doctor wants to put me on light duty untill further notice!!!im only in basic training!!!!whats going to happen to me!!!

2007-12-25 14:35:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I haven't seen a GAP Ad today.. anyone else?

2007-12-25 14:35:11 · 13 answers · asked by Spongeluv11 5 in Adolescent

2007-12-25 14:35:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

2007-12-25 14:35:08 · 9 answers · asked by CherryCheri 7 in Polls & Surveys

Ok, well, I have the choice between a silver 1999 Chrysler LHS or a silver 2000 Dodge Intrepid. Some things you might want to know:

-They are within 100 miles of each other.
-Both have V6's.
-Neither have any rust.
-Both have remote start.
-The LHS has leather interior.

So which one would you choose if you had too? Please don't base your desicion on which car manufacturer you like best. I know it'll be hard without seeing pictures, but I am so clueless! My parents want me to do research and make a decision for myself. I know NOTHING about cars! So, if you know anything important about either of these cars (like MPG) and you'd like to throw that in with your answer, I'd be very greatful! Thanks and happy holidays!

2007-12-25 14:34:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

Come out of hiding you all LOL. I know you're out there. I know
many seniors don't exchange gifts anymore. But maybe there
is a handful that did anyway. Or at least, received some unex-
pectedly. Care to share?

2007-12-25 14:34:56 · 9 answers · asked by Lynn 7 in Senior Citizens

I want something for my camcorder I just got that can alow me to combine movies together(unless windows movie maker can)add some cool free effects, and stuff like that. Please, I need help. And here is a windows movie maker question.When I import a video on windows movie maker, can I add it as a clip with a jpg right in front of it(like the .jpg is the title and then the video? Please answer!!!

2007-12-25 14:34:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Camcorders

2007-12-25 14:34:24 · 12 answers · asked by shannonasbell 2 in Christmas

big, big eyes. Big eyes run in my chinese part of the family. Instead of slitty eyes we have big eyes. In a way you could call it triple eyelids. I used to hate them and I admired people who had smoky sexy eyes like Eva Green in Casino Royale, James Bond. So I used to spend hours upon hours looking at myself in the mirror and trying to make my eyes smaller sultry. So I used to blur my vision to do so. I was thirteen. I am now fourteen and my mum keeps telling me my eyes haved shrunk. And I agree now my younger brother who is eight has the type of eyes I once did. Someone help me I want big eyes back I hate small eyes now. I have tried using my fingers to pull at my eyelids and I have tried opening my eyes very large now. Also I have put on some weight and my cheeks have become chubby! Help somebody! I know I sound vain! Also I actually heard that when your born your eyes are already 80% developed! Is it the eye or the eyelid? I'm confused! How do I get my big eyes back?

2007-12-25 14:34:17 · 3 answers · asked by lonely_in_gorgeous_tears300 1 in Optical

there seems to be a lot of loose dogs runnin around on YA these days...i kinda like it...you?

2007-12-25 14:34:04 · 8 answers · asked by damn longhaireds 3 in Polls & Surveys

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