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All categories - 4 December 2007

Arts & Humanities · Beauty & Style · Business & Finance · Cars & Transportation · Computers & Internet · Consumer Electronics · Dining Out · Education & Reference · Entertainment & Music · Environment · Family & Relationships · Food & Drink · Games & Recreation · Health · Home & Garden · Local Businesses · News & Events · Pets · Politics & Government · Pregnancy & Parenting · Science & Mathematics · Social Science · Society & Culture · Sports · Travel

that featured people dressed as animals. they looked like the people from cats (tight costumes with just face paint and ears). they sang and danced. there was a bird, a bear, a tiger or lion, a beaver, and few other creatures. the set was very sparse like if you were watching a play. what was it called?? i know it had the word zoo in the name.

2007-12-04 19:53:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Television

All of these situations are real and some of them were mighty embarrassing. Enjoy!

Actual reference queries reported by American and Canadian library reference desk workers of various levels.

"Do you have books here?"

"Do you have a list of all the books written in the English language?"

"Do you have a list of all the books I've ever read?"

"I'm looking for Robert James Waller's book, 'Waltzing through Grand Rapids.'" (Actual title wanted: "Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend.")

"Do you have that book by Rushdie: 'Satanic Nurses'?" (Actual title: "Satanic Verses")

"Where is the reference desk?" This was asked of a person sitting at a desk who had, hanging above her head, a sign saying "REFERENCE DESK"!

"I was here about three weeks ago looking at a cookbook that cost $39.95. Do you know which one it is?"

"Which outlets in the library are appropriate for my hair dryer?"

"Can you tell me why so many famous Civil War battles were fought on National Park sites?"

"Do you have any books with photographs of dinosaurs?"

"I need a color photograph of George Washington [Christopher Columbus, King Arthur, Moses, Socrates, etc.]"

"I need a photocopy of Booker T. Washington's birth certificate."

"I need to find out Ibid's first name for my bibliography."

"Why don't you have any books by Ibid? He's written a lot of important stuff."

"I'm looking for information on carpal tunnel syndrome.
I think I'm having trouble with it in my neck."

"Is the basement upstairs?" (Asked at First Floor Reference Desk)

"I am looking for a list of laws that I can break that would send me back to jail for a couple of months."

2007-12-04 19:53:22 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Just curious to know

2007-12-04 19:53:15 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

It's almost 4 am and my super is supposed to be coming in tomorrow to inspect my apartment (doing the whole building at any time from 9 am till 5pm).
The thing is, I dont want just 5 hours of sleep. Would it be rude if I leave a note on my door saying I was working late tonight, so i need to sleep in. And to please come back after 11 or 12?

2007-12-04 19:51:00 · 16 answers · asked by WonderingWhy 3 in Etiquette

The walls I built of my paper-mâché
Are flaking and crumbling apart.
The gaps and the cracks are spreading much wider-
Revealing my crucified heart.
Here it's displayed, atop a white pedestal...
Once guarded so tightly, now exposing it all...

It once was so young, so vibrant and strong.
Beating the rhythm to a light, wordless song.
Pumping out happiness, sucking out pain,
Making my blunders seem more like a gain.

It started to falter, often skipping a beat,
But the rhythm continued as though on repeat.
Overexertion was crucial, too much stress perhaps,
Causing the heart to pump madly until it collapsed.

'Twas put on display, in an upright position,
To be seen as a model of perfect cognition.
Nails held it steady, the spot-light was bright,
Causing the mass to heat and ignite.

I took my emotions, thoughts, aspirations,
Mixed them together to a paste combination.
This became a tomb for my heart on display,
So that quietly...solitary...it could decay.

**continue below**

2007-12-04 19:50:59 · 10 answers · asked by Happy. Finally. 3 in Poetry

Hi i have a boyfriend who means a lot to me , i need help with getting him a gift this year, i have no idea what guys like him want as a gift , a lil about him
hes a serious gamer he got a x-box 360 last year and about 3 or 4 moths ago he got Final fantasy online ,and o-yea i play just as much as he do , whats hot this year for guys , i really need a guys answer on this pleeeeessss

thanks a lot

2007-12-04 19:50:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-12-04 19:50:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Just curious as sometimes dont you just get he feeling your cat is desperately trying to talk to you but cant get the words out!?

2007-12-04 19:49:52 · 31 answers · asked by Cheri P 2 in Cats

2007-12-04 19:49:30 · 7 answers · asked by Olive. 3 in Adolescent

My resignation has been accepted by my company. I am on a limited contract and almost 1 more year remains in the contract.Could you please tell me what gratuity i am entitled to with the corresponding quote of the article in Labour Law.Thanking you in advance.I am on my husbands sponsership.

2007-12-04 19:49:20 · 3 answers · asked by rosa 1 in United Arab Emirates

One weekend, the husband is in the bathroom shaving when the kid he hired to mow his lawn, a local kid named Bubba, comes in to pee. The husband slyly looks over and is shocked at how immensely endowed Bubba is. He can't help himself, and asks Bubba what his secret is.

"Well," says Bubba, "every night before I climb into bed with a girl, I whack my p***s on the bedpost three times. It works, and it sure impresses the girls!"

The husband was excited at this easy suggestion and decided to try it that very night. So before climbing into bed with his wife, he took out his p***s and whacked it three times on the bedpost. His wife, half-asleep, said, "Bubba? Is that you?"

2007-12-04 19:49:15 · 6 answers · asked by actra 3 in Jokes & Riddles

2007-12-04 19:48:49 · 37 answers · asked by -unknown- 1 in Polls & Surveys

2007-12-04 19:48:41 · 19 answers · asked by scd 1 in Hunting

Glenda drops a coin from ear level down a wishing well. The coin falls a distance of 7.00 m before it strikes the water. If the speed of sound is 343 m/s, how long after Glenda releases the coin will she hear a splash?

2007-12-04 19:48:18 · 5 answers · asked by HGA 3 in Jokes & Riddles

How a professional attitude employee go well in company if he have to work under an unprofessional(less qualified but senior) person?

2007-12-04 19:47:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

Does guilt keep you in a downward spiral of pretending to believe and feeling bad for not believing? I'm not saying there's nothing real to believe in, but isn't faith a bad substitute for learning by observation and experience?

2007-12-04 19:47:41 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

you dont have to go into details. but at least give an idea of what happend on your wildest night.

mine was in thailand. lets just say that there was me, my 2 buddies, 3 thai bar girls, another "girl" which we threw out right away, and ALOT of alcohol

2007-12-04 19:47:25 · 27 answers · asked by intestinal mucous 1 in Beer, Wine & Spirits

I go to uni with 2 girls, Lisa* & Kelly*.

I want Lisa* as one of my bridesmaid but not Kelly*.

The 3 of us have most classes/lectures together.

Any ideas/suggestions on how I can make our future classes/lectures as least awkward as possible if I don't have Kelly* as one of my bridesmaid?

2007-12-04 19:46:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

"And sometimes when you're on, you're really ******* on
And your friends, they sing along and they love you
But the lows are so extreme that the good seems ******* cheap
And it teases you for weeks in its absence"

2007-12-04 19:45:56 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Our educational system is really failing our kids. It's sad.

2007-12-04 19:45:43 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

for our governments inability to manage the security of it's departments. Case in question: The ombudsman has found major fraud security issue's in the Road Traffic Authority. They propose to lower the period a licence is valid for before you have to renew it. If they reduce it from 10 to 5 years then they have doubled their revenue on licence renewal. Why the hell should we suffer for their inability to provide fraud security? So we all feel their doing us a favour, they plaster Tony Mokbel ( and how he obtained a fraudulant licence ) over the story to make you feel it's worth paying more.

2007-12-04 19:45:06 · 3 answers · asked by Let the shoosting begin! 1 in Polls & Surveys

I have bought a bunch of expensive "Georgian" brand oil paints at a low price but it still ended up expensive for my budget, because of my inexperience and a busy schedule, I wont be able to use them for a while,
1)can they just sit there for a long time?

2)how long?

3)will time effect them at all if they are sealed in their original tubes the whole time, even a little bit?

2007-12-04 19:44:50 · 3 answers · asked by karmajjj123 1 in Painting

Because in the USA you have a high use of cars and also a high divorce rate. Unlike in UK and Europe where we do not need cars and we get divorced less, much less. We have got public transport, so no arguments about who drives, (hey, it's the bus driver or train driver), no arguments about who is in charge (hey, it's the Danish captain of the ship), no arguments about child seats (kids travel free) no arguments about child support (free daycare paid for with the tax on automobile fuel and parking charges). SURELY the automobile (and the love of too much individual consumption and the SELF over society) is to BLAME for all, or most, of the social problems in the USA today !

2007-12-04 19:44:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

but can you tell me what it means when someone says they were emancipated. Obviously freed, but of what? Is it like a coming of age or something? I live in Australia and we don't commonly use that word.

2007-12-04 19:43:36 · 15 answers · asked by Miss Sally Anne 7 in Etiquette

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