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All categories - 27 November 2007

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Silent Night is my favorite.

2007-11-27 07:45:32 · 17 answers · asked by Miz D 6 in Christmas

There are obvious forms of self-expression, such as writing, painting, engaging in sexual activity, and dancing. Can you think of some less obvious ones? And, for you, what is your favorite vehicle for self-expression and why?

My favorite is dancing because that is when I feel most free. I feel limited when writing because of the words available to me. With painting, I feel limited by the colors.

I realize that with dance, my own ability can be limiting, but that is true for other forms as well.

2007-11-27 07:45:29 · 9 answers · asked by Trina™ 6 in Philosophy


From the error and default messages I am receiving I cant send or receive email unless I allow others to email me on my profile - is this another bright idea of Yahoos? So the way Yahoo thinks is we accept all the hate mail and death threats sent to us or we arent allowed to use Yahoo email? What a crock that is -

2007-11-27 07:45:26 · 10 answers · asked by isotope2007 6 in Senior Citizens


There -
The not-place:
Island of ideals, paradise perfection,
In fields of gold,
Life is peace and Earth is free;
Pure harmony,
No suffering, and eternal youth.

Here –
The ill-place:
Decaying paradise’s grave
In fields of blood,
The bullet rules and lies are truth;
Ideals exist,
But exist alongside man:
The element of destruction.

2007-11-27 07:45:00 · 18 answers · asked by kleptomanic sheep 5 in Poetry

I am currently a junior at Villanova and I narrowed my choices down to 2 majors but I do not know which way to go. I was considering becoming a CPA, but people tell me the job is very tedious and "boring" with average pay.
Finance on the other hand is harder to find a job but more interesting and you get to travel.
What do you think?
Major in finance and minor in Accounting or vice versa?

2007-11-27 07:44:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

I swear to god this is true. I'm not sure how to ask my doctor about it. I've searched about it online and can't find anything.. which leads me to believe im off my damn rocker. Since getting pregnant, anytime my nipples are stimulated (during sex, foreplay, things of that nature) i get TERRIBLE ANXIETY. like a straight up anxiety attack! I get so sad/nervous/afraid .. ive had anxiety always in my life.. which i would describe as short periods of time that i get extremely depressed for NO REASON. and then it goes away on its own. Has this happened to anyone else? could the oxytocin that my body is letting out have this effect on me?

2007-11-27 07:44:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

that onion is to die for...

anyone have a recipe of it!! along with any dipping sauces

2007-11-27 07:44:50 · 4 answers · asked by ? 6 in Cooking & Recipes

I used to think it was a fortune, but not in this day and age!

Rent is through the roof in my area! Throw on top of that renter's insurance, gas, car payment, car insurance, student loans, debts, retirement accounts, investments, savings accounts and some money to have fun. All of a sudden, $20 an hour is not enough.

2007-11-27 07:44:43 · 17 answers · asked by Andre 7 in Personal Finance

The card wouldn't be there in time since they will make decision Thursday

~What should the email say

2007-11-27 07:44:37 · 9 answers · asked by Fruitful1 3 in Administrative and Office Support

Get it ? Thats my song ...

2007-11-27 07:44:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

have you ever ''fell in love" with some one but did not know them or know who they actually were?

2007-11-27 07:44:33 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

and then found out they were pregnant..what type of cramping did you have if any during the first few weeks of prengnancy..

2007-11-27 07:44:27 · 8 answers · asked by kisses 2 in Trying to Conceive

I mean I have been a Sabres fan my whole life - Win or lose. I am from Buffalo, I play hockey, my family has had season tickets for over 10 years, I love the city I live in. Why is it that you have to dump on every fan of ours and call us bangwagoners? There are teams in the league that cant even put fans in the seats. I am sure that there are a few fair weather fans but not all of us are like that. Is it rivalry, a dislike for our players, our city, fans...what do you have against the Sabres and our fans?

2007-11-27 07:44:00 · 25 answers · asked by Ben 6 in Hockey

No jokes about hookers please lol

2007-11-27 07:43:46 · 21 answers · asked by Lee Lee 5 in Small Business

I just placed my yearly Victoria's Secret Christmas order, as I do every year, requested gift boxes, as I do every year also. This year, the boxes didn't arrive with my order. When I called Customer Service, they explained that they now charge $3 per box. Chinsy and cheap, in my opinion. I probably won't continue to shop there because of the incident.. who else thinks it's absurd to charge for boxes at Christmas?

2007-11-27 07:43:46 · 18 answers · asked by Cupid 6 in Christmas

I recently received a flat screen tv and want to hang it up on the wall. I understand I have to buy a wall mount but I've also heard that you have to be sure your wall can "handle the weight of the tv" . Apparently, something about the drywall. I'm so very lost. Please help guys ... I don't want to hang it up and then it fall and break.

2007-11-27 07:43:36 · 16 answers · asked by 1 Love 3 in Do It Yourself (DIY)

That you were the fastest swimmer out of the whole load?

2007-11-27 07:43:35 · 34 answers · asked by first_1exit 4 in Polls & Surveys

I want to be an actress and I've tried everything. I don't live in a big city and there really aren't any classes here and no acting coaches. I want to make my dream come true, but sometimes I feel like there is no hope for me. It's very depressing at times, but I keep telling myself that if I have faith, then maybe my big break could come. My dream is to win an Oscar when I'm 17 or 18. I want to be the youngest person to ever win one in the 21st cenutry....(im 15 now) it seems impossible....I know. But I believe that it could happen, maybe anything could. But how am I going to reach my goal when I have no experience? When I haven't even really acted before? I need help. I need to find a good teacher or good classes close to me. Can anybody recommend any? Does anyone know any good acting teachers that would be willing to help me? I'm in Baltimore, MD, by the way...it's really not a big city. If anybody can help me, please speak up.

Thank you

2007-11-27 07:43:13 · 6 answers · asked by xxxjohnnylova26xxx 1 in Theater & Acting

I have been very distracted this week and forgot to plan an activity for my daisy troop! Anyone have any quick, easy ideas? I don't have time to go out and buy anything. Our meeting is tonight! I am going back to school and just lost track of time.

2007-11-27 07:43:12 · 8 answers · asked by *♥Mrs. Morrow♥* 2 in Grade-Schooler

please do not give me www.onlinecinema.org

2007-11-27 07:43:09 · 1 answers · asked by Danna S 1 in Video & Online Games


Will Obama and Clinton eventually irritate everybody so much with their childish bickering that no one will vote for them?

2007-11-27 07:43:06 · 5 answers · asked by nothing 5 in Politics

I dont know how Im going to cope when shes gone, I have never lost something so special to me before. Has anyone got any tips for when she does pass away, how I can cope with her death? Ty.

2007-11-27 07:43:03 · 32 answers · asked by Morgan M 1 in Dogs

This "person" answered a question on sex like this:

"Check out 1Corinthians. Paul had a problem with sex. He was probably a closet homosexual."

How "illogical". Will this person ALSO say that homosexuality was a "problem" ? Or will they...lie?


2007-11-27 07:42:48 · 8 answers · asked by JayDee 2 in Religion & Spirituality

is there a way to delete/discover the password in an excel document?

let me know if you need more information, since i dont know anything about passwords in excel

2007-11-27 07:42:48 · 1 answers · asked by That's what she said 4 in Software

2007-11-27 07:42:33 · 1 answers · asked by KRISTEN J 1 in Earth Sciences & Geology

My grandmother will be 65 3/08, and we're getting info about Medicare. I handle these things for her, and took the intro book home to read. Honestly, I don't know where to begin! Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D, Med Advantage vs Med Orginal...OMG! She does currently have a healthcare plan, which I know she'll need to keep after signing up with Medicare. I will be speaking with a Medicare specialist, not til next week, so, I'd love to hear any experienced voices with this! What is the first step in deciding what to do? My gram and I appreciate the feedback, folks!

2007-11-27 07:42:29 · 1 answers · asked by Mookie 5 in Other - Society & Culture

My husband constantly tries to have some sort of a relationship with his parents, who are extremely emotionally abusive toward him. He gets hurt by them, over and over again, but always ends up running back for more. It hurts our relationship because he's still the little boy trying to please mom and dad, and has blown off the 'leaving and cleaving' to his wife thing. I'm quite sure his parents are not going to change, they are not going to give him the love and affection that he so desperately wants from them, and his obsession with trying to get them to do it is keeping him from moving forward and paying attention to wife and kids.
I feel badly for him, but I'm tired of watching him get kicked over and over again, and of this being such a barrier to our marriage being his main focus. What do I do - let him continue this until it eventually drives me away? Tell him it's got to stop? I've tried to find middle ground but as soon as he's with his parents he becomes obsessed.

2007-11-27 07:42:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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