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All categories - 11 November 2007

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The "ABS" light is on in my Explorer. I kind of think that it might have a blown fuse. Since I bought the truck used it didn't come with an owners manual. I'm looking for the fuse number of the ABS. If someone has this information, could you please share it with me ? Thank you in advance !

2007-11-11 08:22:11 · 5 answers · asked by Jayson L 2 in Ford

Most of you know that my fiance died 3 years ago. well last night I had a very weird dream.

He came in and was very worried, started yelling at me to pack and get out of here, went into my room and my boys room and started throwing clothes in bags and kept yelling, he is coming after you, he is going to kill you, you have to leave know!. then all of a sudden somebody started to try and get in the front door, Dave ran to the door and was holding it shut and yelling at me to get the boys and get out know!. so I grabbed the boys and went out the back door, as I was driving I was worried about Dave, then remembered he was allready dead so there wasnt much they could do to him, then he showed up in the back seat yelling at me again to hurry, they were coming, get out know!, then I got so scared I woke myself up.

2007-11-11 08:22:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

I have 3 children. Two girls 9 and 4 and a son 8.Beautiful, smart, kind, respectful children they all are for the most part, but my son has a problem with lying and stealing. He has had this problem since 4. He takes food mostly,but has stolen 100.00$ from me once and I think he takes my change out of my wallet.His father has been in his life on and off.He lived with him after I gave birth to my youngest due to money issues and was separated from me and the girls.I know this made him sad and angry that he was left behind.The stealing didn't start until after this but he doesn't do this when in his custody, but he wasn't a happy child with him and his father lacked parenting skills like washing clothes, doctor visits, good diet, and personal hygiene so I took our child back after two months and he has been with me every since, no matter what I do he steals and lies.But not when my soldier husband is home, but he is deployed now and it is worst. I want to give up, but i love him.HELP?

2007-11-11 08:22:03 · 14 answers · asked by Christina S 2 in Grade-Schooler

A giant branch has fallen in front of my steps before and luckily it was 5 mins after my friend walked in. Also some of our cable lines passes through the giant tree before reaching my house. Also the tree for some reason over the past 3 years have been increasingly raining sap and huge droplets at that all over my dad's car and front yard. It's horrible, the pine needles are constantly falling down and also slowly destroying the car as well by slowly seeping into cracks and creating gaps in the car's molding (we don't have an indoor garage).

Bottom line, the giant pine tree is hurting our property and almost injured a visitor. Want to cut down tree but has very low income. I heard cutting down the tree (25ft estimate) costs about $2 - $3000. Any helpful information on getting the tree cut down cheap or free would be appreciated. Thanks.

2007-11-11 08:22:02 · 11 answers · asked by Taevion 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

Not very exspensive =)

2007-11-11 08:21:54 · 5 answers · asked by Got milk? 3 in Laptops & Notebooks

mine is The Good,The Bad,and The Ugly

2007-11-11 08:21:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-11-11 08:21:40 · 9 answers · asked by Pompal 7 in Polls & Surveys

I'm looking for an eighties HBO program. It's called Young Comedians. This one had Sam Kinison,Rita Rudner,Bob Saggat. It also had some guy who did a football routine. It was hysterical. I would be grateful for anyone who would share/sell me a copy of it. It had a cult following in the eighties. Thanks

2007-11-11 08:21:40 · 2 answers · asked by micwingman 2 in Comedy

what would you do with the rest of your life if u knew u were going to hell once u died???????

2007-11-11 08:21:33 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

when I was a kid!


2007-11-11 08:21:19 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

me to bring you this Christmass?

2007-11-11 08:21:09 · 60 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Name all the words you can think of (any words). They can't be a made-up words.

You can use your dictionary...

2007-11-11 08:20:58 · 21 answers · asked by Darkray 6 in Polls & Surveys

Well There 3 types of Black people Hair for Example: Fine, Course and Kinky so Why some other people think All Blacks have the same hair Texture! I'm Black woman with Light skin and my hair is In between Fine and Course hair and I put prems in my hair to make it real Straight but Some Black Women say you really don't needs prems you just need to Striaght it and thats it. Sometimes my hair is already Straight! Some blacks have Kinky hair(Thick Hair). My mother is Brown skinned Black and She have natural Striaght Fine hair.

2007-11-11 08:20:54 · 17 answers · asked by Kelis Jordan 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I have been with my boyfriend for 7 years. We are both young, im 24 and hes 23.
In our relationship we have had many ups and downs, it got really bad at one point where I felt the need to just go away bc in the past he had lied to me by posing as single online and always watching porn, despite the fact that i always pleasured him.

I couldn't handle it anymore, so after being together for 5 years and having a conversation about our future and him telling me he wasnt sure, i decided to study abroad for a year.

I figured it would be the smartest thing i could do, for my own sanity and also to get away and have him figure out what he wanted. So my first week of living abroad he has already added himself to Hotornot as single. Immediately when i saw this i cried but i knew i had a whole year to look forward to in a different country with new people.

So when he called me i told him it was over and why.

2007-11-11 08:20:44 · 21 answers · asked by Selina 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-11-11 08:20:38 · 15 answers · asked by Sucre Noir 5 in Polls & Surveys

I have a Stafffy cross dog and when i took her to vets to be chipped the vet told me she could be spayed from 6 months, which i was keen to do, so we are not even taking ANY chances, but when i called the vets to book her in, the receptionist told me i had to wait til she had her first season and then 3 months after. I explained what the vet told me and she was adamant it was wrong. I was gobsmacked as i thought the vet would know better that her as he would be more qualified.
I do not want to take her to another vet as we have been with this vet for ages and i would prefer her to be with a vet i know and trust.
Does anyone know what the best time or earliest time to have dog spayed?

2007-11-11 08:20:35 · 25 answers · asked by 2plus3 3 in Dogs

I've heard of some pretty amazing ones!!

What was yours?


2007-11-11 08:20:15 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys


Can my friend seriously be mad at me for hanging out with this guy this weekend instead of her. Yes we had plans already and I just put more plans over it. I understand that, but she taking it all up the butt and around the corner. Not only that I've done so much stuff for her that I didn't want to do. But did I get mad. I was in a tank top and shorts until one in the morning once for her and her little boyfriend. I snuck out of her house at three in the morning with her to go to her boyfriend's, when of course I didn't want to. But when I want to make plans with the guy I like and interrupt our boring plans she gets mad. I've done so much for her can't she just be happy I'm finally having my chance to hang out with him?
And I hang out with her every flipping weekend and we do the same thing. Wake up, Eat, Shower, Get ready, Take pictures, If we're lucky go to the park or go uptown, then eat again, watch tv, then sleep.
Same thing every weekend. UGH!
Does she have a right to be mad?

2007-11-11 08:20:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I have cable and use a splitter so I can have cable in my bedroom. I have noticed that when I disconnect the splitter and run the cable directly to the Sony it's an awesome picture but when I have the splitter connected so I can use my bedroom tv the picture isn't as good. Any ideas as to how to fix this. Getting tired of changing the cable connection. Sorry this is so long and complicated, thank you.

2007-11-11 08:20:05 · 1 answers · asked by Mrs. Fuzzy Bottoms 7 in TVs

i need to do homework on all the different drugs and what they do to you. like the names and what they do to you. thnx you!

2007-11-11 08:19:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Primary & Secondary Education

Since the bible clearly says (many times....see link) that the world will end either in the lifetimes of Jesus contemporaries, or within the lifetimes of the NT authors, does that mean the world has actually already ended?


2007-11-11 08:19:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I tivo'd csi but missed w/o a trace.
Why was they boy and the ex grilfriend killed in the beginning of CSI? How were they tied into the other murders and motives?
I read on other answers that the guy killed himself and the boy went to live with his aunt and that the kidnapped boy was found dead in AZ.
What was the motive for his kidnapping, was he recently killed or over 6 years ago.
How did everything tie into everything,
motives for killing/kidnapping?

2007-11-11 08:19:16 · 2 answers · asked by Aimee B 6 in Drama

if so..what made you change your beliefs?

2007-11-11 08:19:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-11-11 08:18:55 · 5 answers · asked by D.F 6 in Polls & Surveys

i love cashews they are so yummy! ok thats it, I'm going to the store I'm so hungry now.

2007-11-11 08:18:51 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Before the Southeast Asia converted to Muslim, Arabs sailors and traders frequently visited ports of Southeast Asia, Since the 13th Century, these traders carried not on goods on their ships, they also carried the spread of Islam to the island of Southeast Asia. From history viewpoint, Southeast Asia had been the center of trade, Its region was where the Chinese from the European Asians would trade, the trade port would be located along the coast of the Malayan Peninsula, which was connected to the Indian Ocean. Beside trading ports as Malayan, there was one located in east Sumatra and north Java

2007-11-11 08:18:43 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

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