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All categories - 10 November 2007

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Supppose the bisector of an angle divides the angle into two angles, each of which is 15 degrees less than the complement of the angle.What is the measure of the angle?

2007-11-10 10:50:52 · 10 answers · asked by Mike m 1 in Mathematics

I want to buy a portrait lighting kit....What should I look for when considering one? Any suggestions on brands?

2007-11-10 10:50:03 · 5 answers · asked by E 1 in Photography

What does it mean when your husband of 6 yrs meet a female and becomes good friend with her and her husband but will never allow you to meet either one,because he says they're his friend and not mine but he also talk to the girl alot on line or the phone but he work and comes home all the time.My heart doesn't believe he is cheating but my mind really make me wonder why he is so secertive.He tells me there only freinds. But I am his wife and why can't I meet this so called friend,what is the big deal. any advice mind wondering,someone please help.

2007-11-10 10:50:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

There is a girl who is 10 years old and probably she is a victim of incest or violence. She lives with her father. The parents are divorced and the mother is living in another city.

She denies to tell that her father abuses her. I know it. Because she behaves really strange and sometimes her reactions for usual things are so extreme.

A couple days ago I wanted to hold her hair. She yelled at me like "Don't touch me!" and then she apologized for her strange manner. She also really hates her father but denies to tell me the reason. She always says "He may go to the hell!" or something similar to this. She also said that her father told the girl that he loves her very much since she resembles her mother.

As a matter of fact I want to do something for her but I don't want to force her. How can I make her tell me the truth. Maybe I can do something for her and help her get rid of this father. But since she denies to talk, I can't do anything and I don't want to break her heart. Of course I'm not so sure about those. But I want to be sure then do something.

I know this is something too serious for me to handle alone but I need some suggestions about this issue. What do you think I should do?

2007-11-10 10:49:54 · 7 answers · asked by C. is taking a break! 5 in Psychology

2007-11-10 10:49:44 · 13 answers · asked by Steven B 2 in Fish

I am watching a reairing of the CMA's and they just preformed. I think they are great and put on an awesome show. There's always a preformer or a group in every music genera that always steps outside the box and does something different then the others, which is great. I think in country, Big and Rich are this.

2007-11-10 10:49:35 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Country

My ex-fiance and I just moved into together in august. Since then it has been nothing but drama. He is verbally and emotionally abusive toward me. I have asked him to leave and he states he will when he feels like it. He is always drinking and always complaining about one thing or another. the utilities are in my name. I also have two children and they have adjusted very well to the area, and school. I dont feel I should be the one to leave, I moved them once to be with this man. Is there anyhting I can do to make him leave?

2007-11-10 10:49:30 · 5 answers · asked by Sarah B 1 in Marriage & Divorce

For example

I play my E string
Which fret on the B string should sound like the E string?

2007-11-10 10:49:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Performing Arts

Say you know if the money is in there, you will most likely take it out if you can! Is there a way to set up an account that will let you put an age limit on it? Example: Say I am 27 and I want to save my money for two years? They put a lock on it till I am 29 so that no matter what... I cannot take it out!!!

2007-11-10 10:49:22 · 4 answers · asked by Kim 2 in Personal Finance

I dont feel like getting out of bed in the morning and when I do I am tired most of the day. I feel like people are criticizing me all the time. And I just sit at home and never go to friends. I sometimes feel like a failure and just want to stop everything and take a break. I feel stressed all the time.

2007-11-10 10:49:14 · 7 answers · asked by carguy 2 in Psychology

the christmas present when no one is around then you rewrap again?

i dont but i usual peek it little hole lol

2007-11-10 10:49:05 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

All week my boyfriend has been calling me, telling me how much he misses me and wants to see me. So naturally, I suggested we hang out this weekend. At first he ignored my idea, and changed the subject, which I found strange.

So I decided to give him a few days and bring it up later. Last night I called him, and once again he started telling me how much he missed me. So I told him, again, that we should hang out that weekend. This time he got all excited, promised he would see me, and even said he would come up that night.

Well, he never called me back, and he never showed up. All I got was a text message in the middle of the night telling me he was thinking of me. He hasn't called today, and I have a feeling he is going to break his promise.

Why would he lie to me and blow me off??

2007-11-10 10:48:18 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am planing to visit Las Vegas on the weekend before Christmas for a day. I will be leaving LA to LV that morning and planing to leave LV the next day morning as we would want to see places in LA. I have a total of 3 days for my trip. So planing on spending 1 day in Vegas and 2 days in LA. I wanted to know if 1 day trip to Vegas will be worth it. Please advice. Thanks in advance!!!

2007-11-10 10:48:10 · 8 answers · asked by Kriss 1 in Las Vegas

2007-11-10 10:48:06 · 7 answers · asked by ? 1 in Men's Health

They will be here in Dallas soon.

2007-11-10 10:47:50 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Hey, I'm 19 years old and I'm planning to move to london soon.
I though about buying a small boat park it in the marina and live there instand of rent a small ugly studio apartment in soho and pay 600Pound (1200$) a month.
Anybody here lives on a boat?
In london climate it will be okay living on a boat?
How much a small sail boat with a room I can live in and a small mini-bar should cost? How much the electricity, the water bill, and the rent should cost monthly?
Rain won't get in ?
Is that strange to bring women to the boat you live in ? ^^

2007-11-10 10:47:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Boats & Boating

Even though I am a shoe-aholic (I can't pass a shoe store without buying a pair. LOL!!) I do have a few favorites that I wear that I just simply will not part with no matter how old they get. How about you?

2007-11-10 10:47:31 · 17 answers · asked by ♫brokenangel♫ 6 in Polls & Surveys

I hit my mouth really hard yesterday, it was bleeding and swelled, and hurt a lot. I took some ibuprophen. It still hurts and now there's a white bump on my upper lip where I hit it. Is the white bump Normal? Should I pop it? Are there special treatments, rather than pain killers and cold water?I hit my mouth really hard yesterday, it was bleeding and swelled, and hurt a lot. I took some ibuprophen. It still hurts and now there's a white bump on my upper lip where I hit it. Is the white bump Normal? Should I pop it? Are there special treatments, rather than pain killers and cold water?

2007-11-10 10:47:26 · 11 answers · asked by C J 2 in Dental

Is the muzzle velocity of .38 special too slow to get adequate penetration? My friend is handicapped and cannot hunt with a long gun. He has a .38 special revolver but because of his handicap he cannot handle a cartridge any more powerful.

2007-11-10 10:47:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hunting

instead of shutting it down after every use?
I know your supposed keep it on but i need a credible source to prove this to someone.
Also, when you close a laptop that doest actually count as shutting it down does it?

2007-11-10 10:47:14 · 8 answers · asked by KidHeretic 1 in Other - Computers

and you please give an intelligent, moral reason why, that makes you sound like a decent human being who cares about life and what happens to others other than you ...as in me me me first, and if it takes the ruining of the life of 10 million people and hundreds of thousand innocents to die to make you feel snug and comfy, than thats a sacrifice you are willing to have them make for you?

2007-11-10 10:47:10 · 11 answers · asked by ron j 1 in Politics

i want to move to the Denver Area and i was wondering what good towns are there. like good cities out of dever like the suburbs of denver.. nice and not all trashy like in the city and are good areas for families with kids to live in.

also when does it usually start snowing in denver area and how much snow do they usually get?
Thanks so much for you help ! =]

2007-11-10 10:47:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Denver

Dont you think it sounds likke hes making excuses?

Lampard, Owen , Becham ,Gerrad, Rooney, Terry, Ferdinand, cole are not exactly bad players are they

2007-11-10 10:47:00 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in English Football

and why?

[I'm sure i asked this a month ago or so, but there are new R&P members, with their own opinions that i'd like to hear.]


2007-11-10 10:46:45 · 40 answers · asked by Cinny [1334♀] 6 in Rock and Pop

2007-11-10 10:46:19 · 12 answers · asked by theemover 1 in NASCAR

What can we rely one?
Is not faith all about feelings?

How would you answer these questions? Please, state also your religion/belief system.

2007-11-10 10:46:09 · 22 answers · asked by Isthatso 5 in Religion & Spirituality

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