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All categories - 17 October 2007

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When a girl is attractive or pretty she has to be having sex??? they are all so shocked when they find out. Does it scare guys away??

2007-10-17 08:01:02 · 42 answers · asked by iloveit 1 in Singles & Dating

what are some really good vegetarian meals?

I think I am lacto-ovo- vegetarian, what can and can't I eat?

2007-10-17 08:00:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Vegetarian & Vegan

2007-10-17 08:00:24 · 10 answers · asked by INDY 1 1 in Other - Europe

Some people say they are liberal and others will argue their beliefs are not actually liberal. What does this mean? What's a fake liberal?

2007-10-17 08:00:20 · 7 answers · asked by Paperdoll 1 in Politics

Fred turned out to be a dudd, and Giuliani is starting to lose steam....

2007-10-17 08:00:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

How often do you read what do you like to read whats your favorite book I read everyday I read at least one novel a month

2007-10-17 07:59:36 · 23 answers · asked by mrpoet03 4 in Books & Authors

It seems that even when he genuinely likes you and there is nothing wrong with you 2 he will pull back or break it off 'cos he's hesitant to get involved, says things like, I think you want more than I do right now, why so many expectations? or nothing at all and just stops calling....why is this anyone please?

2007-10-17 07:59:34 · 35 answers · asked by Sunshine Girl 3 in Singles & Dating

Is there a group of Muslims that kill infidels purely for Allah?

I mean, Osama Bin Ladin might kill for Allah, but there is a distinct political motivation behind it (over-agressive foreign policies and whatnot)

So what group, if there is one, is there that is not motivated by politics but by religion alone?

I don't think there is one, is there?

2007-10-17 07:59:24 · 10 answers · asked by CanadianFundamentalist 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm trying to get more safety and comfort for fellow libray users, and after repeated letters have gotten some positive responses. But main problem keeps on being that there's only one toilet facility for male and one for female. But according to latest response I just got from government official this is okay for a 5k square foot library with an "average mothly door count of approximately 5 thousand individuals". Those being his exact words.

Now, knowing we definetely need to have one additional toilet per bathroom, plus have them in booths, separated from the sink, I'm interested in finding out if there's a national concensus to this rule or regulation for the entire USA. Or is this in Florida only?

2007-10-17 07:59:14 · 4 answers · asked by 1-2informationalways 1 in Law & Ethics

If you could be completely honest with your guy without any possibility of retribution, what would be the one thing you'd love to tell him he needs to improve in the bedroom whether it be technique or anatomy?

2007-10-17 07:59:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am looking for the Flogging Molly song about Charlie Mopps. It goes . . . A long came a man by the name of charlie mopps, he invented the wonderful drink and made it out of hopps. . . . . I know the whole song but want to add it to myspace and can't remember the title of it for the life of me. Do you know what it is?? PLEASE TELL ME! Thanks

2007-10-17 07:59:06 · 5 answers · asked by Kcreek820 1 in Other - Music

I love ketchup, bbq sauce, jellies, honey..etc. :D

2007-10-17 07:59:02 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

When the national anthem is played, the footballers just stand there, do some on the spot jogging to keep warm and don't bother singing, (As seen the last 2 games.)

Whereas our rugby players, put arms around each others shoulders, and stare ahead in total focus, big as they are, you will see occasional tears in eyes, and they sing from their hearts and souls, They may not win, but they play with guts for their country.
England Footballers, play for their own glory, with no pride
England Rugby players play for their country, with total pride.

That's why England football will never win anything again. Unlike 1966, when they still played for their country, before the big bucks took over. What do you think?

2007-10-17 07:59:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Football

I was offered a job that I had been realy excited about. I began to second guess my abilities and desire for the job, then was offered the position. I said that I needed to think about it and they asked that I call back later in the day with my decision. When it was time to call I was not home an didn't have the number so I called 411 and asked for the person I needed to speak with and ended up on a blank voice mail twice. I left a message declininng the offer and moved on. It has now been a week and I do want the job. Can I take back my no? (that I don't even know if they got) I was thinking of going in person explaining and asking to be re considered. Should I or should I move on? ..... FYI I want the job but I do have another that I want more I just haven't been offerd yet but I need the work and the only offer I have I declined. HELP!!!

2007-10-17 07:59:00 · 6 answers · asked by caralezie 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

DISCLAIMER: Before getting bent out of shape (as some inevitably do, despite their bravest intentions to the contrary), please read this as a thought-provoking question on relativity, not as an accusative question aimed at one particular religion. The inspiration for this question is cited below, where the alternative viewpoint is very well represented and documented.

My goal is to contemplate the psychological principles of proximity and projection as they relate to conflicting religious interpretations of scripture.

2007-10-17 07:58:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

The atheists and the believers are always fighting it out. Why don't I ever see any satanists around here?

2007-10-17 07:58:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

does anyone have any schematics of a metronome circuit? or know where i can get one? also, does anyone have any ideas of what one could look like? (has to be small though, and is electric, not manually wound)

thanks in advance...

2007-10-17 07:58:20 · 1 answers · asked by Cookie Monster 3 in Hobbies & Crafts


i need links to websites that can show me what :
acute scalene
obtuse scalene
right scalene
acute isosolese
obtuse isoslese
right isosolese
and equilangular equilateral triangles all look like. if you cant find a website, please explain to me how to make the other ones. please and thank you <333

2007-10-17 07:58:18 · 3 answers · asked by Mrs. Efron <3 2 in Mathematics

I am 24 of age.I have been with her for 3 years . I know my girlfriend's family dislike me because i am not rich.I tried to proof myself can give a good life for my girlfriend.I own an IT company since last year.Just a small bussiness.I start work at age of 19 untill now.But her family still says the same things.Because i not as rich as them.But i already try my best to achieve a stabil life.Lately i found some problem between me and her.We broke because of their family.I am shame to find her again.And the words that spoken by her family is really hurt my feeling.She never find me again and i don't want to spoil her with her family relations.Maybe i am poor but all i have today is built by my own hand.there is no i should blame.I just wish to forget her as soon as possible , but its really hard to do that .Any expert out there could give a hand on how to forget someone you love the most?

2007-10-17 07:57:53 · 12 answers · asked by superdupaa 2 in Psychology

The Fairness Doctrine is being pushed heavily, and this, if passed, would pretty much silence conservative talk radio. I hope you will check out the link below.........and let us know what YOU think ????? What is happening to our freedom of speech?


2007-10-17 07:57:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

fedest.com, questions and answers