I am an employee of a Quick Service Food and Beverage Restaurant. The companies policy is that you are not permitted to wear anything around your neck that can be seen (i.e. chokers, collars, fancy necklaces, and such thing) unless it is part of your costume or easily hidden beneath your costume. For a number of months I have been wearing a pentagram pendant on a simple piece of cord. It hangs low enough to be hidden within my blouse and tucked into my tank top. One day my manger saw and ever since that day he has made it a point to look for the cord around my neck and say “You need to take THAT off.” While at the same time someone else could be walking past wearing something, that literally drops to their waist, on the outside of their costume and won't say a word to them. One co-workers has a gold chain around his neck that can clearly be seen even at a glance. Am I imagining things or am I experiencing religious discrimination?
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Law & Ethics