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All categories - 17 October 2007

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because the molecules in solids maintain a regular pattern and only vibrate, or move very slowly

because solids are denser than fluids

because the molecules in solids maintain a regular pattern and move very rapidly

because solids are under greater pressure than fluids

2007-10-17 07:51:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

I was told that I could either pay my apartment rent with personal check or money order. I was told by a few friends that they pay there rent with money order. They said its alot easier to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

2007-10-17 07:51:16 · 11 answers · asked by kathrine444 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I have a misdemeanor simple battery charge on my record and I want to become a Navy Master at Arms, I know my recuriter pretty well but I have not ask him this yet because I just began thinking that this is somthing i would like to do... can i get a criminal history waiver and if not for the Navy then for any other branch to be an MP or security forces?

2007-10-17 07:51:12 · 4 answers · asked by KPD25 1 in Military

Another user just gave a best answer for that definition.
It seems to defy any existing definition.

2007-10-17 07:51:08 · 8 answers · asked by oohhbother 7 in Politics

How many days would it take me to visit most points of interest and most beaches between these 2 cities? Im planning a surfing/sight seeing trip next summer. Ill have one week vacation time. Would that be enough? I live in Pasadena, CA and Im planning to leave to San Francisco on a Friday evening, stay there thru Sunday and start hitting the beaches starting Monday and work my way South the rest of the week. If you have any info or points of interest for me to check out any info is golden to me!

2007-10-17 07:51:06 · 2 answers · asked by dolfinstar72 2 in San Francisco

I am paying $40 a month for Comcast cable internet and it sucks. It will be lightning fast for one sec of the day and the rest it sucks. I had dail up before and at times comcast is just as slow and slower. I called them and they said it is because of other people around my area using it at the same time. they said I have to buy MORE bandwidth for faster internet. My friend has DSL and pays half the price as me and his is great. Its fast, plays videos with no waiting.
Who else has bad experience with Comcast frigin SLOW interenet?

2007-10-17 07:51:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Computers

2007-10-17 07:50:53 · 7 answers · asked by Abu Alwan A 1 in Credit

2007-10-17 07:50:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok, so an 18 year old did... well... stuff with a minor. but they were going out already. is there any chance the 18 year old can go to jail? but the thing is that the minor still loves the "adult" but her parents found out and now they made them break up. please help me, thanks so much!

2007-10-17 07:50:48 · 5 answers · asked by Kiki 3 in Law & Ethics

I am trying to apply for a loan in the amouint of $8000- for a doublewide. I am married, but i have poor credit, and my husband has none. My grandmother, as a doublewide, financed with National City, and she has a PERFECT credit score! NO DINGS, OR ANYTHING. She said she will be a co-signer. Can i still get declined, even with her as a cosigner?

2007-10-17 07:50:43 · 5 answers · asked by looking_4_0drama 2 in Credit

what do you feel would constitute a label of brainwashing in this case?
were you a product of brainwashing? do you attempt to "brainwash" others?
do you feel brainwashing is a relative term?

2007-10-17 07:50:37 · 44 answers · asked by dali333 7 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-17 07:50:33 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

ok, i dont normally do this but its quite urgent, i have maths homework and im running late plz help!

1) A number exceeds four times its reciprocal by 3. find the number forming a quadratic equation.

2) A cyclist travels 40km at a speed of x km/h. Find the time taken in terms of x. Find when his speed is reduced by 2 km/h. If the difference between the times is one hour, find the original speed x forming a quadratic equation.

Plz if u can help... help me :P i know i should be doing my own homework but i have like 30 questions like these still to do! If u can answer one of them, answer... n if both then YAY! i'll give 10 pts for the best answer that will also explain the woking out. THANKS!

2007-10-17 07:50:30 · 6 answers · asked by pwincess_laroosh 2 in Mathematics

isnt making marijuana illegal like saying god made a mistake? since he created it and all...

and this brings me to another question. wouldnt an all perfect god create an all perfect world? if no, then why not?

i hope you dont bother me asking but i was just a little curious about your logic on this. thanks in advance.

2007-10-17 07:50:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-17 07:50:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i mean these online schools look completely fake. Im an undergrad at a state school and the way these schools sound is just way too good to b true. Why would u think u can get the same degree with half the time effort, and $. They have online JD degrees u don't even need a bachelors or the lsat to get in!!! Are these schools degrees even valid newhere?

2007-10-17 07:50:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Higher Education (University +)

Although electric cars look to have amazing acceleration, they make the same noise my radio controlled model makes. I can envisage petrol-heads buying sound systems to make them play the sound of a big 6 litre gas guzzling monster. Or has it been done already?

2007-10-17 07:49:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

...screwed up things, don't you?
How can this be? How does this make any sense? How can you say what is good or evil if you have no basis for morality other than your own selfish will?

2007-10-17 07:49:49 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Such as helping with a viable solution. Not" shooting,killing,and rounding them up nonsense".I do know of some anti's
that actually are and have resect for thier views and passion even if I will fight just as hard to counter their attempt.

2007-10-17 07:49:48 · 16 answers · asked by gidget lil bit 4 in Immigration

I love everything Mexican and would like to know any good crazy drinks to serve at parties.

2007-10-17 07:49:41 · 11 answers · asked by phantompooper 2 in Non-Alcoholic Drinks

for halloween i wana be a 50s girl, like in greece. i want it to include a poodle skirt, shirt, pink ladies jacket, and scarf. i looked at all the most popular halloween stores and they dont have them. im 11 years old and i need a teen size....help please

2007-10-17 07:49:15 · 2 answers · asked by Hot chick <3 1 in Halloween

please do me this favor or give me a star if you can.

2007-10-17 07:49:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

My husband been in jail for 2 years 1/2 hes almost out in like 2 weeks..but i cheated on him with 5 different guys so i was doubting my love for my husband..but i feel so guilty when i go see my husband so i dont if i should tell him or no??But im afraid to loose him if i tell him the truth...What should i do???

2007-10-17 07:49:07 · 27 answers · asked by mz_virgo_818@att.net 1 in Marriage & Divorce

is there a save the fresh milk petition or something similar, I just read they are trying to make UHT milk 90% of the milk sold in shops and supermarkets because of the cows giving off gases that destroy the ozone layer, I don't like the taste of UHT milk and only use it as an emergency backup, Cornflakes just won't be the same without Fresh milk!

2007-10-17 07:49:03 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Food & Drink

have you accomplised it yet???

2007-10-17 07:48:58 · 11 answers · asked by Francesca 5 in Polls & Surveys

Am I the only one left that makes arrangements for my kids- either have a sitter come over, or go at night when my husband's home?

I hear and see more and more sick kids being hauled out shopping with mom these days and it bothers me.. part of healing is rest- and getting drug out into the world is anything BUT rest to anybody- and especially a child! Can't you remember how tired you'd be as a kid when you'd have been out with Mom?

2007-10-17 07:48:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I am moving to Germany because I am in the Army....I am letting someone take over my payments for my car what kind of paper work should I have and what should be in it.

2007-10-17 07:48:37 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Being an Atheist only means you do not believe in the existance of a diety. That's it.
Whatever else you may believe is wrong. People create their own opinions on what they believe in further and add it to being an atheist.
I'm sick of you people catorgorizing religion. and a question so this will be ligitamate...what is your personal belife?

2007-10-17 07:48:37 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

by virtue of this writ of subpoena to you directed, your are personally to be and appear, all excuses being set aside before the grand jury of this statem at a session of the same to be holden in and for the parish of calcasieu at the district attorneys office on the 18th of october and then and there to testify in behalf of the state touching such matters as you may be interrogated uponm and not thence depart without leave of the court. and herein fail not at your peril

2007-10-17 07:48:35 · 17 answers · asked by chickiegirl07 2 in Law & Ethics

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