Mohamed ElBaradei: "I repeat: we have not seen any undeclared facilities operating in Iran, we have not seen any concrete evidence that the Iran program is being weaponized. We have not received any information to that effect. So, I haven't heard any other information, to the contrary. So while we are still concerned about the nature of the Iranian program, we should not... I do not believe, at this stage, that we are facing clear and present danger that requires that we go beyond diplomacy."
Should we suspect a second propaganda offensive of the "WMD/Iraq" type? Why should the US/European populations trusts the governments that lied to them before rather than support the NPT regime and oblige their own countries to abide by it, dismantling their own weapons?
Read the NPT:
Iran is clearly abiding. The US is not (spec. art. III and VI).
15 answers
asked by
Washington Irving