It seems like the more "upright" and "Bible-believing" a person becomes, the more he or she treats other people like garbage! Especially if the other people in question have something "wrong" with them (like being Pagans, Gays, or Atheists, for instance... but these are hardly the only ones!) Jesus said "Judge not, lest ye be judged", yet many Christians (and Jews, Muslims, etc.) seem to think He didn't really mean it! Jesus repeatedly used Samaritans as examples of good people in His parables and stories, when Samaritans were considered the scum of the earth and heretic outcasts by the average Jew of the time whom He was addressing! According to the Jews, the Samaritans "wrong" religious beliefs meant they wouldn't go to Heaven when they died, but Jesus said that a tree (that is, a person) would be judged by its fruit (good works). Many Christians try to reverse it, judging the fruit (the good works) by the tree (the person), and claim the fruit is bad if they dislike the tree!
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Religion & Spirituality