People need to understand the difference between meccan and medinan verses. One set of verses was written when Muhammed was a minority, and it is filled with great stuff like respecting everyone and no compulsion in Islam. then, when he was strong enough to take Mecca forcefully, his verses started changing. instead of living peacefully and stuff, it turned to killing infidels and spreading the faith by the sword. since he has the power to force islam on people, he wasnt content to just tolerate others (IE the Jews of Khaybar who were visciously slaughtered and the women and children brought under slavery).
We can see this same pattern today. when muslims are a minority in a country, they talk about peace and tolerance (like america for the most part). but then, once a military power or numerical majority has been established (sudan, saudi), they start talking about killing the infidel. its a very well established pattern.
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Religion & Spirituality